The Relay Track doesn't have much longer before it's down. Wednesday's the last day to get a good look at the place. And what awaits the visitor, quite a bit.
At RFL Reflections, the sim is mostly water. And there's a number of boats one can use, from a sailboat, to a kayak, to jet skis. There's also a jetski course to the south, though the slower boats aren't affected by the obstacles. To the north, the ocean floor has a bit of scenery, as well as an island with waterfalls. Going into the waterfalls are caverns, some with picturesque views. And there's a small Second Life Coast Guard station nearby, where one can look at the craft.
In the eastern half of RFL Overcome and the western of RFL Manage, there's a huge laboratory. Just about everything is built to giant scale, the tables, the equipment, making normal avatars look mouse-sized. For some Relayers, it brought back memories of the classic "Greenies" sim from the earlier days in Second Life.
Impromptu parties are still going on at the track. There really hasn't been any hard schedule for them, though occasionally one will see a star on the map saying there'll be an event there at a certain time. One can run into Relay noteables there, such as Trader1 Whiplash, Bain Finch, DJ Madona, Lomgren Smalls, and others.
There was one party for Wednesday I did hear the time for, though not the place: the Flood Party. It's supposed to start sometime between 4 and 6 PM SL time, of which one of the sims gets flooded. Residents are advised to bring their own inner tubes or swimmer AOs.
For screenshots of the Relay track check out the Flickr page Here.
Bixyl Shuftan
8 hours ago
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