Jamm for Genes in SL: August 3rd, 4th and 5th 2012
This year Jamm for Genes in Second Life will feature 55 hours of live SL music hosted at three Australian run venues - Laceys Place, The Pocket and B&Bs. "It's an Australian charity, but the benefits of its research are global", says Organiser OhMy Kidd, (aka Matthew Davies, based in Canberra, Australia).Kidd aims to build on the success of previous years events, which in total have raised over $4,000 Australian dollars, to reach a target of 500 000 Linden in Second Life, equivalent to about $A2,000.
Jamm for Genes in Second Life is a group effort. Since 2007 on the first weekend in August a generous and growing team of volunteers, musicians and venues have been contributing their time and talents to raise funds for children's medical research at a series of Jamm for Genes concerts in the virtual world Second Life. "So many of the people who have volunteered to help have told me their personal or family stories of why they understand this charity is so important" says Kidd.
The line-up of talent is just incredible, with some of second life's best and most experienced artists confirmed to date including The Matthew Show, The Lohners, Rosedrop Rust, Freestar Tammas, Senjata Witt, Spike Luckstone, EricSteffensen Mistwalker, Jaggpro McCann, Zorch Boomhauer, buzz Paulino, NeoMaximus Brandenberg, Beth Odets , OhMy & Saraine, Seamore Wildehart, Mash Rhode, Icky Flux, Bamboof StillMorning, Doofus & Pan, Pato Milo, Pmann Sands, Kevin M Thomas Carpool, KatRose Serendipity, Guitarhero Dougall, Bright Oh, Bat Masters, Whirli Placebo, JoeSatriani Feden, Bo Carter, Lazarus Doghouse, Starrfish Ohmai, Gina Gracemount and Russell Eponym.
Jamm for Genes at Laceys Place from 10 PM Thursday August 2nd SL time http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Sasha/15/216/27
Jamm for Genes at The Pocket for 24 hours from 8 PM Friday 3rd August http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Cassandra/22/78/35
Jamm for Genes at B&Bs for 24 hours from 12 AM on Sunday 5th August http://slurl.com/secondlife/Utopia%20and%20EnGedi/189/198/21
Proceeds from Jamm for Genes, and its parent event Jeans for Genes, support research into childhood and genetic diseases such as birth defects, cancer, and epilepsy by the Childrens Medical Research Institute. The event begins in Australia on the first Friday of August each year with "Jeans for Genes", a day where office workers shun their suits, sport their best denim, and give generously. Jamm for Genes supports the charity through live music in events ranging from office talent competitions to professional festivals throughout the weekend.
"I've been involved with Jamm for Genes since its inception. It's a terrific way to help create a brighter future for all children through the power of music." Glenn A Baker, Jamm for Genes Patron
15 hours ago
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