Saturday, November 30, 2024

Ark Fiction: Unhappy Thanksgiving

Officially, the game of Ark Survival Evolved is gone. The company closed down the official servers, leaving those with the game only the player-run servers or to play it single-player.  But for those who spent hour after hour on it, there are the memories. Among them, when there was the Thanksgiving event, and the "Super Turkey" that took forever to kill. So a Thansgiving joke by a friend had me thinking about this mutant bird that could easily have you for dinner, and I was inspired to come up with this piece of creative fiction.
Read the story in Other Grids, MMOs, and Games.  

Christmas Expo Has Opened

The Second Life Chrismas Expo, an off-season Relay for Life fundraising event, has now opened. The theme this year is  Christmas Through The Decades

The regions are themed from the 1900's to 2020 and cover all your shopping needs.
Visit the 150 merchant shops, find an Exclusive Christmas tree in the tree lot, build a snowman, enjoy 130 hour of Live Music, LE Breedables, Auctions and sooooo much more
The event takes place from now to Sunday December 8, taking place in ten sims.
For more information, check

SL Video: "Malinka"

From Furrex on May 14

Friday, November 29, 2024

Reader Submitted: Letter to The Editor - The Death of SL

Magnus (Magnustemporal Resident), recently sent in a commentary about the state of Second Life, which is based on observations he has had over time. So what future does he see for the Grid. From his point of view, it depends. It depends on what we the residents, from DJs to content creators to viewer teams, can do to spread the word and make things a little easier for newcommers.

Read Magnus' commentary in Extra

Dench Christmas Shop

Thanksgiving is over, and the Christmas shopping season is upon us. And some want to get an early start for "Black Friday." One place to start is Dench Designs. An old favorite of Gemma Cleanslate's, she dropped over to take a look at their Christmas items. 

Read Gemma's article in Design

Press Release: Bay City Tree Lighting, Sunday December 1



Holiday charity event set for 1 December

BAY CITY, SL (25 November, 2024) - Now a yearly tradition in the City by the Bay, the Bay City Alliance will host its annual Tree Lighting event on Sunday, Saturday, 1st December 20214 from 1-4 pm SLT at the Bay City Fairgrounds, in North Channel ( ).

The event will feature DJ GoSpeed of KONA Stream and live performances by Coralie and Maximillion Kleene. There will be much joy to be had, including ice-skating, dancing, refreshments and a whole lot of fun for all!

As part of the event, a silent auction supporting Child's Play Charity ( will be held. Bay City has supported Child’s Play for many years, and is happy to support them once more

Confirmed designers, artists, and brands participating in the event include Lusch Motors, FAYDED, Shergood Aviation, Buzzbox Munroe, ThomasHooker, Revna Macabre/Seydr, The Mesh Shop, C.H.C (Cindy Henusaki Custom Cars), Cica Ghost, GenusProject, Javatar Mocha, Eleanor8, Owl Dragonash, Pagan Lane, Madpea, Hollow Family Industries, Starla Mainlande, Trinity Yazimoto, OldManChristmas ,and Rob Fossett.

Additional Second Life® designers and artists who wish to participate by providing fun, interesting, unique, or other transferrable items (or a no-copy object that the auction winner can give to you to redeem their prize, if the item(s) have to be no transfer) may contact ThomasHooker Resident to participate.

Auction will end at the conclusion of the event. All proceeds from the silent auction and from donation bins at the venue will go to Child's Play Charity. Child's Play is a 501c3 non profit organization offers online communities such as ours an opportunity to help seriously ill children around the globe during their hospital stays with the purchase of games and gaming equipment.

Bay City is a mainland community, developed by Linden Lab® and home to the Bay City Alliance. The Bay City Alliance was founded in 2008 to promote the Bay City regions of Second Life and provide a venue for Bay City Residents and other interested parties to socialize and network. It is now the largest group for Residents of Bay City.

For more information, or to participate in the event, please contact Marianne McCann.

Event poster: 

This Saturday at The Science Circle

Saturday November 30
    At 10 AM PST   

    Thanksgiving Debate Forum: Free Speech
    Moderator: Stephen Xootfly
    Science Circle Forum
    NOTE: Non-members required to register once
    IM Jes Cobalt or Nymf Hathaway

╚══════════════════════════════ The Science Circle (72,129,30) ═╝

Thursday, November 28, 2024

A Very Unexpected Thanksgiving Dinner (2016)

As we get ready to sit down for Thanksgiving dinner, or perhaps lie down after chowing down, we reflect on the fun times, and perhaps the jokes about anything Thanksgiving. In 2016, Mylie Foxclaw did an amusing little tale about a Thanksgiving dinner gone wrong, one with a happy ending. 

Read Mylie's story here

Classic Cartoon: Happy Thanksgiving


From Thanksgiving 2019, "Turkey made by Celeste Cazenove. As you can see, it's not as easy for a fox to take on the choice bird of Thanksgiving as it is chicken."

Wednesday, November 27, 2024

Looking Back: The Saftey Pin Post-Election Support Group

A few weeks after the Presidential Election, things are starting to calm down somewhat. But with both sides screaming that victory for the opposition would bring ruin to the country, there are still some people nervous about what lies ahead. It was much the same eight years ago. In response to Trump's victory in 2016, the head of one Clinton HQ, Evangeline Ling, founded the "Safety Pin" post-election support group, "to provide a safe space for people negatively impacted by the election to process it and to support each other," inviting people over, "if you would like to take some time to process your fears, hopes, and experiences about this election." The Newser would interview her about the group then.

I would message Evangeline a few days ago, asking if the group was back or she knew of another. She would say no, "While 'Safety Pin' as a group no longer exists in reality it certainly exists as a concept." She would say she still thinks Trump is "disastrous," but would rather express her disappointment more privately than in 2016.

If anyone knows of such an existing support group, feel free to contact the Newser.

Announcement: Kids' Quest for the Cure

 Saturday, November 30  and Saturday, December 7 at 3:00 pm

Location TBA

Our show is the story of a group of children who, upon learning that a friend has cancer, embark on a mystical search for the cure, and learn a lot along the way.

It was conceived and choreographed, and is directed by, Patty Flow. Music by Kayla Flow.

Our cast includes members of the Roos With A Dream RFL team, with a special appearance by our good friend, and Cure Chaser, Sienna Thor.


Tuesday, November 26, 2024

Events This Week at the Sunweaver and Montecito Bay Clubs, Furry Fashion, and Club Scorn

Here's what's going on at the Sunweaver, Montecito Bay, Furry Fashion, and Scorn clubs.

Club Cutlass: Thanksgiving, Cowboys and Indians, Disney

Happy Vixen: DJ Malit, DJ Arooo, No event, DJ Scratch, DJ Squeaks, DJ Khyra

Club Zero Gravity: DJ Snowy
Bouncing Bunny Beach Club: DJ Snowy

Xanadu: DJ Jesse 

Club Squeaks: DJ Squeaks
Montecito Bay:  CAYA, After Dark

Club Scorn: DJ Charlee, DJ Juana, Morning Show, Breakfast Show, DJ Aldi, DJ Poison, DJ Charlee, DJ Malit, DJ Gwen
Furry Fashion:  TBA, Gothic, CAYA, Cyberpunk, Special Event
Read the schedules in SL Clubbin'

Seventeen Years of Writing About Second Life

It was about seventeen years this month in which my Second Life took a change. For a few months since the person who talked me into coming here told me about the Relay Weekend, I'd been dropping by regularly, seeing more of what people made here. I would hang around a few places, make a few friends, replace my starter avatar with a Luskwood fox, and continue to drop by new places.

Curious where to find new and interesting places, I started checking out blogs and newsletters about the virtual world. Among the most interesting was "Second Life Newspaper." After some time reading it, there was an announcement for reader submissions, either articles or pictures. So I sent in a few. I soon got the attention of it's owner JamesT Juno and it's editor Dana Vanmoer as they asked me for a job interview.

And so began my path into virtual journalism. With my first payment, I got a fedora and overcoat for a classic reporter's outfit, which with my avatar got me called "fox reporter" or "fox news," which got both chuckles from both fans and critics alike of the real-life News network. Once or twice a week, I would write articles on the people, places and events across Second Life. I would also do the cartoons. I was part of an accomplished team of writers that covered the Grid. And eventually I would be make the "office manager" of SL Newspaper, which meant updating the paper when Dana wasn't able.

Sadly, my time there would be only about two and a half years. James would depart Second Life for personal reasons, and Dana would tell the staff she would be shutting down, it's closing taking place in June 2010. By this time, three of the other reporters and I came to a decision, and as SL Newspaper closed, SL Newser would begin, with me as the owner and editor.

And we would continue the work of our predecessor paper, and I would continue to write articles, in addition to editing and posting the stories of the other writers, as well as posting shorts, cartoons, and videos on the main page. It would go on for month after month, year after year.

Second Life has changed much in the time I've been around. When I first started writing about it, we were still the darling of tech media, and mentioned on TV. But in just a few years, the shine had faded, the masses preferring Facebook and other social media. Second Life media would also change as live programing, once easy to find, would become a rarity, limited to special events. Many favorite locations have also faded away over time. Mesh wasn't even conceived of when I first appeared. Today, most avatars and their clothes are mesh. There's Bellisseria, the Linden Home continent, which has emerged as it's own community. And then there's the Lab. Numerous Lindens have come and gone, and we've reported on a few CEOs coming and going.

But while much has changed, much has remained the same. The Relay for Life continues to hold fundraising seasons, and many fun events. People continue to show their talents, either as builders, musicians, and more. And people continue to build and maintain interesting places, some of which have stood the test of time.

So what does the future hold. I've gotten a couple requests to write more political articles. But American politics has gotten more toxic in recent years, so as interesting as it is I write about it only sparingly for the Newser, usually around election time (just one, maybe two more articles on it this year). Those interested in what I have to say can check out my "Food on The Table" blog which I update only every so often. I've also had a lifetime interest in writing fiction, some of which can be read on my DeviantArt page. And I plan to get a novel published once I figure out how.

But I'll still be writing the news about this virtual world for quite some time to come. There's plenty here that keeps me interested. And as long as real-life permits, I won't stop writing.

Bixyl Shuftan

Monday, November 25, 2024

Do You Have A Story?


On occasion, Second Life Newspaper will print an article or picture submitted to us by one of you, the readers.

Have you seen a particularly well-detailed sim? Went to a great event? Found yourself in a hilarious "only in SL" predicament? We're very interested in what you the readers have to say. Send us a story or funny picture, and if we like it, we'll post it as a Reader Submitted. For pictures, jpg format is preferred.

Mail submissions to bixylshuftan(at)

PLEASE include your SL user name and tell us if you wish it to appear with your story.

SL-Newser reserves the right to post in the appropriate section, edit,  and to investigate any names used in submitted stories (please ask permission before using anyones name or picture or use an alias for them).

Sunday, November 24, 2024

Cartoon of The Day: Bow Hunter

 Taken at the Bouncing Bunny Beach Club. This lady was dressed up as a hunter with bow and arrow. With the high prices at the supermarket, one can imagine what she's be going after.

By Bixyl Shuftan

Saturday, November 23, 2024

"Second Life Community Roundtable with Philip Rosedale"

 Earlier this month, the Community Roundtable with Philip Rosedale took place. While we've been trying to watch the whole video to write a review, real-life keeps tapping us on the shoulder, and there's the daily updates. So for now, here is the video, without a review.

Friday, November 22, 2024

EOTB: Linden Lab Announces New Second Life Blogger Network

Today in the official blog, Linden Lab announced that there was a new network for those blogging about Second Life, the SLBN 2.0.

Are you a Second Life blogger, video streamer, or influencer looking to deepen your connection with the Second Life community? We’re thrilled to announce the launch of the Second Life Blogger Network 2.0 (SLBN 2.0)—an evolved version of our original initiative designed to take your content and influence to the next level.
The new group offers "occasional opportunities to meet directly with Second Life executives in a group setting to discuss platform news, updates, and strategic initiatives," early feature previews, and being able to "participate in closed discussions that allow you to provide feedback and shape conversations about the future of Second Life."
The original blogger network came about in 2019 and was put on hiatus in July this year.
To read the blog post in full, Click Here

Reader Submitted Picture:

 From DeniseUnicorn Toonie, "Over on SecondLife, I went to the poolrooms to go relax a bit. *smile* ... These Poolrooms are so relaxing,  you can get 'lost' in the ambiance."
These are likely the Poolrooms she mentioned earlier. 

This Saturday at The Science Circle

 Saturday November 23

    At 10 AM PST   

    Learning A New Skill: Computational Chemistry
    Moderator: Michael Shaw
    NOTE: Non-members required to register once
    IM Jes Cobalt or Nymf Hathaway

╚══════════════════════════════ The Science Circle (72,129,30) ═╝

Thursday, November 21, 2024

Wednesday, November 20, 2024

EOTB: New Last Names

On the official blog a few days ago, Linden Lab announced a list of new last names available for residents to change to.

Happy Autumn! Thank you for all the suggestions sent in for future last names through our Last Name Suggestion Form

Today we are doing another big last name refresh by removing some of the older last name options and adding the following new ones from your suggestions:

The new last names are Mouse, Victis, Wheel, Pudding, Demure, Nightwish, Fledermaus, Whisper, Pooh, and Velvet.

Of Demure, it may or may not be because of a popular meme going around on social media, "very mindful, very demure." Of "Mouse," that may get the attention of some who prefer small, or furry avatars.  "Fledermaus" might get the attention of bat fans. 
For the blog post in full, Click Here

Tuesday, November 19, 2024

Events This Week at the Sunweaver and Montecito Bay Clubs, Furry Fashion, and Club Scorn

Here's what's going on at the Sunweaver, Montecito Bay, Furry Fashion, and Scorn clubs.

Club Cutlass: Renaissance Festival, Felines and Canidae, Country Night

Happy Vixen: DJ Malit, DJ Arooo, DJ Charlee, TBA, DJ Scratch, DJ Squeaks, DJ Khyra

Club Zero Gravity: Disco
Bouncing Bunny Beach Club: Furries and Anthros

Xanadu: DJ Jesse 

Club Squeaks: DJ Squeaks
Montecito Bay:  CAYA, After Dark

Club Scorn: DJ Charlee, DJ Juana, Morning Show, Breakfast Show, DJ Aldi, DJ Poison, DJ Charlee, DJ Malit, DJ Gwen
Furry Fashion:  TBA, Suits Tuxedos Gowns & Dresses, Hats, Pink & Purple, TBA
Read the schedules in SL Clubbin'

Monday, November 18, 2024

Nydia Tungsten's "Switched Destinies" Now Available in Hardcover

For fans of Nydia Tungsten's stories, some good news. Her novel "Switched Destinies" is now available in hardcover. 

"Two souls, viewed by many of their kinds’ as eccentric lunatics, suddenly find themselves switched within their parallel universes. Now in strange new lands, each is having to learn about the other side of the mirror. In the all new Switched Destiny's"
Switched Destinies is the first novel Nydia published, and has been followed by a sequel, with a third story in the works. An interview with Nydia about the novel can be read (here). 
 The story is on sale on Amazon (here). Hardcover costs $25 USD, with the paperback costing $14, and the Kindle version $3.

Bixyl Shuftan

Sunday, November 17, 2024

Cartoon of the Day: Why Did She Faint?

 Taken at the Happy Vixen. I can think of a few reasons the girl fainted, but with the dinkie avatar nearby, one possibility came to mind.

By Bixyl Shuftan

Friday, November 15, 2024

Commentary: Game Company GREED

If you're a gamer, you've probably seen a promising game in development, a "beta" version, gotten it because of what's promised in the future, and in the weeks and months ahead while there's some development it doesn't come close to the hype when you forked over your money. Nydia Tungsten has seen this happen time after time, as well as other occasions of "bait and switch" in the gaming industry, and decided it was time to write something about it. So what did she have to say?

Read Nydia's commentary in Other Grids, MMOs, and Games.

Announcement: Team Diabetes Art Bazar

The 2024 Art Bazaar in support of Team Diabetes of Second Life is now open! Look at the great art and photography and take home a piece or two!  Join us for a week of art and live music! For a list of artists and performers


-12pm slt – Live performer Sarita Twisted
-1pm slt – Live performer Marqs DeSade

-4pm slt – Live performer Reed Harris

-4pm slt- Live performer Songbird

-4pm slt – Live performer Samuel James

-4pm slt – Live performer Raven

-12pm to 1pm slt – Live performer Mapoo Little
-1pm to 2pm slt – Live performers Fusion of Two
-1159 pm slt – Event closes

For more information:

This Saturday at The Science Circle

Saturday November 16

    At 10 AM PST   

    Renewed Hope Ahead For 2025
    Moderator: Stephen R. Van Hook
    NOTE: Non-members required to register once
    IM Jes Cobalt or Nymf Hathaway

╚══════════════════════════════ The Science Circle (72,129,30) ═╝

Thursday, November 14, 2024

Second Life Mobile Viewer Now Available to All


Yesterday, it was announced that the mobile viewer for Second Life was openly available to all with an account. 

The news was posted on the Second Life Youtube channel, which had a link to the SL mobile app page at ( The viewer is listed as in open beta, and on a phone one can be reminded of any messages they receive. 

The mobile viewer was first made available in December 2023 to Premium Plus residents, or rather they could apply to be put on a list to be approved to use it, as an "open alpha," cautioned it was still very buggy. In June, it was made available to all Premium-Plus and Premium residents as an "early beta."

For fans of the Firestorm Viewer, they have no plans to start work on their own version of the mobile viewer. There is an alternative, the Speedlight Viewer, but it is simpler and when the Newser last checked it out, it didn't have all the options of the official mobile app.

Once again, you can download the mobile app at:

Bixyl Shuftan

Announcement: Virtual Ability Presents The International Disability Rights Affirmation Conference (IDRAC) on Friday, Nov 15


Virtual Ability, Inc.® presents the 13th Annual International Disability Rights Affirmation Conference (IDRAC) on Friday, Nov 15, 2024.

This annual professional conference will be held online, and is free and open to the public.

The conference will take place in Second Life® at The Sojourner Auditorium on Virtual Ability Island.Virtual Ability (54/170/23

The conference will also be Live Streamed on YouTube.

Our theme this year is “Disability & Health: Where will AI take us?” Artificial Intelligence (AI) is an area of current research interest and regulatory concern. It holds both promise and peril for people with disabilities and healthcare in general. The utility and problems of AI differ for people with different types of disabilities. This conference offers a quick look at this broad topic. We expect lively discussions and information sharing among presenters and our very interested and interactive audience.
*  *  *  *  *
The events start at 7 AM SL time and end soon before 12 Noon. 
To see the schedule, Click Here

Wednesday, November 13, 2024

Cartoon of The Day: Tune Up

 Taken at Burn2. Burn2 has some crazy vehicles. So why would one look like a guitar? I could think of one reason.

By Bixyl Shuftan


Reader Submitted Pictures: Marine Corps Ball

At 6PM SL time on Sunday November 10, The Veterans Tribute held its Marine Corps Ball in honor of the anniversary of the founding of the US Marines. Eespy Spyker and Dena McMahon would send pictures of the event to the Newser.
See the pictures in Events

Tuesday, November 12, 2024

Events This Week at the Sunweaver and Montecito Bay Clubs, Furry Fashion, and Club Scorn

Here's what's going on at the Sunweaver, Montecito Bay, and Scorn clubs.

Club Cutlass: Black and Brown, Purple Red and Blue, Roaring 20s

Happy Vixen: DJ Malit, DJ Arooo, DJ Charlee, TBA, DJ Scratch, DJ Squeaks, DJ Khyra

Club Zero Gravity: Rainbows

Bouncing Bunny Beach Club: TBA

Xanadu: DJ Jesse 

Club Squeaks: DJ Squeaks
Montecito Bay:  CAYA, After Dark

Club Scorn: DJ Charlee, Morning Show, Breakfast Show, DJ Aldi, DJ Poison, DJ Charlee, DJ Malit, DJ Gwen
Furry Fashion:   TBA, Sci-Fi, Neons, Weird And Wonderful, TBA
Read the schedules in SL Clubbin'

Reader Submitted Pictures

 From Kamida, "Club Cutlass, Friday ‎21 ‎august ‎2009, ‏‎19:28:18 (CET)"

"I think this was the very first Hidden Valley meeting place. Tuesday ‎8 ‎September ‎2009, ‏‎21:53:00 (CET) (Lil Ice sorceress riding on the back of a Chakat.)"

"Two pretty Kimono's...(Ranchan Weidman and Kamida) Tuesday ‎19 ‎may ‎2009, ‏‎19:53:52 (CET) "

Monday, November 11, 2024

Veterans Day

 Have an honored Veterans Day from the Second Life Newser.

Taken at the Veterans Tribute

Sunday, November 10, 2024

Friday, November 8, 2024

Announcement: HFOT Veterans Day Bennefit Concert


Frets Nirvana, longtime supporter and contact for Homes For Our Troops in Second Life in conjunction with the US Military Veterans Group, announces the November 2024 Veteran’s Day Homes for Our Troops benefit in Second Life.   The benefit will be held on Veteran’s Day November 11, 2024 from 4-8 PM SLT.

Frets Nirvana states:  “HFOT is a privately funded 501(c) (3) nonprofit organization building specially adapted, mortgage-free homes nationwide for the most severely injured Veterans from Iraq and Afghanistan. Most of these Veterans are multiple amputees, paraplegic, quadriplegic or have suffered severe traumatic brain injury (TBI).  Since its inception in 2004, nearly 90 cents of every dollar spent by Homes for Our Troop has gone to directly support Veterans. DURING THAT TIME HFOT HAS BUILT 400 SPECIALLY ADAPTED HOMES NATIONWIDE FOR EXTREMELY INJURED VETERANS.”

Veteran’s Day is special because it celebrates all those who have helped keep our country safe by sacrificing their time, hard work and more to make sure the USA is a beacon of freedom in this world.  

The veteran’s Day concert will feature the following DJ’s and artists from 4-8 PM on November 11:

DJ Kyle Forrester
Chapman Zane
Franklee Anatra
Frets Nirvana

There will be great music and fun for all with the net result to hopefully make this Veteran’s Day a great one for donations to Homes For Our Troops.  The concert will be held at the U.S. Veterans Military center 

Sponsored by Frets Nirvana and the U.S. Military Veteran’s Group of Second Life.  To learn more about Homes for Our Troops visit

"General Protection Fault" Online Comic Ends After 26 Years

On Friday November 1, the online comic strip "General Protection Fault" officially concluded with it's final strip going up. This brings to an end one of the longest-running online comic strips that was updated regularly. Cartoonist Jeff Darlington would say a few words.

And that's a wrap, folks. As of last Friday's update (November 1, 2024), the main GPF Archive is finally complete. I hope you enjoyed the strip's "big finale" ... First and foremost, I'd like to thank all of you who have taken this journey with me over the past quarter century. Whether you started reading from the beginning or you only just recently discovered it, it has been an immense and indescribable joy to have you read my little story and look at my random scribbles. I've heard from a great many of you over the past few months about how much GPF has meant to you, and your kind words have warmed this old cartoonist's heart. While it's obvious GPF wouldn't exist without me creating, writing, and drawing it, it's no stretch of the imagination to say that it wouldn't exist without you reading it. It's been your encouragement and engagement over the years that kept me going, and I thank you all from the bottom of my heart.

I would do a review of the comic a few years ago as part of a larger story on longtime running online comics. It started of as the misadventures of several computer geeks,two sapient slime molds, and their employer at the small business that bears the comic's name, with stories about life at the workplace and on computers doing things like coding and other things such as science-fiction conventions, enduring alien abductions, taking a ride on a time machine, and more. There are also occasional dream sequences such as "Harry Barker and the Napier's Bones" that parody popular stories. Over time, the skills of one go beyond programing and he starts building things that over time help set the stage for some adventures for the characters. However, over time they also attract the attention of secret agents, James Bondish villains, aliens, and a few characters not of this universe. 
Four times in the course of the story are major plotlines that take months to resolve, "Surreptitious Machinations," "To Thyne Own Self," "Scylla and Charybdis," and "The Enthropy War." Following the end of each, the characters have to deal with some big changes in their lives. The story ends with the main characters, save one, returning to normal lives following their big adventures, looking forward to "just another quiet day at the office."
Darlington stated that now that the comic was done, he planned to take some time off, and then finish a side-comic, "Surreptitious Machinations 2," which describes what happened to some secondary characters after the comic's first major plotline story. Then the comic itself will go into reruns. Darlington also stated plans to write some novels. But this may not be all. There were a few hints in the last strips that there may be further adventures of some of the characters.

And so ends one of the longest-running online comics, coming to an end some thought odd but was satisfying.
To read the comic, Click Here

Bixyl Shuftan

This Saturday at The Science Circle

 Saturday November 9

    At 10 AM PST   

    Visions of the Future From Science Fiction, Panel and Discussion
    Moderator and opening panelist: Stephen Gasior/Xootfly
    Panelists: Karthik Prathaban, Natalie Foster, Mike Shaw
    NOTE: Non-members required to register once
    IM Jes Cobalt or Nymf Hathaway

╚══════════════════════════════ The Science Circle (72,129,30) ═╝

Thursday, November 7, 2024

Philip Linden Speaks About Trump Victory

There's been more than a little chatter about the results of Tuesday's Presidential Election in the US, of which former President Trump won. Besides being the first President to serve two separate administrations, he's also the first Republican non-incumbent to win the popular vote since 1988. While every election has brought cheers from the supporters of the winners, and some sadness from those who didn't win, Trump's victory has had many Democrats not just worrying, but in outright despair. 

Among those concerned is Philip Rosedale, who would write a commentary suggesting that Trump's election wasn't the real problem, but a symptom of a much larger one: economic inequality is leading people to make more desperate choices at the voting booth. 

... poorer people at some point no longer believe that wealth will ‘trickle down’ fairly from the richer people, and they become more and more distrusting of each other until eventually they are only willing to back candidates who claim they will somehow restore their seat at the economic table and level the playing field. That is where we are right now - we’ve elected a president, for a second time, who has campaigned on the promise that he will restore economic equality.

Rosedale commented that a Harris administration would have been a "'rip the bandaid off' moment," involving much civil unrest and probably some violence, but there would at least be "some reductions in inequality." With Trump in power, he feels while there will be gains, they will be temporary and only going to the wealthiest Americans, "with overall inequality increasing further until some new breaking point is reached."

One can read Philip's commentary in full (here).

On a final note, one should take care when discussing politics, especially when trying to have a reasonable discussion with someone with a different viewpoint. If you say you've been trying to see why a relative with extreme views thinks that way, if they hear it wrong they may think you agree with those views.

Hat tip: Zada Bury

Bixyl Shuftan

Wednesday, November 6, 2024

EOTB: Christmas Shop And Hop Starting December 6

In real life, stores are taking down Halloween items and putting up the Christmas ones. And Linden Lab is doing much the same. They recently announced on the official blog that they're planning the Holiday Shop and Hop. 

Halloween may still be spookily lingering, but we’re already brewing up plans for the festive season! We’re excited to announce the return of our highly anticipated Holiday Shop & Hop event. Mark your calendars for a spectacular shopping extravaganza starting on December 6th, 2024, and running through January 5th, 2025. Get ready for a festive shopping experience like no other!

The lab invited merchants over, "to participate and add a dash of magic to this seasonal celebration", provided they offered a free gift at their shops to everyone, whether they were in any store group or not, and a discount of at least 20%. But they didn't have long to apply. Applications were open for only a few days, then closed.

To see the blog post in full, Click Here.

And, It's Trump


Yesterday was Election Day, and following a long campaign with some historic twists and turns, it was now up to the voters to decide the outcome of the Presidential race between Vice President Kamala Harris and former President Donald Trump. While it was expected that the outcome would take at least a few days to resolve, to the surprise of many (myself included), late into the night it was becoming increasingly clear Trump was going to be the winner. He gave a speech thanking those who voted for him. As of now, there has been no comment from Harris yet. 

Looking around, Learning Virtualē had a small exhibit on it's ground floor (above). There was also a Harris Campaign HQ in Star Valley. The place was full of American flags and campaign posters, and a globe that had been turned upside down. 

On Discord and Facebook, there were a number of cheers from Trump fans, "tears of joy!" And a number of less than happy comments from Harris supporters, "I'm going to hide in my room until it's over." From both, there were people praying to God, asking that all be well with the country.

Obviously for those interested in politics, there will be a lot of chatter over the next few days, and weeks. But for others, they're just glad it's over and looking forward to when talk will turn to other subjects.

Bixyl Shuftan

Tuesday, November 5, 2024

Events This Week at the Sunweaver and Montecito Bay Clubs, Furry Fashion, and Club Scorn

Here's what's going on at the Sunweaver, Montecito Bay, and Scorn clubs.

Club Cutlass: All Burned Up, Canidae and Equine, Veterans Day Honor Dance

Happy Vixen: DJ Malit, DJ Arooo, DJ Charlee, TBA, DJ Scratch, DJ Squeaks, DJ Khyra

Club Zero Gravity: Wolves and Foxes

Bouncing Bunny Beach Club: Mythological

Xanadu: DJ Jesse 

Club Squeaks: DJ Squeaks
Montecito Bay:  CAYA, After Dark

Club Scorn: DJ Charlee, Morning Show, Breakfast Show, DJ Aldi, DJ Poison, DJ Charlee, DJ Malit, DJ Gwen
Furry Fashion:   Creepy vs Cute, Movies and Cartoons, Pajamas, Weird and Wonderful, Felines
Read the schedules in SL Clubbin'

Election Day in The US

After months of campaigning, some might say since just after Inauguration Day 2021, it's finally Election Day in the United States. And we at the Newser encourage all Americans to vote, if they haven't already done early voting. 

In the past, the Newser (and the SL Newspaper before us) wrote a number of Election-related articles. This year, not much. As time has gone on, politics has gotten more divisive and toxic than any time in living memory, with not just the Presidential candidates but also their supporters branding the others as evil, dumb, or both. 

So while we encourage people to vote, we also ask that we respect each other, and while any reasonable accusation of voter tampering should be investigated, once the Election results are final, they should be accepted. 

Hopefully all will go smoothly,

Bixyl Shuftan

Monday, November 4, 2024

Veterans Tribute Opens

 The Veterans Tribute is now open in Second Life. This is the eighteenth year this annual event in honor of veterans has taken place, with memorials and music parties set up for a short time in November.

The 18th Annual SL Veteran's Tribute is non-political and serves one purpose and one purpose only and that is to honor all the men and women that have given willing of their time to protect the lives we enjoy today. Visit the wall and honor a loved one or leave a tribute for the ones there!

The main feature is the Memorial Wall. Each of the bricks represents a veteran alive or deceased who served, the names contributed by residents. The Newser has written about some in the past, such as Lothi Aeon/Army Specialist Jacob D. Borton and a group of ten soldiers whose story was told by one Marine. While the majority on the Wall are American, there are other veterans honored.

 There are other memorials at the Tribute, such as this one honoring the Unknown Soldier in Arlington National Cemetery. 

There's also music events every day. One can get announcements in the inworld group, or on Discord. 

The Tribute is located at Stillwater Cove (41/6/29).

Bixyl Shuftan


Annoucement: 18th Annual Second LIfe Veterans Tribute Now Open




Sunday, November 3, 2024

Cartoon of The Day: Alien Music Concert

 Taken at Burn2. This exhibit had aliens rocking away at a stage  as if getting ready for a concert, with a few men in black suits observing. So why would aliens stage a concert? I could think of two reasons.

By Bixyl Shuftan

Halloween at The Happy Vixen

 On Halloween night, October 31, the Happy Vixen had it's Halloween party, with Nydia Tungsten as the DJ. She played a mix of tunes, including some spooky fun ones, to the crowd.

 The dancers there ranged from a succubus to a not so horrible "eldritch horror." 

The winners were  Matoazma Kazyanenko, Miyuki Naidoo, and Valkyrie McGill, who split the prize and took home 1166 Lindens each.
Bixyl Shuftan