As announced during last year’s Avi Choice Fashion Awards, we are retiring the Awards, as we know them. We are talking about continuing our mission forward in some way ... But for now.. we have an announcement to make! On December 4th, 2016 we will host one more Avi Choice Awards! The GRAND FINALE! This one will take us back to the early days of our Awards when we had one program a year celebrating as many recipients in all three genre’s as we could.
There will be some special mentions and moments as we all say our goodbyes to what has become an amazing part of Second Life history. This program will be the conclusion of the Avi Choice Awards, as we know them. It’s been a good run and we could not have done it without support and cooperation and input from the amazing virtual community known as Second Life. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
The Awards are in three categories: Fashion, The Arts, and SLife.
Among the categories for Fashion are clothing, avatar, avatar accessories, and jewelry stores and makers.
The categories of The Arts include "Favorite Magazine, Newspaper, or Periodical," Favorite Radio Station, Favorite Male DJ, Favorite Female DJ, Favorite Streamed Music Club, Favorite Machinima Artist, and more.
For SLife, which has the most selections, categorizes include Favorite Furniture Maker, Favorite Sim to Explore, Favorite Place to Take a Date, Favorite Shopping Region, Favorite Roleplay Sim, Favorite Second Life Blog or Website, and Favorite Second Life Blogger.
Residents have until Wednesday October 12 to cast their votes. Going through the guidelines, there doesn't seem to be any rules against voting for someone or something in multiple categories.
The Second Life Newser fits the "Favorite Magazine, Newspaper, or Periodical" in "The Arts." But the several sections qualify for "Favorite Second Life Blog or Website" in "SL Life." Bixyl Shuftan and Becly "Sha" Shamen qualify for votes in "Favorite Second Life Blogger," also in SL Life. The Newser has been nominated twice in the Avi Choice Awards, but has yet to win first place in getting an award.
So the Second Life Newser asks you the readers for your support for the Awards.
Bixyl Shuftan
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