At the Angels Beach Land Rental Agency, you can find a new and good home in Second Life. With thirteen sims to choose from, in the Sunweaver Estates, Sherkin Island, and Purrfection, you can choose from a variety of environments.
We offer places with friendly and interesting neighbors. Some places have a tropical island look, others more temperate. Some of the sims have access to enough water to boat around in. And there are plans later on for an open water sim for even more water activities. The sims are home to a number of quality clubs, such as Cutlass and Zero Gravity. In one sim alone there are 4 quality clubs that work together so there is no lag from them. There are also some small shopping areas available.

The sims range from Mature to Adult, but the purpose of the adult rating is for a relaxed atmosphere in which couples can relax. The places do not allow for harassment, and while there are vendors that cater to mature tastes they are discreet about it. Spaces available range from small plots to a full homestead that will rent out for only $26,500L's per month. Most of the sims break the parcels down into 512 Sqm parcels and and most have a sliding rent scale, so the more you rent the cheaper it gets. Our prices are VERY competitive here in Second Life.

And if you bring a friend to an Angels Beach area, you get more than just a good neighbor. Anyone that refers a renter to us and they rent land, they will recieve 10% of the first months rent. And if someone you know needs help renting out land on his/her sim, bring them to us. Renters who bring in a sim owner needing administration, we will give 10% of our first check.
To learn more, please contact Nydia Tungsten or Brandi Streusel.
"We pride ourselves on on not just renting land but renting our customers the land you want. We listen to what you tell us on what you are looking for."
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