Following is some useful information regarding Relay Weekend 2012. We're so excited to get the weekend underway and look forward to seeing you on the activity sims, at the ceremonies and out on the track!
- - - - - - - - LUMINAREA--- - - - -
As you walk the track you'll notice luminaria line the sides. These are your opportunities to pay tribute to a lost loved one.. or to thank a person who inspires and encourages you. Donating lindens to a luminary gives you the chance to mention a special someone in hover text over the bag and will light and change color based on the linden amount paid to it. Following is a list of the 2012 Luminary color and linden levels.
1 - 1000 - White
1001 - 2500 - Blue
2501 - 5000 - Green
5001 - 7500 - Pink
7501 - 10000 - Orange
10001 or more - Purple + fireworks
-------------THE RELAY TRACK----------
The themes are brought to the track to be fun and entertaining, not required, but it's always fun to see all the variety on the track. (Coming later) is a list of this year's themes and we hope you enjoy getting those outfits ready!
Around the track you'll see a constant amazing display of some of SL's greatest talent.. the Relay For Life Team campsites. They have all come together to each build their own display at the side of the track and welcome you to stop in and visit. They've worked hard all season and are thrilled to receive guests at their site.
Also alongside the track are fabulous builds constructed for our enjoyment by some of SL's top builders. It is with honor we thank the following builders for the generous donation of their talent and precious time for us all to enjoy. Also listed is the name of the region that you can view their contribution to this year's Relay For Life track.
Acceptance: Kelyren Benoir
Awareness: Troy Vogel
Care: Guarocuya Giano and Xavian Starsider
Courage: Photon Pink
Dedication: Eclair Martinek and Khyle Sion
Enlightment: Tari Landar
Family/Fight Back: Serina Juran
Healing: Searlait Nitschke
Hero: Rynn Verwood
Imagine: Bijoux Lefavre
Knowledge: Cierra Anatine
Life: Anhayla Lycia
Manage: Rathmeus Dagger
Pledge: Cole Eyre
Remember: Alla Baroque
Research: Jay Ohmal
Screening/Spirit: Edwardd Crumb
Strength/Strides: Raeyn Sirnah
Survive: Barnesworth Anubis
Treatment, Volunteer, Unity & Wish (activity regions) Grace Loudon
---------------- THE CEREMONIES-----------------
JULY 14TH 2012:
Opening Ceremony - 10 am - The fun-filled weekend begins!
CELEBRATE - 11 am - The first lap of Relay weekend begins with the celebrate ceremony. A Survivor/Caregiver honor walk. Please line the track and celebrate our heroes.
REMEMBER - 9pm - the Luminaria Ceremony - a solumn reflection with readings and inspirational music; sims are darkened in remembrance of those and their loved ones who have lost their battles to cancer or are still battling it; all are invited to participate. Please walk the track in silence.
JULY 15TH 2012:
FIGHT BACK -6am- Pick up your specially made RFL HOPE Cape and Fight Back Flags - available at the Relay Stations, and join us as we make our fight back pledges to save a life this year -your own, a friends, a family member, or someone you don't even know yet. Together we all can FIGHT BACK against cancer.
Closing Ceremony - 10 am - Come to close out our amazing weekend with this closing tribute to what we've accomplished and how we will, as ONE big Relay For Life of Secondlife team, continue to Fight Back and keep our Hope alive.
----------------THE ACTIVITIES-----------------
As you land on the Event Day sims this year, you will see a Welcome Center staffed by volunteer greeters who are there to direct traffic, answer questions and distribute the 2012 Relay For Life Visitors Guide.
------- Relay Weekend 2012 Activities Overview -------
Here's what you can expect to see at Relay weekend this year...
Be sure and stop in to visit the Survivor/Caregiver Center the landmark will be available at the Welcome Center and in the Info Stations or you will see it as you walk by it when on the track.
On the Acceptance region, you will find T1 Radio broadcasting live and also stop in and visit the RFL museum full of RFL of SL memorabilia.
On RFL Dedication, you will find the committee campsite.. stop in and say hello or at least wave as you go by!
On RFL Reflection you will find the water activities featuring Sailing, Surfing and lots more. Stop in there to discover the treasures and fun on the water region!
The four activity regions will feature a lot of fundraising and entertainment opportunities that include an amazing silent auction, the Raffle For Relay, a scavenger hunt, a maze, an art show and sale, the Breedables Hall of Fame featuring RFL specially created breedables and a Breedables Silent Auction, fishing and more. Music will be featured continously at any of the activity stages which include a dj stage, a live music stage and the country stage. Snail Racing returns to Relay weekend as well. This years RFL Telethon broadcasting studio will be located at the Activity Regions, as well.
----------------- TEAMS R US -----------------
Last but certainly not least, one of these activity sims wil be set up for our amazing teams that make up Relay For Life of SecondLife.. On this region will be the fabulous Teams R Us Clubhouse that houses the team parties and also a display of awards that our teams have earned this season.
The Teams flea market will provide the perfect opportunity for some shopping as you take a break from the track. Rides, and games, and snail racing and more will entertain our teams on their very special Teams R Us region.
For information about booking your team party at the Clubhouse, please contact Shayla Juran. Remember, all team parties are to take place at the Clubhouse and not at the teams campsites, so we can keep traffic going smoothly around the track.
4 hours ago
Lots of good information here, Bixyl. Thank you!