19 hours ago
Monday, August 31, 2020
News and Commentary: Political Ads Banned Under Ad Farm Rule Change
With America's Presidential Election Day in a little more than two months, it seems Linden Lab is trying to cut down on the size and number of political advertising signs. In a Concierge and Land User Group meeting last Wednesday August 26, the rules about advertising signs were amended to include a prohibition on political ads in their rules about Ad Farms.
Shortly afterwards, it was brought up in the Second Life forums and subject to some debate. Some supported it. Some were solidly opposed it. Others felt it was well-intentioned, considering how sour political rancor has gotten, but smacked of censorship.
More than once in the forum thread, someone stated no one has to worry about taking down a "Vote for XXXX" sign from their home parcel on the Mainland, provided such signs are within common sense (no huge banners standing over 8 meters in the air, no flashing lights, etc.). Taking a look in one spot, the political signs themselves I saw seemed to be within the eight meter limit, though one guy was doing a subtle jab at the opposition by making what looked like a giant body bag with the other candidate's banner. When I checked the following day though, both the sign and the bag were gone.
The Newser has written very little on the 2020 Presidential Election this year. This is partially because of the lack of headliners like the Trump Manor , the Trump Wall, and the Trump Organization getting banned by the Lab four years ago, partially. The other reason is people yours truly talking to on Second Life and the Internet expressing their revulsion and exhaustion with the state of politics and political debate today. With the home stretch of the campaign season upon us, there will be some political coverage. But don't expect it every week.
Bixyl Shuftan
ad farm,
Bixyl Shuftan,
Second Life,
RFL Announcment: Sad News Regarding Zed Ravenhurst

Linn Darkwatch
Aether Chrononauts,
passed away,
passed on,
Relay for Life,
Second Life,
Team ACTS,
Zed Ravenhurst
A Busy Weekend
Quite a bit happened this weekend. There was the Homes For Our Troops Benefit at Veterans Isle (above). The virtual Burning Man event started on Sunday. Yours truly got a tour of an aircraft carrier in Second Life, and more.
More details to come.
Burning Man,
Second Life,
weekend in review
Sunday, August 30, 2020
Cartoon of the Day
Bixyl Shuftan,
Cartoon of the Day,
Happy Vixen,
Second Life,
Spirit Fennec
"Burning Man 2020 The Multiverse" in Second Life
For the first time in it's history, The Burning Man Festival in Black Rock Nevada has been canceled, at least in real life. With the coronavirus making public events hazardous, it was just too dangerous. So, the event is going virtual with this year's theme being "The Multiverse." The event will be taking place in a number of virtual worlds and platforms. Since it's first year of operation, Second Life has featured it's own virtual version of Burning Man. And of course it will be part of this virtual event. From tomorrow, Sunday August 30 to Monday September 7, the Burning Man- Deep Hole sim will be the scene of the event. Gemma was recently there, and saw the Burners getting ready.
Read Gemma's story in Events.
Saturday, August 29, 2020
Friday, August 28, 2020
"The Shelter" Leaders Speak On The Closing
Yesterday, the Newser reported on The Shelter, a newcomer hangout that assisted those new to Second Life, announcing that it was closing after sixteen years as an active place and group. Earlier today, we were given the following message.
* * * * *

The reasons for this are numerous and too lengthy for this note, but it is not all bad news as The Shelter building will be Archived by the Lindens and will remain in world for as long as SecondLife is around.
I know a great many of you have considered The Shelter home and I am sorry to all of you, I hope you will continue to enjoy you SecondLife's
The main Shelter Group will remain in place but no new members will be admitted the Infra group will be closed down and all members removed
The final Events will be:
Saturday 29th 1 PM Theme Dance
7 PM Pool Party
Sunday 30th 1 PM Voice Sunday
7 PM Formal Dance
The theme Dances will both have Double Prize Money for their final outing and Wacoede will be DJ'ing the final Pool Party as he was the first DJ for the pool Party
To all the Vendors of the Shelter you have until the 30th to come pick up your items or they will be returned as a coalesced object
To all the Tier Donors feel free to remove your tier contributions but as I said above all members will be removed from the infra group on the 30th
Shelter Leadership
Wacoede Unplugged
Shadow Pidgeon
* * * * *
The Newser wishes the volunteers of "The Shelter," and the people they've been helping out, the best of luck.
Second Life,
Shadow Pidgeon,
The Shelter,
Wacoede Unplugged
EOTB: Applications Open Fow Halloween "Shop and Hop" Event
In the Linden blog this week, it was announced that applications were open for merchants to take part in the Halloween event "Shop and Hop."
The Halloween season is fast approaching...and this year Second Life is excited to announce an all-new seasonal Shop & Hop Event, held Oct. 2-Nov. 1. If you are a creator or merchant, this is your chance to spook up some sales and reach a large audience with your creepiest and coolest creations.
Here are the guidelines for participation in this year’s event:
The Halloween Shop and Hop will be held Friday, October 2 thru Sunday, November 1, 2020.
Set-up will be September 23 - 29.
Merchants are required to have at least a 20% discount on ALL items, including gachas.
Merchants are strongly encouraged to provide a new and exclusive, for the duration of the event, non-group gift.
Stores should not be entirely filled with gachas. Gacha resellers will not be permitted.
Items need to be appropriate for a moderate audience.
Merchants have until Sunday Sept 6 to sign up.
eye on the blog,
Linden Lab,
Second Life,
Shop and Hop,
signing up,
Announcement: Pink Power Rodeo
All the info and details you need to sign up for the Pink Power Rodeo and this year's Walk-a-thon is available to you on our website plus more info.
We are also sending our information on our Facebook page as well... make sure you check them both out. :) Contact Leala Spire or .Sunshine Gilmore. (sunshine.zhangsun) for more info.
https://slpinkpower.wordpress.com/ and
Leala Spire,
Making Strides,
Relay for Life,
sign-up Second Life,
Sunshine Gilmore,
Thursday, August 27, 2020
Cartoon of the Day
Bixyl Shuftan,
Cartoon of the Day,
Second Life,
"The Shelter" Closing After 16 Years
Some sad news for longtime residents. It was announced that the longtime newcomer hangout "The Shelter" was closing. The place has been up since August 1, 2004. The news was posted in the Second Life forums.
While there was reportedly a group announcement, apparently it's now closed to new entries, so as of now, what the announcement was word by word is unknown. Word has it the location will be preserved by Linden Lab. But it's days as an active newcomer hangout to receive help from any volunteer staff around are over. The last event is a formal dance Sunday August 30 at 7PM.
Xymbers Slade would write about the Shelter in 2011. The place is at Isabel (25/207/59), though due to glitches teleports may occasionally not go through. So one may need to manually teleport to a nearby location and walk over. The main area of the brick building hasn't changed a great deal over the years, with a dance floor in one corner and a sitting area in the other. There are a few places one can pick up a copy of the rules, which are basically to behave oneself, and get a few helpful hints. There are a few free items, notably a car in the corner. At this time, social events had been scheduled every day of the week. Outside the main area is a mall area with a number of small stores.
There are a few tunnels and rampways. One ramp led to the top of the building, which had a memorial garden area for a few residents whom had passed away. One winding tunnel went to an outdoor area with a balloon rezzer four tours. There were a few empty side rooms. Curiously, one place next to the Shelter was a banned parcel.
While there are other newcomer areas and groups, notably Caledon Oxbridge University, The Shelter was perhaps the best known. While the reasons for it's closing can only be speculated on, that it will not be around is a sad event.
"Thank you for 16 years of memories and fun."
Hat Tip: Sandy Loxingly
Bixyl Shuftan
Bixyl Shuftan,
Second Life,
the end,
The Shelter
Announcement" HFOT Bennefit This Sunday
Frets Nirvana and US Military Veterans Group announce 2020’s August benefit for Homes For Our Troops in Second Life!
Frets Nirvana, the premier guitar artist in the virtual world Second Life and the US Military Veterans Group announce the 2020 August benefit in Second Life for the Veterans Support Organization Home For Our Troops.
Frets Nirvana states: “HFOT is a privately funded 501(c) (3) nonprofit organization building specially adapted, mortgage-free homes nationwide for the most severely injured Veterans from Iraq and Afghanistan. Most of these Veterans are multiple amputees, paraplegic, quadriplegic or suffered severe traumatic brain injury (TBI). Since its inception in 2004, over 90 cents of every dollar spent by Homes for Our Troop has gone to directly support Veterans. DURING THAT TIME HFOT HAS BUILT OVER 295 SPECIALLY ADAPTED HOMES NATIONWIDE FOR WOUNDED VETERANS.”
In 2019 the community in Second Life sent $14,000 to Homes For Our Troops, thanks to may kind hearts and great Second Life performers. HFOT built 19 homes for extremely wounded veterans in 2018 and purchased the land to build 21 more.
Home for Our Troops benefit concerts feature premier Second Life talent monthly at Veteran’s Isle. The August concert on August 30, 2020 is scheduled from 4 PM to 9 Pm PM PST. Featured artists will be DJ Waya Snowpaw, Wolfie Monshadow, Nina Setner, Hogan Baily and Savannah Coronet
Sponsored by Frets Nirvana and the U.S. Military Veteran’s Group of Second Life. To learn more about Homes for Our Troops visit https://www.hfotusa.org.
Frets Nirvana,
Homes For Our Troops,
Press Release,
Veterans Isle,
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Hurricane Laura To Hit Gulf Coast, Travel Inland
Residents in Louisiana and much of Texas are bracing for Hurricane Laura. With winds up to 140 miles an hour just outside it's center, it is expected to make landfall tonight near the Texas-Louisiana border.
Major flooding along the coast is expected as the storm surge brings higher than normal tides from Galveston and Freeport Texas to New Orleans and Gulfport Mississippi, and will likely be thirty miles inland from the impact of the center. By Thursday, the storm will be in Arkansas, down to a tropical storm, but still dangerous, and the remnants are expected to travel north then east over the next few days.
Power outages along the storm's path in Texas, Louisiana, and Arkansas are expected to last many days, which will also mean no Internet. To Second Life residents in it's path or even nearby, please be careful
Sources: Accuweather, weather.com
Bixyl Shuftan
Gulf Coast,
power outage,
real life news,
Asadorable Delightful (Asadora Summers) On The Yavascript Pod Cars
With the Yavascript Pod tours in the news recently, naturally I had some questions about the cars. But with Yavanna Llanfair still suffering the lingering effects of a Coronavirus infection, she wasn't available for an interview. But Asadorable Delightful (Asadora Summers), the Pod Riders group moderator, was. Asadorable was willing to answer some questions about the vehicles of which their tours have become part of the Second Life Mainland in the past decade.
Read the interview in Design.
Pod Car Sightseeing
Yours truly saw a number of sights while taking the Yavascript pod car tours. Among them was in the Bay of Space Pigs in the Omidyar sim where the pod boat turned submersible and took a dive.
From my point of view, it was going along a trench in the ocean floor.
Panning around and looking up, it showed that the groves were in fact the hand symbol of Linden Lab. This is why the sim shows up on the map as a hand.
Bixyl Shuftan
Bixyl Shuftan,
Pod Riders,
podcar. tour,
Second Life,
SL Omidyar,
Yava Script Pods,
Announcement: 2021 Relay Season Theme Chosen
We had some great theme options, and I truly feel that any of them would have made for a wonderful Relay season. But, since we can only have one theme at a time, you all voted and the theme earning the most votes is:
A Cure! For A Happy Ending!
I can't wait to see the whimsical adventure that you all create along the track next year as you interpret fairy tales and nursery rhymes.
Stay tuned for info on how you can submit your artwork for theme-logo consideration.
Stingray Raymaker
A Cure For A Happy Ending,
fairy tales,
nursery rhymes,
Relay for Life,
Second Life,
Stingray Raymaker
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Events This Week at the Sunweaver and Montecito Bay Clubs and Furry Fashion Lounge
Here's what's going on at the Sunweaver, the Montecito Bay clubs, and the Furry Fashion Lounge.
Club Cutlass: Best in 'X, Y, and Z,' Horror vs Sci-Fi, Formal Dance
Happy Vixen: End of Summer, Green and Yellow, TBA, Toga, Canines and Canids, Fire and Ice, Hoof-it, Fishnet, TBA
Club Zero Gravity: TBA
Xanadu : Devils Demons and Dragons, Superheroes, Back to School
Montecito Bay: TBA, After Dark
Furry Fashion Lounge: CAYA, Disney, Scales vs Fur, Sea Life, Genderbend, Late Night, Bunnies
Read the schedules in SL Clubbin'.
Monday, August 24, 2020
Mainland Pod Service To Stay Running
Some good news for the Yavascript pod car tours on the mainland. In the pod riders group earlier today, Yavanna Llanfair announced, "I've just had an extremely constructive meeting with Patch, Tommy and Derrick." And would explain more in an attatched notecard.
Dear pod riders,
I am very pleased to report that I've just had an extremely constructive meeting with Patch Linden, Derrick Linden and Tommy Linden. Hopefully I won't get suspended for a pod crash again! (It was clearly a mistake). I have therefore removed the server block on the pods.
It's actually better than just that though. We were able to discuss possible future joint ventures, and how they could help me going forward. So I'm very happy about the outcome of all this.
I'm extremely grateful to you all for your support. It's not been an easy time for me lately for reasons I've talked about before, but your good wishes have made me feel so much better.
I'm still going to be mostly keeping out of SL for the moment, but as the winter nights draw in and I feel better in myself I hope to be working on more pod projects.
Patch would also make an announcement in the forums.
I have returned with an update! 😁 We have just met with Yavanna and I am super excited to say that we will be working more closely together going forward on not only helping to support the pod tours system as it currently exists, but also expanding it in to other areas it does not reach today. I'm sure that as expansions and other fun add-ons unfold, there will be more updates on those as they happen. For the immediate future, the pod tour system should be returning to normal functionality.
Thanks to all for the feedback!
So the pod tours are staying up, and with the blessing of Linden Lab. This is certainly good news to the Pod Rider fans, whom cheered in the group and Discord page when it was announced.
On a follow-up to an earlier article, one of the tours I took earlier that was glitched appears to have been fixed and is in good working order. I also noticed that on the rides I (or rather my alt) got off, the pod would usually soon vanish. Also, the pod stations at Bay City are different than at the other ones I'd seen, with the pods already rezzed and needing a minute to start.
So what's become a popular feature of the mainland is here to stay.
Bixyl Shuftan
Patch Linden,
Second Life,
Yava Script Pods,
Yavanna Llanfair,
Interview with DJ Fritter/Applebloom
Besides her account name of JeanetteDJennet Resident, Applebloom goes by a couple other names. In real life conventions, she adopts the persona "Hakura the Pup." At KVXN Radio, she's known as "DJ Fritter." I recently had an interview with her, and how she got from newcomer in 2011 to virtual race car driver and one of the Internet radio station's noted personalities.
Read the interview in People.
Bixyl Shuftan,
DJ Fritter,
Hakura the Pup,
Second Life,
More On The Mainland Pod Service
On Friday August 21, Yavanna Llanfair, the creator of the Yavascript pod travel system that covered most of the continents of the mainland, announced she would be "suspending all services" due partially to a 24 hour ban by Linden Lab she had traced to a pod glitch and partly due to the lingering effects of a Coronavirus infection. The service had been going since it's start exactly ten years earlier.
It didn't take long for news to spread. Besides the Newser article, it was also mentioned in Modem World. A thread was started in the official Linden forums. Forsaken Roeth would film a video about the closing and the comments of various people in the pod riders, herself having to hold back tears.
The result has been numerous statements of people expressing their sadness, and some people wondering why the lack of a response by Linden Lab to her ticket. On Saturday, Patch Linden would respond.
I am potentially as confused as everyone else. But then again I've been out of town this week and I have some catching up to do. In any case while standing in the house of mouse, this did make it to my attention to look in to. While I'm digging in to find out what happened there are a few things I can assure everyone of:
- We've made no policy changes surrounding automated vehicles on the Mainland.
- We like the Yavapods system
- We use it in Bellisseria as the "engine" for the ferry boats, with Yavanna's permission of course
- We keep having it back to SLB every year
Of her account being suspended for 24 hours and the lack of a response to the ticket she filed:

Ebbe Altberg/Ebbe Linden, the CEO of Linden Lab, would also have a comment. In response to a Tweet by Anne Brightstar, he responded, "No one is stopping them from running."
It should be noted not every single resident is speaking out in favor of the pod car travel system staying. Prokovy Neva would make a detailed post saying it was preferable that the system be closed down, on the grounds all the riderless pods going around were "endless spam," and when going about on roads as half-spheres, they looked like something from "outer space" that didn't fit in with most sims. But most everyone else on the official forums was speaking out in their favor.
Taking a look at the pod stations this weekend, many of the pod rezzers I checked were still up and running well. One would just click on the sign, jump on the pod (or boat at some stations), and click on the vehicle to get going. But this was not the case of every single one. A few at the Durango (154/188/118) station would vanish about a minute after running. Of the two stations at Bay City, they run differently than the others I found with the railcars and boat already there, and not moving until about a minute after the person or persons get on.
So as of Sunday, the pod tour system is still up and running. The problems are some of the routes are glitched, and of course there's the uncertainly of if the system will still be running. But Patch Linden's comments do hint at a solution soon that should put the minds of the pod car fans at ease. Asadora Summers, a moderator for the Pod Riders group, would say on Saturday, "Things are very much way better than they were yesterday morning ... just believe me that all things will go back to what we know." She would also thank fans for the well-wishes they'd sent Yavanna, and invite others to send her notecards so she could email her the messages. Also, there would be a "Second Life Pod Riders Group" set up on Discord where fans could share pictures and stories.
Stay tuned for more details
Addition: Earlier I reported one of the Bay City stations wasn't there and the other didn't work. Another look showed the first was there, the car and boat were just some distance from the LM, and the pods at both do work, they just need some time after the person hops on to get going.
Addition Part Two: I had an alt check a few more routes. While one did glitch soon after starting (probably a sim crossing), most were running fine, including one that glitched earlier.
Bixyl Shuftan
Asadora Summers,
Bixyl Shuftan,
Patch Linden,
shutting down,
Yava Script Pods,
Yavanna Llanfair,
Announcement: This Week at the Seanchai Libraries
THIS WEEK: Salty Tales at the SPLASH! Mer Celebration, time-travel, mythical beasts, Sci-fi and more!
Join us this week for stories, presented LIVE in Second Life, and on Seanchai Library's properties in Kitely.
All events at Holly Kai Estates (215/44/27) , unless otherwise noted.
All stories told in open voice unless otherwise noted. All times SL/PT
* * * * *
*MONDAY, August 24th, at 7pm: Dean Alan Foster's VOYAGE TO THE CITY OF THE DEAD continues with Gyro Muggins.
*TUESDAY, August 25th:
Both events today will be in The Glen : http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Holly%20Kai%20Estates/220/60/2966
~ at Noon: RUSSELL EPONYM, Live in the Glen with music, and poetry in Ceiluradh Glen, live on stream.
~ at 7pm: Frank Stockton's THE GRIFFIN & THE MINOR CANON, presented by Willow Moonfire, live on stream.
*WEDNESDAY, August 26th, at 7pm: TBA.
*THURSDAY, August 27th:
~ at 7pm: DIAMOND JIM & THE DINOSAURS. Shandon presents Rosemary Claire Smith's adventure in time travel with a touch of Sci-fi, live in Voice. (Also in Kitely! Find teleport from the main Seanchai World grid.kitely.com:8002:SEANCHAI)
~ at 9pm: SEANCHAI LATE NIGHT. Finn Zeddmore presents contemporary Sci-Fi-Fantasy from such online sources as Light Speed, Escape Pod, and Clarkesworld magazines ... and more!
And as you may well have heard, we are moving our home library in SL very soon. The new site is under construction and looking great.
Final day at Holly Kai will be September 3rd. First day at our new home will be September 6th.
Don't be left behind! http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Nowhereville/203/43/26
Seanchai Libraries,
Second Life,
Sunday, August 23, 2020
Cartoon of the Day
Cartoon of the Day,
Second Life,
Announcement: DJ Wolfy at The Fallout Shelter in The Deathlands
Live at The Fallout Shelter, in scenic Deathlands, it's Second Life's favourite music maker, DJ Wolfy spinning her radioactive tunes each Sunday 6-8 SLT! Come join us for Rock and Requests, and dance your heart out! The sim only holds 20, so get here early!
"Free wig at the shelter, in case your hair decides to fallout."
http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Paradise%20Kingdom/87/37/22 (follow the road)
DJ Wolfy,
Second Life,
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Announcement: DJ Wolfy at The Fallout Shelter in The Deathlands
Live at The Fallout Shelter, in scenic Deathlands, it's Second Life's favourite music maker, DJ Wolfy spinning her radioactive tunes each Sunday 6-8 SLT! Come join us for Rock and Requests, and dance your heart out! The sim only holds 20, so get here early!
"Free wig at the shelter, in case your hair decides to fallout."
http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Paradise%20Kingdom/87/37/22 (follow the road)
DJ Wolfy,
Second Life,
SL Video: Tour of Brisbee
(Click here if the video fails to play)
From the Tombstome RP in August 17, Miss Kitty gives a tour of the mining town of Brisbee.
Miss Kitty,
Second Life,
SL video,
Wild West
Friday, August 21, 2020
Second Life Mainland Pod Service Closing After Ten Years
The Newser was just tipped off to a sad announcement. After ten years of taking residents around the mainland, the Yavascript pods made by Yavanna Llanfair will be shut down after today. The reasons are a lack of communication with Linden Lab following a 24 hour ban, and her recovery from a Coronavirus infection that has had lingering effects on her body.
Dear pod riders,
Today is the 10th anniversary of the first road pod - "YavaScript Pod V5.0 (MCT)" - MCT standing for Monowai Constant Tour, which I put on the road in the morning of Saturday 21st August 2010. I have set that pod running again; it will run until it is swallowed by some random event (like a sim restart or a crash).
However, I am sorry to report that it is also the last day of the pods as we know them today. I have made the decision to suspend all services as of later today. The reason is as follows:
For the entirety of the running of the pod service, I have said I will only run the service where I considered I had the approval of the Lindens and the community. Whilst there have always been a few who would criticise (sometimes quite vocally), they have been a very small minority. And I have always felt that the Lindens have tacitly approved of them, though they would never say so directly. Certainly a number of moles have expressed their approval, and to them I am very grateful.

It would have been a shame for the pods to have fallen short of their 10th anniversary, and so I have continued the service until today. And for now, I will merely suspend all operations by flicking a switch on my server. This means that the road pods will still rez, but de-rez shortly after (within 5 minutes). Pods will also still be available from the pod stations by clicking on the rezzer. But this is not a sustainable situation, as the vast majority of people come to know about the pods by seeing them pass on the road, so without that, the service is far less likely to be sustainable in the longer term.
I announced back in June that I was stepping back, due to a long Covid-19 recovery. That recovery is still not complete; whilst I have made progress, I still have some issues, mostly neurological. And stress is therefore something I have to avoid at all costs. Therefore I am not willing at present to fight anyone on this. Maybe one day I will. If the Lindens wish to get in contact to ensure me that the pods are welcome again, I will of course re-instate them. But I suspect that is not likely to happen.
I will continue to support pod owners who run their own systems.
Thankyou to each and every pod rider for coming along on the journey with me. It has been exciting and a lot of fun. It isn't necessarily over, but for now autonomous vehicles from the YavaScript stable will no longer be on the SecondLife mainland roads.
Yavanna Llanfair
For those wishing to check out the pods one last time, head to the main station at Durango (154/188/118). You can also join the Pod riders group (link here) for a list of her other stations.
Yavanna would list the following as her reason for coming up with the rides.
Why do I make these tours? Well, I believe that mainland should be enjoyed and appreciated. Yet there is so little on mainland as a whole which attracts people, simply because they don't know about it. Most people don't travel around and look to see what is there; they go from landmark to landmark in their inventory, without taking the time to look around them. But mainland has so much going for it; beautiful areas, historic locations, educational establishments, rail and sea transport, which most people probably don't know exist. Mainland should be alive, it should be a community. We should all care about it, and then maybe we would take more pride in it and in our buildings. The road network is extensive (though not always as complete as it might be). It is there for using, and should be used as a way to help fulfil this need.
Going about, there was a lot to see while taking a ride. It was an effortless way to cover a lot of ground and see how much was on the mainland. It is a service that will be missed.
Remember, after today, the pods will probably no longer work.
Update: As of Sunday, the pod service as a whole is still working.
Hat Tip: Sandie Loxingly
Bixyl Shuftan
good bye,
shutting down,
Yava Script Pods,
Yavanna Llanfair,
A Look At The Peale
Last weekend, The Peale officially opened. It is a virtual representation of the real life Peal Center in Baltimore, the oldest museum in America. With the Pandemic keeping away from the museum in real life, the virtual wing allows it to show exhibitions otherwise not accessible. Among those at the official opening was the Newser's Gemma Cleanslate. So what did she see?
Read Gemma's story in Places.
Gemma Cleanslate,
Lab Gab,
Nancy Proctor,
real life meets Second Life,
RL meets SL,
Second Life,
Philip Rosedale at Lab Gab
About two weeks ago, Philip Rosedale, the founder of Linden Lab, was interviewed by Strawberry Linden on the "Lab Gab" show. Known by the same name inworld, Philip had much to say about Linden Lab and Second Life, as well as his current company High Fidelity. He talked some about what shaped decisions such as what drove him to create Linden Lab, why his particular choice of avatar, his management style at the Lab, the "Rig,' why did he leave Linden Lab and form High Fidelity, and how he thought the Pandemic was driving the public to go virtual like it hadn't before.
Read the details of the interview in People.
Announcement: Summer Beach Party In The CDS Tomorrow
Mark your calendars for some fun-in-the-sun at the LA Beach! This coming Saturday our lovely DJ Qt will spin some summery favourites!
Confederation Of Democratic Simulators,
Second Life,
EOTB: Second Life Destinations- Poetry at The Glinka Gallery
This week's "Second Life Destinations" involves a gallery, and a certain gecko the Newser occasionally runs into at Virtual Ability. The Glinka Gallery is about several different forms of art, "fine art, photography, poetry, music, and dance." Of the poetry party, a video made by Draxtor Despres focuses of poetry, done by "Shyla the Super Gecko" (KriJon Resident).
* * * * *
Shyla’s work is informed by her personal experiences and passions as a person with a disability concerned about social justice issues. She writes to express herself, especially during these times of limited outdoor travel, and hopes to create material that others can relate to.
The Glinka Gallery, run by real world novelist and poet Wolfgang Glinka, comprises four galleries dedicated to fine art, photography, poetry, music, and dance by SL artists. The aesthetic is a fun blend of modern and minimalist with surreal accents that make the space welcoming and engaging.

Second Life has provided an opportunity for virtual recreation as well. You might catch Shyla hanging out with friends, going to concerts, or even on the slopes, as she is an avid snowboarder.
Shyla would like us to know that there are plenty of places for fans and budding poets to try out, adding, “The SL poetry community is vibrant. There are daily opportunities to share work. An ability to be vulnerable in an environment of trust and respect. Sabreman Carter hosts daily open mics. Circes’ New Poet Sanctuary and Hotel Chelsea’s Sunday Spoken Word feature amazing poets in SL.”
For more in-world poetry, Shyla suggests The Blue Angel Poets Dive (SL’s oldest continuously running open mic), and Poet’s Plunder run by Klannex Northmead. Northmead also maintains The Apple, a calendar of SL poetry events.
Draxtor Despres,
Glinka Gallery,
KriJon Resident,
Second Life,
Thursday, August 20, 2020
Cartoon of the Day
Bixyl Shuftan,
Cartoon of the Day,
Club Cutlass,
Second Life,
Announcement: 3rd Annual Rosehaven Regatta!
Come enjoy a fun-filled afternoon along the
waters of
Laudanum in Rosehaven for a proper Regatta!
August 30th, 1-3 pm SLT, at
Dragonlight Plaza,
Realm of Rosehaven, hosted by Chateau Trikassi.
In addition to the rides, games, food, dancing,
there will
once again be the Anything that Floats but is NOT a Boat contest. Prizes will be awarded for
creativity. Rules are
simple…the craft cannot be a boat
of any kind (ship, submarine, row boat, speedboat, canoe, etc)…but
must be a
homemade thing-a-ma-jig that floats… sailing and steering scripts
are allowed
in order to parade on the water.
It wouldn’t be a Regatta without crew racing! Beginning this year, the
Rosehaven Regatta
will feature the Race for the Golden Oars!
Teams from around the Steamlands are invited to
enter. Each 2-person team
will have the chance to
compete for the coveted Golden Oars Trophy.
This trophy will be awarded to the winning team. The trophy
will remain
for display at the winning team’s region for one year. The trophy will move to the
next winner’s
region the following year, and so on.
The trophy will be engraved each year with the winning team
name. This will be much
like the America’s Cup.
Each team is comprised of two people (team must
be from same
region). Should a
community or estate
initially sign up with several teams, heat races will be held
during the week
of August 24th through 28th, to determine
their one team
competing at the Regatta. Scull boats will be available for
practice at
Dragonlight Plaza in Laudanum, Rosehaven, beginning August 21st. Please sign up via Vic
Mornington or Lady
Oriella Charik by no later than Sunday, August 24th. No last-minute teams will be
allowed. It is highly
recommended all teams practice
with the scull boats. The
boats have a
synchronized rowing anim…so you and your teammate need to work
together to
control the boat.
Countess Cassie Eldemar has made the Golden
Oars trophy, and
it’s QUITE impressive! Rora Stytwytch, from RFL ACTS team, is
making each
official team special racing shirts for the rowers. If enough crew teams sign up,
there will be a
special pre-Regatta dinner held at Flock and Feather Tavern in
Rosehaven for the competing teams and their supporters on August
29th. Plan on
some good-natured taunting and
possibly a food fight!
Doctor Holocluck Henly will provide wonderful
music for the
Mark your calendars!
See you all at the Regatta!
Cassie Eldemar,
Holocluck Henly,
Oriella Charik,
Second Life,
Vic Morrington,
Wednesday, August 19, 2020
Klub Sinau on NonProfit Commons
The NonProfit Commons are known to a number in Second Life. The goal of it's people is "to educate, inspire, and work together to assist our fellow avatars," and "welcome all who wish to join us as partners, collaborators, or supporters." Among it's members is Newser writer Marcel Mosswood. In her article today, she writes about Klub Sinau. In real life, it's an organization in Indonesia which helps out parents with home schooling. Marcel built an office in the Aloft Nonprofit Commons sim representing it.
Read Marcel's article in Places.
Chrome is Becoming a Real OS
If you have a PC, and are looking for something lighter you can take on the go, a laptop may be your first thought. If your budget's small, you may be considering an android tablet. But there's another option: a Chromebook. What's a Chromebook? Cyfir (Cyfiremmerich) recently got one after looking into what portable machine to get. So was he statisfied?
Read Cyfir's article in Extra.
operating system,
Press Release: Christmas Expo 2020
The 10th Anniversary SL Christmas Expo Now Accepting Merchants
The 10th Anniversary SL Christmas Expo Now Accepting Merchants
Christmas trees towering over your head while the Lionel
train makes is journey around the base. Brightly wrapped gifts spread under the
lowest boughs, as the aroma of sugar cookies and gingerbread drift in from the
kitchen. Carols playing on the Victrola while the family gathers together to
celebrate the holidays. Christmas Memories of all shapes and
sizes spring to mind each year as the holidays approach.
The 2020 SL Christmas Expo, December 4th
-13th celebrates its 10th anniversary this year. Once
again merchants from across the grid will come together to Give the Gift of Hope to Children
with Cancer.
In support of the American Cancer Society, the Expo and its
partner Linden Lab has set a goal of $25,000 (L$6,250,000) to provide funding
for the fight against childhood cancer.
The 2020 Expo, “Christmas Memories”, will feature a multiple
region collection of more than 150 of Second Life’s premier Merchants, Breedable and One Of A Kind Auctions, Gotchas, Hunts and lots more. As always you will find Christmas Tree lots,
Ice Skating, our annual Snowman Building Contest and appearances by Santa and
Mrs. Claus. The Holly Jolly Café returns bring nearly nonstop entertainment and
the 3rd
Annual Lights of Hope contest will feature the best builders and teams
of Lindens and Moles competing in a holiday home decoration competition to be
judged by YOU.
Our 10 days of Christmas will culminate with our Live Auction, featuring amazing one of
a kind items from Linden Lab and SL’s top creators and the Annual Holidays of Hope Ball.
Since 2011 the SL Christmas Expo has provided Second Life
residents with the premier Holiday Shopping and Entertainment event and
Christmas Memories is sure to do the same.
Believe in the Magic of Christmas… Reserve your shoppes and
sponsorships NOW at SLChristmasExpo.com.
*In-world Inquiries should be directed to: Merchant
Registration Coordinator Emirsyn (Emi Resident)
The American Cancer Society is the world’s
leader in the fight against childhood cancer, attacking cancer from every
angle. All proceeds from the SL Christmas Expo support the Society and its
mission to Save Lives, Celebrate Lives and Lead the Fight for a World Without
If you or a loved one
has questions or needs help with a cancer diagnosis call the American Cancer
Society 800 227-2345 visit cancer.org or the American Cancer Society region in
Second Life.
Christmas Expo,
Press Release,
Relay for Life,
Second Life,
Tuesday, August 18, 2020
Events This Week at the Sunweaver and Montecito Bay Clubs and Furry Fashion Lounge
Here's what's going on at the Sunweaver, the Montecito Bay clubs, and the Furry Fashion Lounge.
Club Cutlass: Best in 'W', Winged Things, Multi-Colored
Happy Vixen: Forest, Games and Anime, TBA, Monsters, Asian, Cats, Dark, Class and *ss, TBA
Club Zero Gravity: TBA
Xanadu : Drunk Party, Under Cover, TBA
Montecito Bay: TBA, After Dark
Furry Fashion Lounge: Beach Blowout, Fantasy, Around The World, Cyberpunk, Rainbow, Horror, Late Night, Canines
Read the schedules in SL Clubbin'.
"Hard Hat" Birthday Party at Arinultra Cay
On Sunday August 16, a party was held at the Arinultra Cay sim. The occasion, the real-life birthday of Nuala Maracas, one of the co-captains of the Relay Rockers team for the Relay for Life of Second Life.
Trader Whiplash-Ballinger, also of the Relay Rockers, DJed the music for the party. Hard hats were passed around, and there were a number of well-wishers from others in the Relay, such as some of the "Roos With a Dream" team whom danced in a line next to the birthday cake display.
The party was held in a pier in the middle of a lake, away from the beach. Trader would say that the sim had been undergoing some renovations, the "Legacy" club, which had been the club for T-1 Radio, being no more. During the terraforming of land a "Relay for Life Relic" was discovered some days ago and sent to the Relay museum.
So what will take the place of the "Legacy?" We'll likely know soon.
Go Relay!
Addition: The new club will also be called "The Legacy." But it will be a brand new building. The "Grand Re-Opening" party will be on Wednesday September 16
Bixyl Shuftan
Arinultra Cay,
Bixyl Shuftan,
hard hat,
Nulala Maracas,
Relay for Life,
Relay Rockers,
Second Life,
T1 Radio,
Trader Whiplash
Monday, August 17, 2020
Scraps: Collages at Montara Bridge Works Gallery
After some time taking care of things in real-life, Newser reporter Klaus Bereznyak is finally back with a story. He had recently been to the Montara Bridge Works Gallery, where there's a new exhibit: Scraps. Done by Veyot, she has been making collage art for several years. So what did Klaus think?
Read Klaus' article in Design.
Klaus Bereznyak,
Montara Bridgeworks,
Second Life,
Announcement: This Week at the Seanchai Libraries
THIS WEEK: Big news! A Big Splash! Friends returning, cycle journeys, and more!
Join us this week for stories, presented LIVE in Second Life, and on Seanchai Library's properties in Kitely.
All events at Holly Kai Estates (215/44/27) , unless otherwise noted.
All stories told in open voice unless otherwise noted. All times SL/PT
* * * * *
*MONDAY, August 17th, at 7pm: Dean Alan Foster's VOYAGE TO THE CITY OF THE DEAD BEGINS with Gyro Muggins.
*TUESDAY, August 18th:
~ at Noon: RUSSELL EPONYM, Live in the Glen with music, and poetry in Ceiluradh Glen, live on stream. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Holly%20Kai%20Estates/220/60/2966
~ at 7pm: A FIRESIDE EVENING WITH BEAR, Bear Silvershade shares " The Immaculate Conception Photography Gallery." and other short tales, live in Voice.
*WEDNESDAY, August 19th, at 7pm: TOUCH HISTORY. It's the season for memorable journeys. Kt shares one of his own involving a motorcycle, history, geology, and highway engineering, live on stream.
*THURSDAY, August 20th, at 7pm: THE WEEKENDER. Shandon continues in Noir vein with Jeffrey Deaver's tale, live in Voice. (Also in Kitely! Find teleport from the main Seanchai World grid.kitely.com:8002:SEANCHAI)
Seanchai Library will be contributing to SPLASH! 2020 which starts on Sunday, August 16th.
And as you may well have heard, we are moving our home library in SL very soon. The new site is under construction and looking great.
Final day at Holly Kai will be September 3rd. First day at our new home will be September 6th.
Don't be left behind! http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Nowhereville/203/43/26
Seanchai Libraries,
Second Life,
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