Feel free to interpret each theme with all the creative energy that embodies Second Life and in your own fun and festive way! We look forward to seeing you on the track!
11am - 12:30pm: CELEBRATE - Survivor/Caregiver Honor Walk - Survivors Are the "Spirit Of Relay" They Are the Promise Of Hope! Please Line the Track and Celebrate Our Heroes, Our Friends who have heard the words "You Have Cancer", as they walk the track in this opening lap.
The Caregivers are the Backbone of the Fight. They hold the hands, they care for and support their loved ones as they walk their cancer journey. As you stand at the side of the track, celebrating the survivors, cheer for their caregivers, too as we also support the ones who give so much to help our Survivors Fight Cancer! Cheer them all on as they walk by!!

2 - 3pm: Silly Hats/Big Hair: Just like it says.. show us your silliest hat and/or craziest hair! (Fuzzball Ortega take note)
3 - 4pm: The First Timer Lap - As an homage to the new residents who have only recently joined Second Life and are taking part in their first Relay, lets celebrate first timers with the default Second Life offered avatars. Best thing is...everyone has those avatars in the Library folder. Open Inventory, scroll to the bottom, open the Library folder, then go into Clothing...and all the default sign up avatar folders are in there. Simply drag and drop the folder into your avatar and be a new resident for an hour! (PS: for extra effect, take off any AO's and use the default run/walk)
4 - 5pm: Animal Kingdom! A salute to the breedable companies in SL who show such amazing support to Relay. Dress as your favorite animal or wear a t-shirt that acknowledges your favorite breedable! Take your pet for a shoulder ride around the track, even.
5-6pm: Cruisin' Western Style - Walk the track to the sounds of great country western music while you dress the style!
6-7pm: Blast from the Past - This years theme is Time For a Cure.. well, step back in time and dress the style from your favorite decade/trends or better yet, dress for the decade of your birth.
7-8pm: Musicians For Relay - Salute the wonderful SL musicians who do so much for Relay, year after year. Represent them on the track. Look like a punk rocker, or maybe a rap artist or even wear a t-shirt saluting your favorite SL musician! Thank you to the best musicians anywhere!!
8-9pm: Favorite Holiday - You could be a Xmas Tree or dress up as a firecracker. Or just wear that favorite Holiday Sweater.. oooohhh Easter Bunny, anyone? Use your imagination and have fun!
9-10pm: REMEMBER - Luminaria Ceremony - ( quiet reflection with readings and inspirational music; sims are darkened for reflection and remembrance of those and their loved ones who have lost their battles to cancer or are still battling it; all are invited to participate) Walk the track in silence.
10-11pm: Fancy Footwear - Purple boots, rainbow tennies, spiked heels, roller skates.. dress up those feet and run that track!
11-Midnight: Fantasy Hour - Fantasy Characters - Dragons, Pirates, Star Trek, Fairies, Elves... Fantasy themed avatars, Medieval, Tinies, Mermaids & Mermen, Wings
Midnight-1am: Midnight Masquerade - Wear a Mask and costume and join the carnival like festivity hour.
1-2am: The Power of Purple - wear as much purple as you can. ..skin, hair, eyes, clothing, .. just bring on the purple!
2-3am: Monster Mash - Vampire, Frankenstein, Sasquatch, Godzilla.. Costume or Avi.. show us the monster in YOU!
3-4am: Super Heroes! - Able to leap buildings in a single bound---more powerful than a locomotive---faster than a speeding bullet... it's a bird, it's a plane.. NOOOO.. it's YOUR favorite SUPER HERO!
4-5am: Sports Mania - football, baseball, rugby, hockey, swimming, cheerleading.. just any sports attire. Don your favorite jersey or uniform and bring that Relay spirit.
5-6am: Up All Night - Curlers, Coffee, PJ's & Slippers - Curlers, Coffee, PJ's & Slippers - time to wake up and smell the coffee
6-7am: FIGHT BACK - Fight Back Ceremony - (Pick up your specially made RFL HOPE Cape and Fight Back Flags - available at the Relay Stations, and join us as we make our fight back pledges to save a life this year - your own, a friends, a family member, or someone you don't even know yet. Together we all can FIGHT BACK.
7-8am: International Lap - Wear your countries flag.. (provided by the International Committee) or outfits that represent your country. Adorn yourself in your country's colors!
8-9am: Caring & Curing - paying tribute to doctors, nurses, police, firemen or many others. So many who dedicate their lives to saving and helping fellow mankind. Cheers to them!
9-10am: Formal Hour - Wear your best as you walk the final lap before Closing Ceremonies. Formal attire. Try to keep prims to a minimum, please.
11am - NOON: Victory Lap! - Walk the track and meet the Relay Committee. Celebrate YOUR Relay. Take THAT, Cancer!
Read more in the RFL in SL blog - http://rflofsl.blogspot.com/
Wear your best as you walk the final lap before Closing Ceremonies. Formal attire. Try to keep prims to a minimum, please.