Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Cartoon of The Day: Winged Floatie

 Taken while shopping. This float got my attention as it had bat wings. With my sense of humor, I was wondering if it was someone's idea of "water wings."

Bixyl Shuftan


Pictures From Burn2 Whimsy

Gemma Cleanslate was one of the Rangers at the Burn2 spinnoff event this weekend. The theme of this year's summer burn was "Whimsy." And some of the builds were more than a little on the whimsical side. She sent the Newser a few pictures.
See the pictures in Events.  

Delay Of Announcement of New Linden Home Theme

Last week, Linden Lab announced they were doing their last of three polls for the new Linden Home theme. The choices were "Millionare Homes," "Mid-Century Modern," "Alpine Style Theme," "Craftsman Style Homes," and "Tiki Water Theme." The winner was supposed to be announced on Monday. But it wasn't. As of the writing of this article, the theme has not yet been announced. 
It was also brought up in the forums that the date for the second Community Roundtable, which was supposed to be at the SL21B but delayed, hasn't been announced either. Nor have there been any new updates in the Lab's "Featured News" for over a month. 

Stay tuned for more information,

Bixyl Shuftan

A New Office

The Newser is getting a new office. Ranchan Weidman, who's provided the office buildings since our start in June 2010, gave us a bigger one that takes up just about all of our plot. 

It's certainly very roomy. But, we're going to have to rearrange our furniture some. At least when real-life and our writing schedules give us a break. 

The second office went up in December 2012, and almost ten years later the third office building was set up in September 2022. There are also satellite offices in Belisseria and Book Island.

The location remains at HV Community (140, 85, 25

Thank you again Ranchan,

Bixyl Shuftan

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Some Technical Difficulties


My connection to the Internet went down during the night, and only now has just been restored.
 Some articles may be delayed a little, but they will be done.

Bixyl Shuftan 

Events This Week at the Sunweaver and Montecito Bay Clubs, and Club Scorn

Here's what's going on at the Sunweaver, Montecito Bay, and Scorn clubs.

Club Cutlass: Favorite Animal, Summer Wear, Country

Happy Vixen: DJ Malit, DJ Arooo, DJ Charlee, DJ Minty, DJ Scratch, DJ Squeaks, DJ Khyra

Club Zero Gravity: TBA

Bouncing Bunny Beach Club: TBA

Xanadu: DJ Jesse 

Club Squeaks: DJ Squeaks
Montecito Bay:  CAYA, After Dark

Club Scorn: DJ Charlee, Morning Show, Breakfast Show, DJ Aldi, DJ Poison, DJ Charlee, DJ Malit, DJ Gwen
Read the schedules in SL Clubbin'

Monday, July 29, 2024

Burn2 Summer Burn, "Whimsy"

This weekend from Friday to Sunday, the Burn2 Summer Burn event took place. Called "Whimsy," it had a whimsical tone with many of the builds intending to be on the amusing side. It took place at Burning Man - Deep Hole.

But not all of it was whimsical. When I finally had a chance to send an alt over, there was a tribute to a late friend, "Next song is Take Five, a cover of it by King Tubby... I play it in honour of Ktadhn, who used to play Take Five by the Dave Brubeck Quartet for every single Lamplighter procession (smile) As soon as the song would start, he would IM me and say, 'A little jazz for you' We remember you, KT!!!"

Gemma should have more on Whimsy soon,

Bixyl Shuftan

SL Video: "How to Set Up Mirrors"

From Zanibar Pixelbottom on June 19, who explains how to set up a mirror, and gives a few details such as why not every one you will see will show your avatar's reflection "Reflection probes are meant for general, 'good enough' reflections. If you absolutely need accurate reflections, (such as for a mirror), you'll need to use a mirror probe. In this video, I'll demonstrate how to make a mirror, and the differences between a static and dynamic mirror."

Sunday, July 28, 2024

Cartoon of The Day: It's A Riot

 Taken from the map. The name of this sim certainly made me think of what some would think of the name.

By Bixyl Shuftan


Saturday, July 27, 2024

SL Video: "Inspire"


From LP Films, on Nov 2022, " A video to inspire followers and creators of Machinima and video game engine videographers/film makers. Thank you Teal of SL for the inspiration on this video. Special Highlights to but a few of Second Life's bright minds: Loki , Theo , Mason , Lynxa , Macguyver, Vrutega, Jordan , Tekila , Glen , Jason , Maia , and Olly/Steven. Music by Imagine Dragons 'Believer'"

SLB Sims Empty

 I was able to port by the SLB sims last night, and not unexpectedly, the exhibits were pretty much all gone, remnants in a spot or two.

It was a great SL21B, even if I didn't see as much as I wanted to.

Friday, July 26, 2024

July 19 Tech Outage Could Cost Over Five Billion Dollars

Last Friday, a massive global tech outage affected many thousands from airport travelers to 911 callers to hospital workers as data and communication became unavailable.  Airlines were particularly hard hit, some still having many more delayed flights for days. CNN reported one insurance company stated the crash, "will cost Fortune 500 companies alone more than $5 billion in direct losses."
Crowdsrtike would also issue a report about what went wrong, saying that it came from part of it's security system that checks for hacking on customer's computers and smartphones after an update was made which was glitched. While it's updates are screened before being released, there was a bug in the system that allowed it to get through, “despite containing problematic content data.”The result was the "blue screen of death" on millions of computers and smartphones, which could only be delt with by manual operations, sometimes over and over and over.

For more information, check CNN

Bixyl Shuftan

It Came From Bellisseria Chat: "The Olympic Flag is Flying"


With the Paris Olympics starting today in real life, it was appropriate when Radioactive Rosca announced, "The Olympic flag is flying in Bellisseria," then posted this picture of it on a flagpole at a Linden Home. Someone mused "does it have it's pilot's license?"

This Saturday at The Science Circle

 Saturday July 27

    At 10 AM PST   

    Dr. Stephen L. Gasior
    NOTE: Non-members required to register once
    IM Jes Cobalt or Nymf Hathaway

╚══════════════════════════════ The Science Circle (72,129,30) ═╝

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Frog Museum And Burn 2's Whimsy

After her recent break, Gemma Cleanslate has been busy.  At Circuit La Corse, she heard about an unusual place: the Frog Museum. Opening in mid-July, it's a celebration of all things froggy, and offers storytime readings. Also, the Burn2 group is about to have their Summer Burn. This year's theme is "Whimsy," and true to it's name all kinds of amusing builds are being set up in Deep Hole. The art and music Festival starts tomorrow, but Gemma had an early look.

Read Gemma's story in Places

Second Life Blogger Network Put On Hiatus

A few days ago, Linden Lab announced on the official blog that they would be temporarily pausing the Second Life Blogger Network. 

As we continue to evolve and improve our various community initiatives, we have decided to put the Second Life Blogger Network (SLBN) on a temporary hiatus. This pause will allow us to dedicate resources to upcoming changes and enhancements designed to enrich our community's experience even further. 
We sincerely appreciate the incredible contributions that each of you, our esteemed bloggers, have made to enrich the Second Life community. Please know that this decision was made with careful consideration and is not a reflection of the value we place on your work. 
The Lab also stated they would be expanding the Second Life Weekly Email Newsletter, and invited people to use the Community Resources Portal. 
The Second Life Blogger Network was introduced almost five years ago, in September 2019.  
Hat tip: Daniel Voyager

Bixyl Shuftan

Partying On At Scorn And Cutlass

 Club Scorn may be just a single club, but it has a number of venues on the sim and every Saturday a different one gets used. On Saturday the 20th, a new city ruins venue was revealed for the club's "Post Apocalypse" Night.
 People showed up as survivors, mutants, robots, and a zombie, "What does a vegetarian zombie say? Graaaaaiiiinnnnssss ..." The people playing the music were DJ Aldi, DJ Poison, DJ Charlee, DJ Squeaks, and DJ Gwen. Several contests were held with a number of winners. 

Scorn is at Elysium Tartarus, the locations of the active venue varies, depending on which one is used.

Cutlass remains one venue (though occasionally the underwater club is powered up for use). On July 24, the theme was "Crazy Stuff."

DJ Jenni played the tunes as people showed up as a watermellon, a jellyfish, an Intermet meme, community leader Rita Mariner in a straitjacket, and more.

Cutlass is at Sunweaver Bay (114/117/757). 

Bixyl Shuftan

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Cartoon of The Day: Kittycat Shopping

 Taken at Kittycats. While there, there was someone in a cat avatar shopping for some food. One wonders what a real cat would be thinking.

By Bixyl Shuftan

Press Release: "Party Line" In Bay City, Sunday July 28



Local Citizens host a party to celebrate Second Life® on mobile devices

BAY CITY, SL (22nd July, 2024) -  With the much-anticipated beta release of Second Life on Mobile Devices, Bay City wants to celebrate! Join Bay City Residents and many others to honor the big news with what we call a “Party Line” in the Bay City Fairgrounds! Bay City’s own DJ, GoSpeed of KONA Stream, will provide a lively set as we take to the conga line and dance the evening away.

The event name comes from the party lines of earlier times, where one could often find a conversation going on your telephone. Of course, with Bay City, “lines” generally refers to the conga line present at most of our events. Join in and jump in the line with us!

Also, while we’re not demanding it, now would be a great time for some 1950s looks/ Feel free to dust off your summer jackets and shirt dresses!

This party is part of several community-focused parties to celebrate the arrival of Second Life on mobile devices. While not required to enjoy this party, Second Life is available now, for Premium and Premium Plus members, in the Apple and Google Play app stores. You can learn more at

Bay City is a mainland community, developed by Linden Lab® and home to the Bay City Alliance. The Bay City Alliance was founded in 2008 to promote the Bay City regions of Second Life and provide a venue for Bay City Residents and other interested parties to socialize and network. It is now the largest group for Residents of Bay City.

For more information, or to participate in the event, please contact Marianne McCann. 

Reader Submitted SLB Pictures

 From Zada Bury, "Taken on the SL21B - Adult Event Area (SLB Steamy) - on battlement of the brokenthe church ... shadow in front of the dark sun"

From Kanida Delec, her checking out the Newser exhibit at SLB Incredible (24/15/21), "I found a lost puppy on the roof, well, it says lost."

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Premium and Premium Plus Stipends Delayed

One of the perks about Premium and Premium plus is the monthly stipends, or allowance, of Lindens from the Lab. But according to the Grid Status Report, there's been a slight delay.
  Investigating - We are aware of an issue where weekly stipend payments to Premium and Premium Plus members may have been delayed. We are currently investigating the issue. Please keep an eye on this blog for any updates.
Hopefully this will be resolved soon.

Events This Week at the Sunweaver and Montecito Bay Clubs, and Club Scorn

Here's what's going on at the Sunweaver, Montecito Bay, and Scorn clubs.

Club Cutlass: Crazy Stuff, Roads, Steampunk

Happy Vixen: DJ Malit, DJ Arooo, DJ Charlee, DJ Minty, TBA, DJ Scratch, DJ Squeaks, DJ Khyra

Club Zero Gravity: Exotic Animals

Bouncing Bunny Beach Club: Bikinis and Swimsuits

Xanadu: DJ Jesse 

Club Squeaks: DJ Squeaks
Montecito Bay:  CAYA, After Dark

Club Scorn: DJ Charlee, Morning Show, Breakfast Show, DJ Aldi, DJ Poison, DJ Charlee, DJ Malit, DJ Gwen
Read the schedules in SL Clubbin'

Reader Submitted Picture: Early SLB Empty Plots

From Kamida Delec,who was going about the grounds of the Second Life Birthday on Sunday July 21, and noticed some spots that had nothing but green grass or water. When told it was the last day of the event, "Ah, that explains the empty plot I see time to time."

Monday, July 22, 2024

SL21B Ends

 Sometime on the night of July 21, probably Midnight, the exhibits of the Second Life Birthday region closed to the public. After about a month, the SL21B is over.

The Newser took some pictures, but sadly due to real life and other needs, we didn't get as many as we wanted. Please send pictures, and any stories, to

Trying To Figure Out New Tech

If I haven't been writing much lately, there's a reason. Yours truly has been making a tech upgrade. 
For years, I had just the old flip phones that came about in the 90s. Then when the company phased them out about a couple years ago, I finally got a smartphone, a simple one. But friends kept telling me I needed to upgrade. So I finally did. I went ahead and got a much better smartphone: a Samsung.
Trouble is, the joke about new tech being scary to people over forty, well, there's something to it. It's been something of a struggle trying to get the thing working right, which takes time. Time that cannot be used for writing, or covering events like the last days of the SLB.

But I'll get this figured out. In the meantime, in-depth stories, other than from other reporters and reader submissions, will have to wait.
Image credit: PC Mag 

Bixyl Shuftan

Reader Submitted Pictures: Hot Fields At The SLB

From Zada Bury, "Taken on the SL21B - Adult Event Area (SLB Steamy) - posing on the lava fields in front of the dark red sun"

Sunday, July 21, 2024

The SL21B's Last Day


 Second Life's anniversary celebration is almost over. After a month, the SL21B will officially close tonight at Midnight SL time, possibly a few hours before. So this is the last day for most of us to see the exhibits. 

Hop on over for one last look, including the Newser's exhibit at:
Bixyl Shuftan

Cartoon of The Day: Mobile SL Before Mobile Viewers

 Of the new mobile viewer, there is one thing seldom mentioned. Some laptops can run Second Life, and have for years. 

By Bixyl Shuftan


Saturday, July 20, 2024

SL Video: "Happy Birthday Second Life (Part 5)"


 From Draxtor Despres on July 14, "It is that time of year again where we celebrate the fact that Second Life - due to the ingenuity of its residents - has outlived many a Metaverses. Well, I don't personally find joy in punching down on worlds that came and went so let me be clear: HAPPY BIRTHDAY SECOND LIFE! YOU ARE MY ONE AND ONLY (even if others were to exist .... and they don't ... change my mind?) Join me if you see me and let's wander the grounds of SL21B ! ! !"

Friday, July 19, 2024

Global Outage Affecting Online Systems Worldwide

All day today, there's been a global tech outage. Across the US and much of the planet, it's affected many places from airports, to hospitals, to 911 and other emergency services, and more. People have been stranded at airports waiting for their planes. Procedures for patients in hospitals are delayed as their records are inaccessible. Court sessions are delayed due to computers being down. 
About the only bright spot was the doughnut chain Krispy Kreme offering free donuts to people. 
The source was traced to a software update for Cloudstrike. In a Twitter post, it's CEO explained the problem was, “a defect found in a single content update of its software on Microsoft Windows operating systems."
To read more, check here and here on CNN and here on AP.
Bixyl Shuftan

This Saturday at The Science Circle

Saturday July 20

    At 10 AM PST   

    Math's Dojo
    Dr. Robert Nendrix
    NOTE: Non-members required to register once
    IM Jes Cobalt or Nymf Hathaway

╚══════════════════════════════ The Science Circle (72,129,30) ═╝

Thursday, July 18, 2024

RFL Team Sunbeamer Meeting

 On Sunday July 14, the Relay for Life's Sunbeamer team held a post-season meeting at the team's HQ in Sunweaver Bay. They talked about about how things went this year, what went well, and what didn't. There was discussion about possibly retiring one event, and adding in a new one.
Among the things discussed was that while previous years had souvenirs in the Sunbeamer HQ, the ones for this year seemed absent. It turned out they're at Club Cutlass, elsewhere in the sim.

Go Sunbeamers! Go Relay!

Bixyl Shuftan

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Cartoon of The Day: Unsteady Skates

 Taken at the Happy Vixen. I got the pun from an old black and white cartoon. 

By Bixyl Shuftan


Gemma Cleanslate is back after a necessary hiatus. Returning to Second Life,a friend of hers told her about a place she made called WonderlandZ. Gemma took a look at this place, interesting and often strange.

Read Gemma's article in Places.

Reader Submitted Pictures: Big Hair At Club Cutlass

"Big Hair" was the theme at Club Cutlass last Saturday. And in group chatter, Rita was talking about Kylee Gracemount's hairdo, "Kylee, is giving fuzzball a run for biggest hair." I couldn't make it to take pictures. But I got a few. This one from FluffyFoxy364 Resident
This one from Cynthia Farshore

 And this one from DeniseUnicorn Toonie

Snowy would comment, "Could say its a big Hare day."

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Events This Week at the Sunweaver and Montecito Bay Clubs, and Club Scorn

Here's what's going on at the Sunweaver, Montecito Bay, and Scorn clubs.

Club Cutlass:Wild West, Wild vs Domesticated, Steampunk

Happy Vixen: DJ Malit, DJ Arooo, DJ Charlee, DJ Minty, TBA, DJ Scratch, DJ Squeaks, DJ Khyra

Club Zero Gravity: Wild vs Domesticated

Bouncing Bunny Beach Club: TBA

Xanadu: DJ Jesse 

Club Squeaks: DJ Squeaks
Montecito Bay:  CAYA, After Dark

Club Scorn: DJ Charlee, Morning Show, Breakfast Show, DJ Aldi, DJ Poison, DJ Charlee, DJ Malit, DJ Gwen
Read the schedules in SL Clubbin'

Monday, July 15, 2024

Interview With Aldaris (Bawnty Resident) About RFL Team Scorn

It's been a busy Relay season, with almost two hundred teams taking part. Among them was a new one, Team Scorn, captained by Aldaris (Bawnty Resident), which ended up in Gold ranked fundraising. Recently he was interviewed by Bixyl Shuftan about how the team came to be, and what it did.
Read the interview in People

"Switched Destinies", Novel by SL Writer, Has A T-Shirt Available

 For fans of "Switched Destinies," a novel series written by Second Life resident Nydia Tungsten, good news. On her Zazzle page, there's now a T-shirt available for purchase, with pictures of the cover art of both the original book and it's sequel. 

For more about the novel, read the 2018 interview with Nydia

Reader Submitted Picture: "You Are About To Exceed ..."

 From Zada Bury, a shirt with captions that reflect how she feels on days when there's larger numbers of difficult people. 

Sunday, July 14, 2024

Announcement: Memorial Service for Lady Lovie Benoir

 Celebrating the life of 
Lady Lovie Benoir
Gone Too Soon

Your candle burned out long before your legend ever will
Balloon Release
Sunday July 14 at 4PM SL time
Dressy Attire 
PBC Colosseum

Friday, July 12, 2024

Sneaky Discord Scam

 Been hearing about a diabolical scam on Discord. It's described as appearing as a very obvious one at first, but the REAL scam is the "dismiss message" link, which supposedly gives the scammer access to your computer. 

At the very least, it's a reminder to be a little careful with your computers. 

Commentary: Reflections on the SL21B

Second Life is now "old enough to drink." And while most residents are happy, a few feel like having a drink themselves.

There's no doubt that the Lab would have prefered that this year's Second Life Birthday be remembered when it showcased it's PBR update and finally brought out it's mobile viewer. While that's part of how it will be, unfortunately there are some details the Lab would prefer we the residents forget.

In late February came allegations in an anonymous online article that a number of Lindens and Moles had been involved in ageplay, offering no real evidence. Despite the caution of the Second Life media, the Newser and others only giving hints of what was going on or limiting themselves to saying there was an investigation, and that the host website took down the article, word got around as rumors do. While most may believe "all remain innocent until proven guilty," some instead were "once accused, always suspect." A few Lindens and moles named in the accusations were regulars on Bellisseria chat and stopped chatting, laying low. They would not appear at the WVBPE Conference and one would briefly show up at the Fantasy Faire. Finally at the Second Life Birthday they would appear as normal. This was a relief to most, though there were still one or two people going, "Hide the children!"

About a month and a half before the Second Life Birthday came the Linden response to the ageplay allegations: more restrictions on child avatars. They would all need to have "modesty layers" under their clothes. But more importantly would be completely barred from  Adult-rated sims, even if there was nothing overtly sexual outside private homes and the rating was there only because those making their home there were afraid the Lab would ban them for what went on behind closed doors under any milder rating. The Moon Dance and possibly a few other Relay events were barred to child avatars, and while Burn2 once allowed both nudity and child avatars, it is currently deciding which to do away with. Marianne McCann and possibly others whotook part in the past may not be able to do so any more without changing from the look they've been known for.

Soon after, it was announced that the mobile viewer could not be used to take users to Adult-rated areas either. The viewer could be gotten only through Google Play and Apples App Store, both of which had rules about what products available there could show. Between this move and the rule about child avatars, for better or for worse Adult sims were no longer as acessible as they were compared to Mature ones. For some places, this brings up a choice. Do they remain Adult to soothe nagging fears by some who make their home there about what the Lab will do if they spend a little private time with a loved one (or friend with bennefits), or do they lower the rating to make the place more accessible?

And this was the time in which Firestorm, the most popular viewer, released it's PBR (Physical Based Rendering) update. And so the majority of residents were now able to see objects made with this feature, notably the first truly functional mirrors. It was a joy to a number of residents. But for others, notably with older computers, it wasn't. A few people I talked to complained of greater lag and even crashes. Former Newser reporter, who was scheduled to DJ at the Second Life Birthday, had to cancel as he lagged heavily and repeatedly crashed. He would make the decision to leave Second Life for good. How many others did the same is unknown. And a better computer isn't always better for Second Life. I was told about someone's brand new expensive PC that was "barely able" to play the new viewer.

In some ways, it's a reminder of Linden Lab's delima. Unless Second Life is updated, fewer new users will come in. But the problem is, updating means higher requirements for computers. And so those with older machines end up with slower virtual experiences that can make going about here less easy and more difficult, and eventually not able to get on. And 21 years after Second Life's creation, working class residents often have less disposable income than their forebears, and it takes them longer to save for a better computer, if they can save at all.

The Second Life Birthday itself would reflect some of these happenings. People cheered at the sight of certain Lindens and Moles who had been lying low for a while. Much of the terrain, and many of the exhibits took advantage of the new PBR technology, which was a treat for those who could see it. The theme "Elements" was an odd one, but thankfully one didn't need to make their exhibits adhire strictly to the theme. And there is quite a variety of exhibits to see. Plus with this year's SLB lasting a month, more time to see them.

There was one other difference from previous recent birthdays. Instead of a Musicfest at the start with a lot of DJs and singers at the begining weekend with a smaller number of stage events the rest of the celebration, this year all the scheduled performances were in the first ten days, then no more. But there will almost certainly be a few performers step up in the closing hours to help end things with a bang.

As with previous birthdays, there were a few things that raised eyebrows, but much to celebrate, such as despite all the naysayers saying we were doomed, the glitches, the recessions, and the occasional Linden blunder, we're still here.

Happy twenty-first birthday, Second Life. And here's to many more.

Bixyl Shuftan 
SL Newser

This Saturday at The Science Circle

Saturday July 13

    At 10 AM PST   

    Feeding The World
    Dr. Stephen L. Gasior
    NOTE: Non-members required to register once
    IM Jes Cobalt or Nymf Hathaway

╚══════════════════════════════ The Science Circle (72,129,30) ═╝

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Cartoon of the Day: Light Treat

 Taken while on a shopping trip. Some of the items up for sale were, interesting, and got my sense of humor working.

By Bixyl Shuftan

Ad: Charlee's Gachas


Looking for a place to get some gachas? Well, for some at bargain prices, check out Charlee's Gachas. You'll find that the variety is large, and the prices are small. From companion pets like mice and pandas and bats, to jewelry, to furniture, you'll find plenty of products at bargain prices.  

To start browsing the Marketplace store, Click Here

SL Video: "Correcting Misconceptions About Second Life"


From Prisca Newall on April 28, in response to a youtuber making exaggerated claims about Second Life's Adult side, "This episode sets the record straight on the 'Horrifying Truth about the Metaverse,' by Virtual Venture, debunking the common misconceptions about Second Life."

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Events This Week at the Sunweaver and Montecito Bay Clubs, and Club Scorn

Here's what's going on at the Sunweaver, Montecito Bay, and Scorn clubs.

Club Cutlass: 80s Night, Rocker, TBA

Happy Vixen: DJ Malit, DJ Arooo, DJ Charlee, DJ Minty, TBA, DJ Scratch, DJ Squeaks, DJ Khyra

Club Zero Gravity: Long Ears And Short Tails

Bouncing Bunny Beach Club: TBA

Xanadu: DJ Jesse 

Club Squeaks: DJ Squeaks
Montecito Bay:  CAYA, After Dark

Club Scorn: DJ Charlee, Morning Show, Breakfast Show, DJ Aldi, DJ Poison, DJ Charlee, DJ Malit, DJ Gwen
Read the schedules in SL Clubbin'

Monday, July 8, 2024

A Few SL21B Exhibits

The SL21B is going on until later this month. And among the things are the exhibits. Some are simple, some very details. A certain fox managed to get in a little time to see a few. 

See the pictures in Places.