Saturday, September 30, 2023

Discord Issues

If you were having trouble getting on Discord on Friday September 29, you weren't alone. Numerous users using the client software were getting a while screen with the words "You have been blocked."
Someone posting on Twitter to Discord Support stated, "I suddenly get a Cloudflare "Sorry, you have been blocked" page when opening the Discord desktop client. Is something wrong on your end or am I false positive in some DoS detection?"

The problem is described as lasting for hours, and the company pinned the issue on the service experiencing "unusual traffic spikes."  It has been suggested that the reason was issues at Cloudfare, which Discord works with to improve it's service. 

The issue came up in a couple group chats in Second Life. Later in the day after the problem seemed to be resolved, it was suggested to users still having trouble that restarting the client, or their computers, would resolve the problem. A suggestion that Discord itself had been making.

Bixyl Shuftan

SL Video "A No Clothes Second Life"


From Merryjest on September 25, "In Second Life, with the new fancy new mesh clothing, if your system or connection is too slow... sometimes people just show up naked around you, TO you, even if they have clothing on. So I wrote a parody song about it."

Friday, September 29, 2023

Looking Back: The ToS Content Creator Controversy

 There's no denying Linden Lab was pretty smart in creating Second Life and keeping it updated over the years. But unfortunately, they've also been known to make some blunders as well. Ten years ago was when they made one of their most memorable, a change in the Terms of Service that basically stated they could take the hard-made work of content creators, and sell it as their own. The result was an uproar of criticism, by both people accusing Linden Lab of plotting to rip off it's residents, and people criticizing them for refusing to own up to it's mistake of poorly written language and correct it.

Read the story in Extra.

This Saturday at The Science Circle

Saturday, September30

    At 10 AM PST   

    XYZWs of Sex Determination
    By Dr. Mary Anne Clark
    The Science Circle (72,129,30)
    At 9 PM PST   

    World Tourism Day
    Jes Stannard
    The Science Circle (72,129,30)
    NOTE: Non-members required to register once
    IM Jes Cobalt or Nymf Hathaway

╚══════════════════════════════ The Science Circle (72,129,30) ═╝

Thursday, September 28, 2023

It Came From Bellisseria Chat

 From Kira Skydancer, who was giving her Linden Home a haunted house look for Halloween, "A tad early but right now I'm just messing with things." She got a few responses, "It's never too early to start working on the perfect atmosphere. Only 4 days until we can put up our outdoor Halloween decor. ..." "Halloween is a year round thing in my opinion. ... Time to go creep on her house and peer in from the road." Kira responded, "You can come and say hi, you don't have to lurk." 
The Halloween discussion would go on for a while, including debating adding giant spiders, as while scary, there were some true arachnophobics among those who would be trick or treating. 

Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Pillory A Linden (Or Mole)

While the purpose for Relay for Life fundraising events is very serious, they are often very fun. And when the Lindens and Moles get involved, there's often more fun to be had. Last Friday was the start of the Second Life Renaissance Festival, held to benefit Making Strides Against Breast Cancer. One event that day was "Pillory A Linden (or Mole)." And many residents came by to see some of Linden Lab's finest get locked up and pelted with rotten fruit.
Read the story in Events

Burn2 Is Coming

Today, Gemma Cleanslate reports on the upcoming Burn2. The largest annual art and music festival in Second Life, Burn2 is the virtual version of the Burning Man Festival that takes place in late summer in Black Rock Nevada. The volunteers are getting ready, and smaller events are being planned. And unlike the real one this year, you won't have to worry about being stuck in the mud.

Read Gemma's story in Design.

Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Events This Week at the Sunweaver and Montecito Bay Clubs, and Furry Fashion Lounge

Here's what's going on at the Sunweaver and Montecito Bay clubs, and the Furry Fashion Lounge.

Club Cutlass: Weird Stuff, Captains Anonymous, Wild West

Happy Vixen: DJ Maliit, DJ Arooo, DJ Geerkil, DJ Snowy, DJ Mattie, DJ Frost, DJ Squeaks, DJ Khyra

Club Zero Gravity: TBA

Bouncing Bunny Beach Club: DJ Snowy

Xanadu: DJ Jesse 

Club Squeaks: DJ Squeaks
Montecito Bay:  CAYA, After Dark

Furry Fashion Lounge:  Monochrome, Rainbow, Cyberpunk, CAYA

Read the schedules in SL Clubbin'

Merryjest At The Renaissance Festival

 There's been quite a lot going on at the Second Life Renaissance Festival. Friday had the "Pillory A Linden" event (which I will finish writing about soon). And every day, there are DJs and singers at the "Minstrel's Corner" stage. On Sunday, It was Merryjest Starchild's (formerly Maus Merryjest/Kain Scalia) turn to sing.

From Noon to about 1 PM SL time, he sung various songs to the crowd. This included some lighthearted ones such as "Always Look On The Second Side of Life."

At one point, he was singing while dancing on the ceiling of the stage. And no, it wasn't a Lionel Richie song.

The Festival will go on until Sunday October 1, with more music events every day.

Bixyl Shuftan

Monday, September 25, 2023

The 2024 Election US Presidency Exhibit

I recently came across an exhibit for next year's election in America, the 2024 Election US Presidency Exhibit. It's a place where one can learn a little more about the country's Presidential Election.

Visit this evolving exhibit about the 2024 Presidential Election. Review information about voting and voter registration, key dates for the 2024 election, Democratic and Republican Parties and candidates, and more! Collect party supplies! Enjoy refreshments from the Campaign Cafe! Start your own fireworks show!

The U.S. Presidency has been an exhibit topic at Learning Virtualē from September 2012 through March 2014 (for the 2012 presidential election and more) and April 2015 to present (for the 2016, 2020, and 2024 presidential elections and more). 
Looking around, there was a place to pick up bottled water and a hamburger or hot dog, or other goodies. There was also a sign "Exercise your Constitutional right to vote!" 
Among the displays was one of voter trends in recent years. There was also a billboard giving out notecards of recent Presidential and Presidential election scandals and controversies "and every Presidency seems to have an alleged scandal or a few." There was one place where one could read charts on voting statistics, such as what percentage of what age group went out and voted. The chart displayed was stating older people are more likely to vote, though in recent elections more younger people were coming to the polls. 

There were also a couple places where one could get a little information on the candidates, one for the Democrats and another for the Republicans. With this upcoming election having a Democrat as the incumbent, there were only a couple other candidates listed besides President Biden running for the nomination by the party. In contrast, there was a long list of candidates running for the Republican nomination for the Presidential race, such as former President Donald Trump who has been having a consistent lead in the polls. While fortunes in politics can, and have, change wildly in a short time, there is the likelyhood of the next US Presidential election having the same two candidates by the two major parties as in the previous one. This would be only one other time in more than a century this has happened, in 1956  when the Republican Dwight Eisenhower faced the Democrat Adlai Stevenson. Neither of the major parties have ever before nominated a former President to run in a Presidential Election in American history since Grover Cleveland in1892.  .

Learning Virtualē was founded by Addison Loxely and describes itself as "a group and site for educators, students, and others interested in the advancement of e-learning in (higher) education, particularly the integration of SL into learning experiences."

Announcement: Seanchai Library's Bradbury Project Coming Soon

Seanchai Library's newest literature-based adventure will be coming to Second Life in October.

Patterned on the successful, decade old Dickens Project, this new virtual adventure will focus on Ray Bradbury's "The Halloween Tree" and touch on some of his other works. 

The Bradbury Project will be accessed from Seanchai Library's main landing point on Nowhereville, and will use an SL Experience to support teleportation and effects.

Events will include "The Halloween Tree" presented in a three part live reading at times appropriate for week night and weekend residents. Eclipse Club & Resort will present music-dance events, and some other short works by Bradbury may also be presented.

Check the Seanchai Library blog in the first week of October for more details.

Sunday, September 24, 2023

Cartoon of The Day: What's In A Name?

 Taken at Club Scorn. Yes, that really was his name.

By Bixyl Shuftan

Saturday, September 23, 2023

SL Video: "These Boots Are Made For Walkin'"

 From Breen on July 2021, "Dance video shot in Second Life on July 18, 2021."

Friday, September 22, 2023

SL Rennaissance Festival Today


 The SL Renaissance Festival begins today. For the fourth year in a row, this event being held in three sims next to the American Cancer Society sim will last from today September 22 to Sunday October 1 will be held. There will be shopping, raffles, silent auctions, roleplay, music events, tournaments, and of couse lots to see. The Lindens will be at two events, "Pillory a Linden" and "Joust a Linden."
The money raised will go to Making Strides Against Breast Cancer. 
For more information, check out the website at

This Saturday at The Science Circle

Saturday, September 23

    At 10 AM PST   

     Fly Me To The Moon
    By The Moon Base Group
    The Science Circle (72,129,30)
    At 9 PM PST   

    AI in Medical Diagnosis
    Karthik P.
    The Science Circle (72,129,30)
    NOTE: Non-members required to register once
    IM Jes Cobalt or Nymf Hathaway

╚══════════════════════════════ The Science Circle (72,129,30) ═╝

Thursday, September 21, 2023

Whole Brain Health Opens New Underwater Sim

On Sunday September 17, there was the opening of a new underwater sim. Inspiration Bay, also known as Wild Fairy Pond, was open to visitors, and there was a live music event to celebrate. The area is part of Whole Brain Health's land, and the event announced by Wisdomseeker (Lissena Resident).

Come celebrate the opening of our new sim with its massive underwater environment, designed and developed by landscaper Luna Bliss!  Includes a special performance by Aubryn Melody at our underwater stage!  We hope to see you there!
Dropping by, the place was well-designed with plenty of underwater plants, rocks, fish, and occasional stone structures. It was all quite colorful. And it wasn't just one small area in the sim, but walking around I found much to explore. There was a place were one could get a snorkel if they wanted. In others, one could get a swimmer's AO.

In a notecard, the place was described as a collaboration with the Safe Waters Foundation. It would also say of builder Luna Bliss, "Luna has supported our classes in the past, generously donating her creations for students to build their projects, and we invited her to develop Inspiration Bay." The notecard also described the smaller surface area, "We have horses to ride the trail, rowboats, sailboats, canoes to tour the surface. You can spot the very fun Riverboat at Southwest corner, which also has a high-dive!"
I missed the tour that was offered, but did see the start of the live music event. Aubryn Melody was on stage, singing while playing her guitar, while the various people in the audience, merfolk and human, danced away. This included Luna, who was among the mers with her tail.
Bixyl Shuftan

In The Hole

 Remember the video of the Alcatraz sim we showed a few days ago? Well, I decided to give the location a visit to see if it was still around. While the sim was still there, it was under a new owner. And TPing over sent me to a small corner, with ban lines keeping me from going elsewhere, plummeting down into a small hole. With flight disabled, the only way out was to tp away. So this exploring had come to a dead end. 

Bixyl Shuftan

Wednesday, September 20, 2023

A Few Halloween Shopping Places

It may still be September. But already some places are getting ready for the spooky season that is Halloween. While there are haunted houses to see, others get into the spirit of things and decorate their places to make it spooky. Gemma Cleanslate decided to check out a few places where one can "scare up" some scary decor.
Read Gemma's story in Places.

Happy Talk Like A Pirate Day

The fox has been busy, and almost forgot it was "Talk Like A Pirate Day" yesterday. Here's an old picture from 2013. 
For a few more chuckles, check our 2013 article on pirate lingo

Bixyl Shuftan

Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Events This Week at the Sunweaver and Montecito Bay Clubs, and Furry Fashion Lounge

Here's what's going on at the Sunweaver and Montecito Bay clubs, and the Furry Fashion Lounge.

Club Cutlass: Silver and Gold, Fire and Ice, Purple and Blue

Happy Vixen: DJ Maliit, DJ Arooo, DJ Geerkil, DJ Snowy, DJ Mattie, DJ Frost, DJ Squeaks, DJ Khyra

Club Zero Gravity: TBA

Bouncing Bunny Beach Club: DJ Snowy

Xanadu: DJ Jesse 

Club Squeaks: DJ Squeaks
Montecito Bay:  CAYA, After Dark

Furry Fashion Lounge:  Monochrome, Celtic Green, Pink VS Purple, CAYA

Read the schedules in SL Clubbin'

SL Video: "Alcatraz - The Rock"


From Bleem Belargio on Sept 2021, "Video shot at the Alacatraz sim The Rock in Second Life." Sadly, the build is now gone, though this record of it remains.

Monday, September 18, 2023

Frets Nirvana Performs at Veterans Isle HFOT Benefit

 At Veterans Isle yesterday, September 17 at 2PM SL time, a noted performer came out of his hiatus. Frets Nirvana, known best for his help in organizing fundraisers for Homes For Our Troops, was once again picking up his guitar and singing after a break from performing. 

It has been quite a while but I am happy to inform you that inspiration has hit and I will once again climb the stage in Second Life today September 17 @ 2 PM.  I will be performing at the Veterans Isle hangar and all tips/donations are going to our efforts for HFOT in Second Life.  You can expect a new repertoire of tunes and hopefully my music has gotten better with age.  Rest assured that it has still been a big part of my life even though I have not been performing it in SL for quite a while.  My intention is to once again inspire you and put a smile on your day with music.  I hope to see you today at Veterans Isle.  We will see where life’s musical adventure takes us after this!  David Steel has been kind enough to offer his DJ talents at 1 PM prior to my performance so come on out early and have a great Sunday afternoon.

 Frets performed for a moderate though enthusiastic crowd, which dropped money into two house-shaped kiosks on either side of the stage. Bri McMahon, who was assisting, would thank them, "tysm for your generous donations to HFOTS! ... tp in your friends, don't let them miss out on Mr Frets being back for a special concert, or miss out on helping us Build Homes and Rebuild Lives along with Homes for  Our Troops!" She would continue to say more, "365 homes built, 74 current projects going, and 90 cents on the dollar goes directly to the program. ... Homes for Our Troops is a BBB Accredited Top Rated Military and Veteran Charity that will never cold call you asking for donations. ... Their mission: To build and donate specially adapted custom homes nationwide for severely injured post-9/11 Veterans, to enable them to rebuild their lives.... Since its inception in 2004, nearly 90 cents out of every dollar spent has gone directly to our program services for Veterans. HFOT builds these homes where the Veteran chooses to live, and continues its relationship with the Veterans after home delivery to assist them with rebuilding their lives. ..."

There was also some musing during the event, "Sorry xxxxxxx, didn't mean to kick ya like a can can girl." "I can't feel my avi butt." There was someone using the  "LEEROYYYYY JENKINS!!!!!" gesture. And there was someone with an unusual name, "Welcome, ThisPainsme."

At the end of the event, a total of 40,000 Linden dollars had been raised. Frets kept his promise, and donated an additional 40,000 L, bringing the total to 80,000 Linden dollars.

Fundraising events at Veterans Isle are usually on the first Wednesday of every month. But there have been occasional additional ones. For more information on Homes For Our Troops, click here:
Bixyl Shuftan

Press Release: Haunted Nawlins Howloween 2023

 "HOWLOWEEN" means all things spooky, monstrous, dark, and haunted (not gory).  Our celebration is grand, fun, wild... and interspersed with Dark Humor, Magick, and the (un)Dead.  We include Dia de los Muertos!
Celebrate the scary season in Haunted Nawlins (New Orleans).  Trick or treating for ALL ages, not just kids.  (Due to mature & spooky content, underage players should have adult supervision).

Lots of games, free unisex gifts, tons of food both creepy and Cajun!  Explore the French Quarter, dodge the zombies, barrel through the Bayou!  Another fantastic Festival in Flox.

The Sponsor for this event is ~Lantian/Flox~.  Participating merchants include: Chimeric Arts & Fashions, Indecision, +Inner Mantra+, Junk Food, Kaerri, Lorin's Sound Effects Station, LOVE, LozMac Designs, The Mustard Seed, Porta Portraits, Tea Lane, A Touch of Magic, and many more!  The full list is available here:
These merchants offer a wide range of top-quality decor, clothing, jewelry, furniture, and full perm items for your shopping therapy.  Even better, each of them has a free gift waiting for you!

Important: We encourage all to grab a FREE or Deluxe "Trick or Treat HUD" at the arrival building.  Wearing that, you can collect points by clicking doors, playing games, and interacting with certain animesh characters.  You can then trade those points for exclusive, high-quality prizes at the French Market!
     * 30 September - 5 November 2023
    * Also, the Haunted Nawlins build is permanent, and will be reused for future events.

    * At the Flox sim:

* Flickr Group:

Sunday, September 17, 2023

Classic SLN Cartoons: Dancing on A Dalek

 Originally posted on June 2, 2010. The picture was taken at Club Zero Gravity sometime before, showing a kitty dancing on a Dalec. The ones on "Dr. Who" wouldn't have tolerated such behavior at them at all, but this one was bearing it. Or considering the girl had no clothes, "baring" it.
This would be the last cartoon published in the Second Life Newspaper, as it would close a few days later. 

By Bixyl Shuftan

Saturday, September 16, 2023

SL Video: "When We Stand Together in Second Life"


From Bleem on September 15, "Music video of When We Stand Together shot in Second Life."

Friday, September 15, 2023

Writers' Meeting At Caledon

 Yesterday, I dropped in at the Writers' Meeting in the Caledon Night Readings Room. This is a place for people to talk about what they've been writing, listen in on others talking about what they've been writing, get a little help and inspiration on writing, and more.
Meeting for writers to talk about writing. Sit near the virtual fireplace and discuss about what one is writing, planning to write and maybe tell about their writing process. ... And somewhat random writings prompts are provided later, in case they might give inspiration. Use them whatever way you wish.  There is no demand to write anything based on the prompt for the next meeting. Come talk about writing or bring your questions about writing, editing, and publishing in a friendly atmosphere.
I dropped in a bit late on this particular meeting, which had one dracanic-looking avatar among the human ones. An earlier meeting I was at had a mix of humans, furries and tinies. One was talking about elves in his story universe, saying they had originally left the land the story takes place on, but were being forced to return, and most weren't able to use magic. One of those present commented that appealed to him, "more interesting when they have to use the grey matter between their ears."

The Writers' Meeting takes place every Thursday at 11 AM. The discussion is in chat and not voice.
Bixyl Shuftan

Press Release: Burn2 "Animalia"



Opening 6:00 pm SLT / Pacific, Friday October 6th, 2023

Ending Midnight PDT/SLT, Sunday, October 15th, 2023

Burn With Us!
BURN2 is an extension of the Burning Man culture and community into the world of Second Life. It is an official Burning Man Regional, the only virtual world Regional out of more than 100 Regional groups worldwide, and the only Regional to burn the Man! This unique virtual Regional spreads the culture and 10 Principles of Burning Man year-round in the world of Second Life hosting several official and Burner organised events each year, culminating in an annual major celebration of community, art and fire in October – a virtual echo of Black Rock City.

As always, we look forward to welcoming home Burners from all over the world ( Are you new to SL/Burn2? How to Come to BURN2 ). You’ll enter the playa through the Gate, where friendly Greeters will welcome you, walk on processions with the Lamplighters; visit the Rangers, and check out our effigies. Wander, explore, climb, interact. Visit Center Camp and the art and sound camps, where DJs and musicians bring music to soothe, inspire, excite and incite to dance. Wander through and explore the art camps, where artists, storytellers and others will have art, stories and engaging things to share. Pause at the Temple to meditate.

You will be surrounded by art, music, fire and welcoming Burners! See the (continuously updated) BURN2 Calendar at for the event’s schedule.

Burn2 ANIMALIA: October 6-15th, 2023
As is our tradition, our event’s theme is the same as Burning Man’s, which is ANIMALIA, an exploration of the animal worlds both real and imagined, and humanity’s place in it.
Every year, artists and creatives are invited to get their plots to create homes and art installations in our virtual temporary city. For 2023, we will have a total of 12 regions of our virtual playa - plenty of space for seasoned and new Burners to build their art, theme camps, and even camp villages. Collect some friends, create a HUBS cluster or a village, and join together to make your scene on BURN2’s virtual playa in 2023! Yes - you are encouraged to group build and make a great camp, a HUBS cluster or village, a sound camp, or art installation come alive.

We’ll help Burners bring their 3D builds into Second Life, encourage participants to decompress on our Playa, and there will be some supplies that you can use to decorate and make your place your own. Take your virtual theme camp to another level by creating events or gatherings in your space - you will be able to post your activities on our website in the soon-to-be-populated WHO::WHAT::WHERE Guide. We have a large Burner community at BURN2 eager to burn with you and we are excited to see what you will bring out to the virtual Playa and share with us! Check out more at Welcome Home!

Something New at Burn2…
At Burning Man, when you wander through the area, you’ll see all kinds of camps. Some gift food, others drink, and still others places to chill. Some invite fellow Burners to come in and visit, experience and interact with art and with each other. This has been the case for many years.

You’ll also find there are sound camps of different sizes in various places. Groups of people come together to construct their stages, play their tunes, dance, perform, read poetry, tell stories, and all manner of music to tickle your eardrums. In an effort to further echo Black Rock City we will not have a Main Stage or BOB Stage at our Octoburn event - although Center Camp will still host a small stage as has been the case in the past. We encourage the musically inclined and the prim slingers and mesh makers to come together and create shared stages in clusters of camps, much like the Burners at Burning Man. Sharing resources in similar, virtual, ways echoes Burning Man’s HUBS (Humans United for Better Sustainability) initiative.

B2TV’s roaming camera crew will live stream in various places, showing performances and awesome art all around the playa! If you can't log in, you can stay connected to the event through B2TV's Live Video Webcast to Mixcloud, which will be featured on the front page of Burn2’s website..Every participant puts into practice many of the 10 Principles in being a part of the event, most especially Communal Effort. We’ve had a number of sound camps in the past and we’re happy to see you come back each year! Let’s see some MOAR sound camps of all sizes! MOAR art camps! MOAR ART of all kinds!

Yes! The Plot Sale!
Our annual Octoburn plot sale is underway and will be open through Sunday, October 1st. Note that the build period closes at 11pm on Tuesday the 3rd of October. Burn2’s plot sale is equivalent to buying a ticket to camp at BRC. This helps to defray the cost of renting the extra regions we use in Second Life®. Where to go to get your plot? The plot sale kiosks are in a grotto in Burn2’s own virtual Gerlach. Check them out here: Burn2 Plot

Sale Landing Point.
So Now…What to Do? Get Your Plot Today!
First, get your plot! Decide how big a plot and what you want to do on your plot - art, music, join a sound or art village, or just have a camp. Then get your ticket for your plot! And while you wait for the regions to arrive, plan your build, form a village with other friends who get their own plots, get your ideas going so you’ll be ready when you get your placement in early September.

More Opportunities to Participate - Coming Soon

There will be more opportunities to participate in Burn2’s Octoburn event. Watch the main ANIMALIA
page as more information becomes available.

Gift Your Talents in Tunes and Dance Burn2 will have one stage for performers: Center Camp, ideal for more relaxed and intimate shows. Visit our website for more information about the event and how you can join the event as a DJ, live mixer, live musician or singer at Center Camp or one of the many independent sound camps. The Center Camp bookings are first come, first served.

Did you know… that plot owners can create their own stages and host performers if they wish? YES, they can! - you can do your thing inside your sound camp space - and invite others to join you, of course. Want to read, interview someone, have poetry readings? You can do that with a live stream or in local voice chat. You’ll be able to give us some information via the plot owner questionnaire after you get your plot and we’ll assist you with  good placement - and we’ll be helping to connect sound camps with performers!

Create an Art Display
Big art sounds intimidating? We are inviting Burners to contribute smaller scale art that will be displayed in various places at ANIMALIA. Put on your art beret, fire up the sketchbook or mesh build apps, sling some prims and add your bit of creativity to this event. The ANIMALIA Invited Artists committee is now accepting applications from 2D and 3D artists! Be sure to read the Invited Artists Guidelines before applying.

Plot Lottery
The application for the plot lottery (aka Plottery) will also be opening soon. These plots will be 512 square meters, with 156 LI max and height limit at 16m, in various locations around the expanded playa. They are intended for those who cannot afford the cost of a plot but want to have a spot on the playa to call home, create art, have some great fun.The Plottery application is now open!

And, last but not least…there will be Burns! You can come and watch the burns! The Man WILL Burn on Saturday, 14th October (noon and 6pm SLT), then the Temple will burn on Sunday the 15th (noon and 6pm SLT). Be sure to visit the beautiful Temple, and leave a message or two in the Censer. Those messages will be publicly read out before the Temple burns. We hope you find that the virtual Temple is a sacred space that can evoke a similar experience to what you would encounter at the Temple on a physically dusty Playa.

Tell Your Friends! Come and Participate!

We look forward to welcoming Home Burners and our community when the event opens on the 6th of October!

Then, you can walk through the gate, and if you are a virgin Burner, ring the bell! Follow the Lamplighters on their twice-daily processions; visit the Rangers, view the Man and meditate in the Temple. Dress your avatar in your Playa finest. Visit the many performance and art camps with music to soothe,  inspire, excite and incite to dance with your avatar. Dance along with your avatar in the comfort of your own home (nobody has to know!).

You will be surrounded by art, music, fire and welcoming Burners!

Want to stay informed through group notices? Join the BurningMan 2.0 group in Second Life. Log in, do a search on groups or pull up the profile of any BURN2 staff member, open the group properties, and click the Join button.

As always, the 10 Principles serve as our framework for how we want to live and do things together.

About Burning Man Project
The nonprofit Burning Man Project produces the annual Burning Man event in Black Rock City, and works year-round to provide support, education, and grants to a global ecosystem of artists, makers and community leaders. In doing so, the organization functions as the cultural heart of the global Burning Man  community, facilitating and extending the culture from the Burning Man event into the larger world.

SHARE the News about Burn2’s ANIMALIA Event!

This Saturday at The Science Circle

Saturday, September 16

    At 10 AM PST   

    Maternity Hospital: A Metaphor For Human Fertilization
    By Phil Youngblood PHD
    The Science Circle (72,129,30)
    At 9 PM PST   

    International Equal Pay Day
    By Jes Stannard
    The Science Circle (72,129,30)
    NOTE: Non-members required to register once
    IM Jes Cobalt or Nymf Hathaway

╚══════════════════════════════ The Science Circle (72,129,30) ═╝

Thursday, September 14, 2023

Caledon's Governor Desmond Shang To Retire

September 12th 2023 became a red letter day in Caledon history. Desmond Shang, Governor of the Independent State of Caledon since 2006, has announced that he will be stepping down. The position, fondly called by its citizens “Guvnah” will be assumed by NeoBokrug Elytis. It is understood that Caledon is not sold just placed into the hands of a new Governor. Desmond has known NeoBokrug for nearly 20 years and NeoBokrug is owner of The Wastelands which itself is 16 years old, thus clearly Caledon’s new Governor is well chosen. 
This does not mean that Desmond is leaving; it is only a retirement. He will still be a citizen of Caledon and will be present it is just that real life is even more demanding and can’t allow him to give Caledon the attention it needs. A Town Hall meeting is scheduled for September 16 at 2pm SLT at the Governor’s Mansion for the formal change of office and public introduction. Later within the week NeoBokrug will be sending out inaugural invitations so more information will be coming. 

Cynthia Farshore
Duchess of Caledon Downs

Crew Meeting: Monster Bush

 Last weekend, the SL Newser had it's monthly crew meeting at it's office in HV Community. At one point, Gemma Cleanslate rezzed what at first looked like an ordinary bush. But after a moment, something was peeking out.

Something that "Frank"ly would be appropriate for Halloween.

Bixyl Shuftan

Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Cartoon of The Day: Snail Mail

 Taken at Learning Virtualē. In the age of the Internet and e-mail, traditional mail isn't as popular as it used to be, sometimes getting called "snail mail." The designer of this mailbox decided have a little fun with it.
By Bixyl Shuftan 

Walk of Art

While on a tour, Newser reporter Gemma Cleanslate happened to visit an art instillation by Treacle Darlandes and her team. It is named "The Walk of Art."As the title suggests, there is much walking, including up stairs. The exhibits also offer words of encouragement to visitors. So what did Gemma think?
 Read Gemma's story in Design.

Angels Beach Land Rentals

At the Angels Beach Land Rental Agency, you can find a great new home in Second Life. With many sims to choose from, in the Sunweaver Estates, Hidden Valley, and Purrfection, you can choose from a variety of environments.

We offer places with friendly and interesting neighbors. Some places have a tropical island look, others more temperate. Some of the sims have access to enough water to boat around in. And there are plans later on for an open water sim for even more water activities. The sims are home to a number of quality clubs, such as Cutlass, Zero Gravity, Xanadu, the BBBC, and the Happy Vixen Beach Club. In one sim alone there are two quality clubs that work together so there is no lag from them. There are also some small shopping areas available.

The sims range from Mature to Adult, but the purpose of the adult rating is for a relaxed atmosphere in which couples can relax. The places do not allow for harassment, and while there are vendors that cater to mature tastes they are discreet about it. Spaces available range from small plots to a full homestead that will rent out for only $30,000L's per month. Most of the sims break the parcels down into 512 Sqm parcels and and most have a sliding rent scale, so the more you rent the cheaper it gets. Our prices are VERY competitive here in Second Life.

And if you bring a friend to an Angels Beach area, you get more than just a good neighbor. Anyone that refers a renter to us and they rent land, they will receive 10% of the first months rent. And if someone you know needs help renting out land on his/her sim, bring them to us. Renters who bring in a sim owner needing administration, we will give 10% of our first check.

To learn more, please contact Nydia Tungsten, Brandi Streusel, Jasmine Dawn (Jasmine Knickers), or Matoazma Kazyanenko.

"We pride ourselves on on not just renting land but renting our customers the land you want. We listen to what you tell us on what you are looking for." 

Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Events This Week at the Sunweaver and Montecito Bay Clubs, and Furry Fashion Lounge

Here's what's going on at the Sunweaver and Montecito Bay clubs, and the Furry Fashion Lounge.

Club Cutlass: Lil Bit O' Soul, Animation Characters, Back to School

Happy Vixen: DJ Charr, DJ Arooo, DJ Geerkil, DJ Snowy, DJ Char, DJ Frost, DJ Squeaks, DJ Khyra

Club Zero Gravity: TBA

Bouncing Bunny Beach Club: DJ Snowy

Xanadu: DJ Jesse 

Club Squeaks: DJ Squeaks
Montecito Bay:  CAYA, After Dark

Furry Fashion Lounge:  Paws VS Hooves , Cats vs Bunnies, Cyberpunk, CAYA, Ears and Tails

Read the schedules in SL Clubbin'

It Came From Bellisseria Chat: Carrot Caper By Boat

Another funny picture from Traci Quandry-Marabana (Traci Quandry). This one shows her raccoon minions loading her boat with carrots, one having fallen into the drink, and a couple are hauling someone to the boat as well, suggesting the veggies weren't exactly obtained via a purchase. 
She commented, "Well  just did one  with a boat. I call this 'Stop leave the cop, take the carrots.'" She would later say something about wondering if anyone got "the semi-movie reference." Exactly how the raccoons immobilized the policeman is unknown.

Monday, September 11, 2023

September 11 Memorials

 Today marks the 22nd anniversary of the September 11 terrorist attacks, in which four airliners were hijacked by Islamofacists intent on suicide missions. Two would crash into the World Trade Center in New York City, sending the Twin Towers crashing down after the fires weakened the steel supports. One slammed into the Pentagon in Arlington Virginia. The fourth plane ended up crashing in Shanksville Pennsylvania when the passengers found out what was going on through their cell phones and tried to take control of the plane back. Almost 3000 were killed as a result of the attacks, the deadliest terrorist attack on American soil in it's history. 

Over time, there have been a number of memorials to the fallen here in Second Life. In 2009, Alliez Mysterio had a well-designed memorial people could leave flowers and other momentos at. The Stairclimb Tribute to the firefighters by Cindy Bolero at Aero Pines was another. Fazio Magic made a detailed memorial at Stagg Island, which was there until his passing and was moved to Yellow River for a few years. Sadly, these memorials are gone, but there are others up today.

from Gemma Cleanslate

One memorial that's been around for several years is the one in the Gold Haven sim. Called "A Tribute to The Victims & Heroes Who Lost Their Lives on September 11, 2001," it was made by Bryston Vanvleck. It is located at .

 High over Copperfield Road is the Flight 93 Memorial, the virtual version of the real-life one. Set up by Paul Woodrunner, it can be found at

On the Mainland, there is this unnamed Twin Towers Memorial. It is located at

Also on the Mainland is the Memorial to Victims of Terrorism Throughout The World. By Prokofy Neva, while this memorial isn't specific to September 11, the attacks are mentioned here. The location is at .

Twenty-two years later, we still remember.

Bixyl Shuftan

September 11 - "A Fireman's Prayer"


 When I am called to duty,
whenever the flames may race,
give me strength to save some
life whatever be their age.
Help me embrace a little child
before it is too late,
or save an old person from
the horror of that fate.
Enable me to be alert,
and hear the weakest shout.
And quickly and efficiently
to put the fire out.
I want to fill my calling
and give the best in me.
To guard my every neighbor,
protect his property.
And if according to my fate
I am to lose my life,
please bless with your protecting hand
my children and my wife.

9/11/01 - We will never forget

Poem by Firefighter A.W. “Smokey” Linn

Sunday, September 10, 2023

Cartoon of The Day: A Flattering Eye Chart

 Taken while shopping at a mall. "You look mahvelous," was a catch phrase from 1980s "Saturday Night Live." But since it was looking like an eye chart, I was thinking about how a few male eye doctors might like to flirt with some female clients.

By Bixyl Shuftan