October 4 to 10 is considered World Space Week," and the National Space Society in Second Life has been holding activities.
Come join the International Spaceflight Museum (ISM) and the National Space Society in Second Life (NSS in SL) in celebrating World Space Week, Oct. 4-10 2013. This year's theme is "Exploring Mars, Discovering Earth": http://www.worldspaceweek.org/wsw/index.php .

On Saturday, the group held a party complete with a DJ, the theme being their "Mars Fashion Challenge." On Sunday at 3PM, Shanna Starship and Tara Li held a panel discussion at the International Space Museum at the Spaceport Alpha sim. They and the audience discussed the challenges in colonizing, and teraforming, the surface of Mars. People dropping by were also encouraged to pick up T-shirts and coffee cups as souvenirs.
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