American Cancer Society in Second Life Preparing to Attack Breast Cancer Like Never Before
Hey, Let’s talk numbers for a minute….
I want you to imagine the Rose Bowl stadium, AT and T Stadium, and the Los Angeles Coliseum, all filled with people…
Now realize that this represents all of the people who will be diagnosed with breast cancer…in this year. That’s 270,000 men and women.
The good news is that we have the power to change the numbers by getting involved with the American Cancer Society’s Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Across Second Life right now! The Strides series of events will feature 5 different ways that you can use your Second Life to fight breast cancer.
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October 20, 10am – 6pm SLT
SLURL (coming soon)
Walker registration for this event will open on September 15, 2018. Sponsorship registration will open on September 16. Sign up at and collect pledges from your friends and family both in and outside of Second Life. We’ll help you track how many laps around the pink-ribbon track your avatar can make, and then you go and collect all those pledges from your supporters! Awards will be presented for Top fundraiser, most laps completed, most sponsors (pledges), and Overall Top Walker. Get the full details about the Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk-A-Thon here.
Out-Shop Breast Cancer
10/1/18 – 10/31/18
Making Strides Against Breast Cancer – American Cancer Society
This is not just about fashion, this is about Everything! If you have a store in Second Life, and you are interested in fighting breast cancer – this event is about as easy as it can get. Store-owners will use American Cancer Society breast cancer vendor kiosks to feature special products in their stores. Shoppers will make their strides across Second Life by teleporting from store to store with the Out-Shop Cancer HUD.
Get your shopping HUD at the American Cancer Society Island, then visit the variety of stores who have committed to Making Strides Against Breast Cancer. The more you buy, the more impact we have together. For more information, get the full details about the Out Shop Cancer event.
Parade of Homes
10/1/18 – 10/31/18
Making Strides Against Breast Cancer – American Cancer Society
If you’re a home builder, designer/creator, or landscaper who wants to use your skills to fight breast cancer, this is the event for you! The Parade of Homes will bring shoppers to your store, where you’ll offer a limited edition home through a special vendor kiosk where proceeds will go directly to the American Cancer Society’s breast cancer program.
Shoppers & home buyers can pick up a Parade of Homes HUD, which will bring them to each store where they can shop and make donations! This is a perfect opportunity to discover some of the great home designers in Second Life, get your new home, and fight breast cancer – all at the same time. The parade of homes will conclude with a special live auction for a L$90,000 dream home, donated by Slash Hansome, owner of AXL pro.
If you’re interested in donating a home or shopping, visit the Parade of Homes page for full details.
Breast Cancer Gala
10/27/18 from 2pm-5pm SLT
SLURL (coming soon)
The annual gala event will celebrate breast cancer patients, survivors, and pay homage to loved ones that are no longer with us. This is a chance to meet new people, reconnect with old friends, and share stories with others about your personal connection to breast cancer. This is a formal attire event with special live performances. Donations are encouraged throughout the event.
Photos For A Cure
Accepting Submissions from 9/1/18 – 9/30/18
Submit Photos at
SKYY Games is proudly sponsoring this annual breast cancer photo contest where all photographers in Second Life are invited to share your artistic talents by submitting a photo that you feel best reflects the theme, “The Rack Pack.” A L$10,000 prize will be awarded to the top photo. Additional prizes for 2nd and 3rd place will also be awarded. For contest rules, timeline, and full details, visit the Photos For A Cure on the Making Strides website.
Participate in an Event, purchase an item whose proceeds go to Strides, make a donation to a Strides Kiosk or at For information on any of these breast cancer events, contact Leala Spire or Sandie Loxingly in Second Life.
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