For some years, Raglan Shire has thrived in Second Life, known for being the most noted community of Tinies. Later on, they made their way to Inworldz. Now, there are plans to tell stories of the place to a much larger audience beyond virtual worlds.
Zayn Till and Wynx Whiplash wrote "Some years back we created the whimsical world of Raglan Shire and the endearing characters called The Tinies who inhabit it. It's been our dream to bring "The Tinies of Raglan Shire" to mass audiences, with animations, music, merchandise and all kinds of fun things! Our team has been working hard at this for two years, all at our own expense, and we believe we have a real winner. We have a LOT of great things created: the characters, the world, their homes, music, stories and scripts. But now we are at a point where we need additional financial help to begin our next phase."
They went ahead and started up a page on Kickstarter, a "Crowdfunder" style website, for their startup "Jazz Paws" , "With engaging proof-of-concept work done in a professional and finished style, along with our other assets, we believe that we can get the attention and generate the interest of those who are in a position to deliver 'The Tinies of Raglan Shire' world and experience to the right audiences for profitable return. We envision TV shows, interactive web, retail and online merchandise, sponsorships, games, apps and more."
The goal set was $8,500 by April 6th. As of the morning of March 8 when this article was written, So far more than half of their fundraising goal has been raised, $4571 US dollars by 57 donators. Donations of at least $5 get a gift of some kind, with donations of at least a thousand having their names, "prominently displayed upon our web sites' Great Hedge Wall of Appreciation."
Wynx Whiplash is the creator of the Wynx tiny avatar brand. Zayn Till is a writer and musician, and one of the people behind Raglin Shire.
Sources:, Kickstarter, Jazz Paws
Bixyl Shuftan
11 hours ago
Tinypower!!! When will the tinies look like in this video? lol