Sunday, April 30, 2023
Cartoon of The Day: Bicycle Blimp
Saturday, April 29, 2023
Reminder: Sunbeamer Air Show Today: 9AM to 5PM
A Personal Change: Upgrading to Mesh
Friday, April 28, 2023
The Fairelands Quest: "The Magic of Dragons"
The BelliHub
For months, we have been working behind the scenes to provide all of Bellisseria (and Second Life in general) a place where they can go to find information regarding Bellisseria, meet up with residents living in Bellisseria and have all of their questions answered.
Today, we are pleased to release the BelliHub!
This Saturday at The Science Circle
Thursday, April 27, 2023
Scenes From The Fairelands: DJ Mattie at The Fairechylde
Announcement: JAPA Showcase 2023 - World Tour Performance
------> SUNDAY 30TH APRIL - NOON SLT <------
Please adjust a few settings to enable your best viewing of the show.
Students this year have worked really hard to present to you this Showcase of the skills they have learned with JAPA.
Wednesday, April 26, 2023
Bellessarian Embassy Opens at The CDS
Cartoon of The Day
Reader Submitted: "Patch Nakies And Faceless At Fantasy Faire"
RFL Announcement: Tenth Annual Sunbeamer Air Show Saturday April 29
The Teams Sunbeamer's and Roos With A Dream welcomes you to the 10th Annual Sunbeamer RFL Air Show Fly-in on Saturday the 29nd of April between the hours of 9AM to 5PM SLT. Roos With A Dream will be performing on stage with DJ Kayla and The Roos at 3pm to 5pm to close the event!
There will be planes on display with information about them. Some Pilots will be on hand to give rides and flight demonstrations or you can just BYOP [Bring Your Own Plane] and stunt around yourself.
This year we have two major contest running. The Balloon Bicycle Race and a Bumper Car Contest! At either contest upon a donation to the American Cancer Society kiosk you then acquire a free bicycle powered balloon provided for each entry. You can not use one of your own in the contest unless it is the same thing that is being given. This makes for an even playing field. Also we require that only participants fly the course as non-players will cause the timers to be thrown off. The course runs through the sky were you must pass through rings spaced at intervals that vary in height and direction. Missing a ring causes a disqualified time. You may run the course as many times as you like hopefully bettering your time. Contest runs through the air show hours and the prize of a Aerial Outfitters Sky Skiff Airship will be sent to the winner at the air shows end at 5PM.
The bumper car contest is no ordinary contest, remember it's the Sunbeamers who are not noted as being a very sane group. The contestants may experience changing obstacles, exploding cars, and maybe even...cannon fire? Oh My. Yes the spectators are armed and willing. The contest will be in 5 minute runs with trophies awarded at the end of each. You can enter as many contest as you like.
There will be a carnival midway with a number of activities to participate in.
Tuesday, April 25, 2023
Events This Week at the Sunweaver and Montecito Bay Clubs, The Fallout Shelter, and Furry Fashion Lounge
Club Cutlass: Lost 60s, On The Town, Sea Faring
Happy Vixen: Hybrids and Mods, Burlesque, Blue and Green, Pirates, Madkatt Mashup, Spring Colors, Glowies,
Club Zero Gravity: TBA
Bouncing Bunny Beach Club: Black and Red
Xanadu: DJ Jesse
Furry Fashion Lounge: Canines, Under the Sea, Good vs Evil, Fur vs Scales, Fantasy
Deathlands Fallout Shelter: DJ Bonnie, DJ Wolfy
Read the schedules in SL Clubbin'
Patch Linden's Jail and Bail
RFL Announcement: Relaystock Team Sites, Stage Times Available
It's Three Days of Peace, Love, Mud and Hope!!
A Multi Team Event Sponsored by the Relay Rockers
RelayStock region will be being transformed into a 1969 NY State of Mind Farm for this year's Biggest Rock Festival in support of Relay For Life of Second Life!
Stage times available for teams!
Tents and VW Buses waiting to be reserved by teams for Kiosks & Vendors!
Monday, April 24, 2023
Sunbeamer "Bid Me" Update: "Bid Me Panda", "Bid Me Bunny", and "Bid Me Skunk"
1. CHARLEE is offering to go PANDA, 2000L per week
2. BIXYL is offering to go BUNNY, 3500L per week.

And then there's mine: "Bid Me Bunny." For every 3500 Linden dollars a week in the left kiosk, rounded down, yours truly spends a week dealing with hare-raising puns. For example, if 10,499L is raised, the period is two weeks. But if 10,500 L us raised, it's three weeks of hopping down the bunny trail. For those wishing to keep my foxy, there's a default kiosk which if ahead at the end of the Bid Me means I stay as is.
There are a couple outs. When doing an interview, or otherwise clearly doing Newser business, it's back to my usual avatar.
Liska goes PURPLE for 4 weeks, till MAY 20.
RFL Announcement: DJ Mattie At The Fairchylde, Today at 4PM
Sunday, April 23, 2023
Cartoon of The Day: Tree-mendous Look
RFL Announcement: Nivor The Singing Chicken At Club Amarantha, Today
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Saturday, April 22, 2023
Fairelands Poetry
Fairelanders are we,
Aboard The FaireChylde we seek out others who thirst for hope.
Each in our own lands search for those who need to find the magic of the Fairelands.
I set sail to sail the mysts With my dear friends .
Our dreams and memories of Past Faires fuels our Quest.
Friday, April 21, 2023
Bellisseria's Fourth Anniversary
Cartoon of The Day
This Saturday at The Science Circle
Thursday, April 20, 2023
Tha Fantasy Faire Is Open
The Bellisseria Anniversary, PBC Autism Awareness Show, And Other Happenings On April 15 & 16
SL Video: "Fantasy Faire 2023 - The 15th Age of the Fairelands Cometh!"
Wednesday, April 19, 2023
A Story From Fairelands Chat
Getting A Mesh Fox Avatar
Tuesday, April 18, 2023
Events This Week at the Sunweaver and Montecito Bay Clubs, The Fallout Shelter, and Furry Fashion Lounge
Club Cutlass: Swing, Sci-fi, Spring Colors, TBA
Happy Vixen:Spring Wear, Wings, Villains, Country, Madkatt Mashup, Boots and Bikinis, Best in Black, Naughty
Club Zero Gravity: TBA
Bouncing Bunny Beach Club: CAYA, Down in the Farm
Xanadu: DJ Jesse
Furry Fashion Lounge: Purple, Gothic, Robots Androids and Cyborgs, Forest Animals, Late Night, Sparklefurs
Deathlands Fallout Shelter: DJ Bonnie, DJ Wolfy
Read the schedules in SL Clubbin'
RFL Purple Tears Steam Game Key Raffle
Come on down and take a drive along the lovely Route 9 in SL. And if you happen to be driving by the Purple Tears HQ (which is in desperate need of some decorating at some point, sorry) feel free to stop by and enter for a chance to win some Steam game keys! (If you don't want the game for yourself, you can always give the key to a friend/relative/enemy/whomever!)
Currently up for auction are:
Hogwarts Legacy Deluxe Edition
Star Wars Squadrons
Pathfinder: Kingmaker Enhanced Plus Edition
Worms Rumble
Raffles are set to end at 5PM SLT on April 30th this time instead of just a week to give people a chance to get there.
Monday, April 17, 2023
RFL Sunbeamer's "Bid Rita Skunk"
1. CHARLEE is offering to go PANDA, 2000L per week
2. BIXYL is offering to go BUNNY, 3500L per week.
3. RITA: I am offering you a choice, A. Skunk, B. BAT, C. Chipmunk
Highest kiosk wins, Encase of a tie, I'll pick one of the tied avatars to wear. Length of time I wear them, based on how much is donated to that kiosk. I am cheap this time 2000L/week
[19:04] ღ Mαyα ღ (MayaserenaCeNedra Resident): \o/ That's awesome Rita
[19:04] Nuala Maracas: woo hooo
[19:04] Bixyl Shuftan: heh heh
[19:04] Nuala Maracas: it's a stinky job but someone has to do it :)
[19:04] Selene (selene Jashan): lol you lil Stinker Rita! lol
[19:04] Female (Female Winslet) has learned to be very, very careful about bid-mes :-)
[19:05] Bixyl Shuftan: the sweet smell of successful Relaying?
[19:05] Selene (selene Jashan): absolutely Bixyl!
[19:05] Rita Mariner: well they had a choice of three different avatars, they dump it all on SKUNK
[19:05] ღ Mαyα ღ (MayaserenaCeNedra Resident): Skunk is funnest
Since I am already at 10 weeks, I am going to call my BID ME Early. Thank you for the donations, but 10 weeks is enough.
Keep Rita Bunny - 100L
Turn Rita to Skunk - 20,600L
Turn Rita to Chipmunk - 0L
Turn Rita to BAT - 50L
I go Stinker for 10 weeks Til JUNE 10th.
The Fantasy Faire is Coming
Sunday, April 16, 2023
DJ Lineup at Digital Dream Studios Gallery Grand Opening Event
Cartoon of The Day: Sunny Attitude
Saturday, April 15, 2023
SL Video: "Forest of Mystical Dreams in Second Life"
Fairelands Poetry
"What are you looking at?"
We gaze till the light fades giving way to a painted masterpiece of a sunset.
Friday, April 14, 2023
"Hamraiders" at Bellisseria Fairgrounds
Announcement: Bellisseria Anniversary Party Saturday April 15
Bellisseria's 4th Anniversary Celebration!
Are you ready to Party!?!
Patch Linden will officially open the celebration with a Speech @ 10:00 a.m. SLT
(Please be sure to have your Voice enabled and Microphones Muted)
WHERE: Bellisseria Fairgrounds
WHEN: Saturday, April 15, 2023
TIME: 10:00 am to 4:00 p.m.
April 15, 2023, is Bellisseria's 4th Anniversary. Let's Party!
We've got a great party planned, so be sure to join us.
A Random Gift Giver with lots of Prizes!
Also, be sure to collect the rare Anniversary stamp at the event.
Music . Dancing . Prizes . Refreshments
Announcement: World Autism Awareness at the Premier Business Center
Dancing with Donny and The Panda Dance Crew!
Please join PBC and the Baptiste Family Foundation this Saturday at 12:00 PM SLT at the PBC Performance Hall for Dancing with Donny and The Panda Dance Crew for Autism Awareness!
Meet the Panda Dance Crew after their dance performance at the DJ Afterparty Meet and Greet with UrbanKing Burner!!
Bring your entire family! This will be a great show with SL Children choreographers, great food, and lots of family fun!!!!
Come support the cause!
Saturday, April 15,2023~ 12:00 PM SLT
Attire: Casual