Sex and romance are among the most popular pursuits in SL.As in real-life, they occasion many questions and discussions, which the new blog will cover.
“I’ve had interesting talks in Second Life about virtual relationships,” said Eugene Rodgers, who created the blog. “For instance, does a person in a committed real-life relationship cheat if they have virtual sex with someone else? And why is BDSM popular in SL? Contributions to my blog should prove enlightening.”
Rodgers is the author of “Femme Fatale Online,” a mystery novel with an unidentified villain who acts through an avatar in a virtual world like Second Life. “She tries to seduce the married hero into a virtual sexual relationship,” Rodgers said. “He agonizes over whether to go along. I first planned a blog to address this and other issues raised in the ebook, but decided there was a greater need to focus entirely on sex and romance.”
Rodgers is restricting the blog to serious discussions and legitimate questions. “I’ll remove any salacious material or improper solicitations that may be posted,” he said.
Blog topics include:
Best places to make friends and go on dates
Questions and advice about virtual relationships
Is it acceptable for a committed person to pursue virtual sex or romance?
Meeting in RL
Best clothing-free sites
The Future—How will virtual reality affect online sex and romance?
Other Virtual Worlds
Be among the first to raise questions or initiate discussions at virtualsexromance.wordpress.com!
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