Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Cartoon of the Day

From Sunweaver Bay

By Bixyl Shuftan

Blue Lagoon

A friend of the Newser recently suggested a place that was worth checking out: Blue Lagoon. Located in the Isle of Blessings sim, the area is owned by Bolera Rau. At ground level, it's a tropical area with a few activities. But there's also some skyboxes with ice skating and a club, and places for a couple to relax a little alone.

Read more in Places.

"Vampiolence" At The Trotsdale Library

The Trotsdale Library is doing weekly readings of a MLP-inspired story, "Vampiolence." The first session was Thursday Sept 24, at 6 PM. This isn't some cute and innocent tale, but one with a darker streak. 

Tonight in the Trotsdale Library, Every Thursday .... 6 PM Tonight Morgan/Illya intends to start streaming "Vampiolence" with an expectation of two chapters per session and going out until the end for Halloween.

Illya's story stream url:

Scribbler (find her on Youtube) is both the author and producer of this MLP Halloween month appropriate tale and part of the voice cast. Morgan Freepony (Illya Leonov) is the narrator.

[17:01] Morgan Freepony (illya.leonov): I began recording this one shortly before I went into hospital for my cancer surgery.

Story start is September 24 at 6 PM PDT/SLT. For those that fall behind check Scribbler's Youtube channel to catch up.

Jousting And Archery At The Renaissance Fair

Quite a lot has been happening at the Renaissance Fair, with plenty of items to buy with the cash going to charity to music events. But with the theme, there were also combat events. There's been a number of jousting matches, including one I observed on Monday September 28. Lances hit home, and riders ended up knocked off their horses.

That particular joust was won by Michael von Shady (MickeyJoe1 Resident). Second was Alsedel Llewellyn. Third was Skysong (sgudeman Resident). Fourth was Kali (KALIvRAHU Resident)

MickeyJoe1 Resident WINS THE TOURNAMENT! with Alsedel Llewellyn placing a very honorable SECOND! sgudeman Resident has taken THIRD! with KALIvRAHU Resident coming in at a respectable FOURTH!

Later that afternoon was an archery tournament. This wasn't just shooting at a still target. When hit, the target would vanish and pop up somewhere else on the back wall.

First place went to Skyler Amira Constatine (SkylerAmira Resident). Second was Bo (cbrochey Resident). Third place went to Ty (Tyger) Eros Amara (torymchenry Resident). Forth was Ariell Fallen (AriellFallen Resident).

Check the event schedule for more jousting and archery, as well as melee combat matches. And keep an eye out for events with the Lindens and moles.

Bixyl Shuftan

Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Events This Week at the Sunweaver and Montecito Bay Clubs and Furry Fashion Lounge

Here's what's going on at the Sunweaver, the Montecito Bay clubs, and the Furry Fashion Lounge.

Club Cutlass: Best in 'E', Fall Fashion, Monochrome

Happy Vixen: Closed Tuesday, Oktoberfest, Chibi Dragons and Spirit Fennecs, Red and Orange, Crazy, Arabian Nights, Fashion Diva, TBA

Club Zero Gravity: TBA
Montecito Bay: TBA, After Dark

Furry Fashion Lounge: Canines, Celtic, Ferals, Griffon Release party, Royalty, Cruxes, Late Night, Rave

Deathlands Fallout Shelter: DJ Wolfy

Read the schedules in SL Clubbin'.

SL Video: Second Life Renaissance Festival

(Click here if the video does not play)

From Lexy Nexen on Sept. 26

Press Release: BURN2 2020: The Multiverse

Opening 5:00pm SLT, Friday, 9th October 2020

Ending Midnight SLT, Sunday, 18th October 2020


Burn2 rose up from the dust in 2007, became a virtual Regional in 2010 and is the oldest of the recognized universes in the Multiverse of Burning Man in Real Life. This year's theme, The Multiverse, presents interesting interpretation opportunities within the framework of the Ten Principles of Burning Man and the builder guidelines. Visit our Frequently Asked Questions page for participant guidelines

It’s not too late to get your own plot!

The plot sale continues! But don’t wait too long — the build period ends on the 5th of October. If you are an artist, a builder or a dusty camper, come, get a plot and create your own universe in Burn2’s Multiverse or a comfy little camp to relax and enjoy the dust, tunes and art everywhere. Where to get your own plot? Visit Plot Sales

Lack of funds? Apply for the Plottery

If you find you are unable to afford a plot, but you want a place to call your home on the playa, you can sign up for the Burn2 Plot Lottery. In keeping with our gifting tradition, we have a limited number of 512 square meter plots with a maximum LI of 156.

Create a Small Art Display or Suggest an Artist to Be Invited

The community is invited to contribute small art to be displayed in areas across the six sims. Just fill out the The Multiverse Art Grants Form to add your bit of creativity to the event!

No Such Thing as Bystanders in The Multiverse

The moment you step onto the dusty playa, you are not a mere spectator, you’re part of the spectacle: Welcome Home!
At our greeter gate we have many free gifts to help gear up for the playa.

SHARE the News and Plan to Come!
We look forward to welcoming Home Burners and the community. Experience Burn2 once again, walk through the gate, and if you are a virgin Burner, ring the bell and get your playa dust angel wings! Follow the Lamplighters on their twice-daily processions; visit the Rangers, view the Man and meditate in the Temple. Wander, explore, climb, interact. Visit three official stages and many performance camps with music to soothe, inspire, excite and incite to dance. You will be surrounded by art, music, fire and welcoming Burners! See the (continuously updated) BURN2 Calendar at for the week’s event schedule.

Monday, September 28, 2020

Linden Lab Launches Second Life Merchandise Store Through Redbubble

Numerous companies sell, or grant licenses, brand-name merchandise of products of theirs. This includes multiplayer games, such as World of Warcraft. But there's been no merchandising of products with the Second Life brand. That is until now. On Friday September 25, Linden Lab announced they had a Second Life merchandise store, through the global online marketplace Redbubble.

We heard your requests, and we are very excited to announce the launch of the Official Second Life Merchandise Store, which will be available through RedBubble. The store offers Second Life and Linden Lab branded clothing and accessories, with a very inclusive range of sizes. Don’t worry, we will have both the classic and new logos, so everybody wins.

As the store grows, we will also be adding various collections of designs, some of which will be limited time seasonal offerings. Our first collection will feature Linden Bear-themed merchandise, and will have new designs trickling in throughout the year. Stay tuned for Halloween!
We are so excited for our diverse spectrum of Residents to be able to show their Second Life pride IRL, as well as thankful for the opportunity to let people know that SL continues to grow, adapt, and evolve. 

Taking a look there were a number of products available, from t-shirts, to backpacks, to bags, to logo pins, masks, and more. What was on the front page wasn't all that was available. The water bottle could be in either the Linden Lab logo, the Second Life logo, or have a picture of one of several Linden bears. 

When ordering, one should keep in mind the shipping charges. Ordering both a mask and a water bottle comes to 32.15. But the shipping charges on them are $8.82, more than a quarter of their value. There's also increased charges for getting the items shipped over faster.
The idea of a Second Life merchandise site isn't new. It had been suggested on the forums a few years ago. The thread was promptly revived on the sight of the blog post. Comments were somewhat mixed. One criticism was the size of the shipping charges. The reviews confused some people, thinking they were for this particular kind of cup and brand instead of the cup regardless of brand. Another observation was the lack of any actual real-life Linden bears. Prokovy Neva commented, "The thing I'm puzzled by are all those 'bear collector' items. Why wouldn't they then have the bears themselves? Imagine if you could get little Linden bears in RL!"

The blog entry asked residents to keep an eye on the online store as there would be new items for Halloween. Will there also soon be Linden-themed teddy bears for real life? Time will tell.

Bixyl Shuftan Now A Gambling Website

It's been over two years since the virtual world of InWorldz, once Second Life's strongest competitor, closed down. The website closed down soon after. It was recently revealed in Virtual Ability group chat that somebody had bought the website, and changed it into something that may be "click at your own risk."

Please be aware, everyone, that if you still have any saved links for InWorldz, that the domain name has been taken over by a Thai gambling and online-betting site.  Be careful as gambling sites are absolutely notorious for hidden malware.  (reposted from another group)

With this in mind, one should express caution to going to any InWolrdz links on websites.

Bixyl Shuftan

A Busy Weekend

Quite a bit happened this weekend. There was the CDS Oktoberfest (above). The Making Strides Renaissance Festival started Friday and continues. Sunday had the monthly Homes For Our Troops benefit concert. And more.

More on these stories later.

Sunday, September 27, 2020

Cartoon of the Day

Taken at the Happy Vixen

By Bixyl Shuftan

SL Video: "Raglan Shire Stabby Stabby 2020"

(Click here if the video does not play)

From Nitwacket on Sept 22, scenes of Raglan Shire's "Stabby Stabby" swordfighting competition for it's Medieval Month.

Saturday, September 26, 2020

"Princess Bride" at The Seanchai Library

Thursday night, was at the Seanchai Library. The reading at 7PM was by special request an excerpt of "The Princess Bride."

TONIGHT: It begins with an Announcement, that turns into a Kidnapping and (if we are very lucky) a series of Trials. Join Caledonia Skytower as she presents the best, best bits of this charming tale of Buttercup, Westley, Inigo and all over the course of two evenings, live on stream.

The reading was entertaining and amusing, as "The Princess Bride" had been, with characters acting over the top, and the way the story was told.

The Seanchai Library has book readings and other events every week. For the schedule, join the group or check the website at

Bixyl Shuftan

SL Video: "AWOLnation's Sail"

(Click here if the video fails to play)

By Nydia Tungsten on September 19, "Yes, we're back making Video's again, this one was a 'quickie' to dust off the 'ol skills and make sure everything still worked. As always I do not do these to get money from youtube, No one is ever paid except a thank you and hope you enjoy., and we ALL hope you our viewer enjoy what we offer."

Friday, September 25, 2020

Some Sunweaver Houses

If your could make your home in however you wanted it, what would it look like? That's a question many here in Second Life ask themselves. Some of us don't bother getting one as avatars don't need a place to sleep or bathe. But others feel a strong desire to have someplace to call their very own. Some of us are satisfied with a small place. Others want something more. Here's how some of my virtual neighbors here in the Sunweaver community choose to make their homes.

See the pictures in Places.

Details on Second Life Mobile App

For those of you waiting for Linden Lab to come up with a Second Life app for mobile devices, there were a few small bits of information made available. First, in the Technology section of the forums, there's a new sub-section: "Mobile." A thread soon started, and Keira Linden made a few comments.

In response to how much longer for an app for the Marketplace:

Marketplace does pose it's own set of challenges.  We have had (and will continue to have) many internal discussions about what features to introduce at what time and Marketplace did rank high on that list.  Right now, we're really focused on the social aspects like chat (both IM and group) and getting those right.

About an hour later:

I've got a little gossip, but not sure how juicy it is.  😆  Android app is in the works!  We went with iOS first because we have more Residents on iOS devices, not because we don't love our Android Resis too!  Release for an Android app is going to be a little delayed after iOS because we still have some backend work to do and (in case you hadn't heard) we are frantically working on this eency little project called UPLIFT.  🤣  But, we're still working on what we can along side iOS.  Once we have a beta version of it that we can open up for you all to bang on, I'll drop an announcement in here so you all can sign up. 

SL blogger Daniel Voyager feels this means sign-ups for a beta version of an SL mobile app will be "very soon." The full version of the app is not expected to be available until sometime in 2021.

Hat Tip: Daniel Voyager

Bixyl Shuftan

Making Strides SL Renaissance Festival Starts Today

The 1st Annual SL Renaissance Festival brings Medieval Realms and Roleplayers together to Crusade against Breast Cancer

Opening Ceremonies - September 25 - 3:00pm SLT

Join  us at The Medieval / Renaissance Fundraising Event to support Making Strides Against Breast Cancer. Shopping and Entertainment, Classes, Jousting, Sword and Archery Tournaments, Parade of Knights, Royal Gala

The Medieval / Renaissance Festival  Sept 25 - Oct 4, 2020

Minstrel's Corner Entertainment:
 Ren Fest VI (8,68,28)

To see the schedule, Click Here.

Image from ACS Second Life Discord

Press Release: HFOT September 2020 Concert, Sunday

Frets Nirvana and US Military Veterans Group announce 2020’s September benefit for Homes For Our Troops in Second Life!

Frets Nirvana, the premier guitar artist in the virtual world of Second Life and the US Military Veterans Group announce the 2020 September benefit in Second Life for the Veterans Support Organization Home For Our Troops.

Frets Nirvana states:  “HFOT is a privately funded 501(c) (3) nonprofit organization building specially adapted, mortgage-free homes nationwide for the most severely injured Veterans from Iraq and Afghanistan. Most of these Veterans are multiple amputees, paraplegic, quadriplegic or suffered severe traumatic brain injury (TBI).  Since its inception in 2004, over 90 cents of every dollar spent by Homes for Our Troop has gone to directly support Veterans. DURING THAT TIME HFOT HAS BUILT OVER 295 SPECIALLY ADAPTED HOMES NATIONWIDE FOR WOUNDED VETERANS.”

In 2019 the community in Second Life sent  $14,000 to Homes For Our Troops, thanks to many kind hearts and great Second Life performers.  HFOT built 19 homes for extremely wounded veterans in 2018 and has now purchased the land to build 21 more.

Home for Our Troops benefit concerts feature premier Second Life talent monthly at Veteran’s Isle.  The September concert on September 27, 2020 is scheduled from 4 PM to 9 Pm PM PST. Featured artists will be DJ Waya Snowpaw, Nina Setner, Miha Shaman, Amforte Clarity nd Hogan Baily

Sponsored by Frets Nirvana and the U.S. Military Veteran’s Group of Second Life.  To learn more about Homes for Our Troops visit

Announcement: This Saturday at The Science Circle - "Ethics Dimensions in Scientific Research"

"Ethics Dimensions in Scientific Research"

Saturday Sept. 26
10 - 11AM SL time

Every last Saturday of the month, Matthew Burr organizes a scientific panel.

Dr. Stephen L. Gasior
Dr. Robert A. Hendrix
Mathew Burr

For more information, Click Here.

Thursday, September 24, 2020

Last University of Western Australia Sim to Close - Final Art Event in November

A sim that's made the news a number of times in the past will soon be closing, and will have one final event.

Longtime readers may remember the University of Western Australia area in Second Life for it's yearly art competitions, which offered prizes that once exceeded a million Linden dollars. But in December 2015, it was announced the competition then would be the final one. In September 2016, it was announced four of the five sims would be closed down. But a month later, it was announced the sims had been given a reprieve (one transferred to someone else). In March 2017, it was announced the reprieve on three of the four sims left was ending. But one of the three would get another break, so two would remain. One last prize money competition would be organized by supporters in March 2019. This would be the last time the Newser would write about the area, it's long term future in doubt. Still, the UWA area would be the scene of some weekly events for a time (UWA blog).

But it seems almost five years after the end of the yearly art competitions, the UWA area has finally run out of chances. It was announced in the UWA 3D Art and Design Challenge group that the last sim, University of Western Australia, would soon close, after Midnight December 31st . So it it's honor, there would be one last event.

One last show... let's make this a good one.
Uni of WA estate is down to one region and it will disappear at the end of the year. (yes REALLY disappear)
Jayjay, Freewee, quadrapop and all the others who have helped put together art and machinima challenges over the years invite you to take part in this event organised by Chuck Clip.

*  *  *  *  *

This is a grand finale, a sad farewell to show our gratitude to UWA and all that they did for us as artists, curators, and residents of SL. Their work brought life and beauty to all of us and made the art world in Second Life a thing to behold.

The theme is "Gratitude"
This art show is open to everyone. The theme is “Gratitude” with a 150 prim limit per artwork, and limited to one entry per artist.

Why The Theme “Gratitude?”
For over a decade, the University of Western Australia has been synonymous in the minds of many residents of Second Life with the arts and the support thereof. Their work was unparalleled on the grid, and made waves in the art world that, even as they prepare to close their sim, resonate through the art world today.

There are so many people whose lives they touched in one way or another. So many artists found inspiration in their 3D Art Challenge themes, and support in the encouragement of the community they created.

I, Chuck Clip, am one of them, and I am honored and humbled to have been granted the chance to organize this event. I’ll attempt to carry their extraordinarily heavy torch, to continue to support the arts in Second Life in their stead.

Let us all come together this one last time to say thank you to the men and women of this great institution, to celebrate their achievements, their impact on our own achievements, and to mourn their departure. 

The deadline for interested artists to enter is November 1. There's a 150 prim limit per exhibit, and "Artwork entered should be able to be interpreted by the casual viewer as being representative of the theme." To enter, head to the UWA landing point at University of WA (76/227/25) or to Sinful Retreat (137/142/52). Both sims have a UWA Art Show Submissions box located there, "To submit entries, select the entry in your inventory (left mouse button) and then press CTRL & drag the entry while holding down that key to the UWA Art Show Submissions box. When the cursor is over the box (red outlines should appear around the receiver box), release your left  mouse button and the item is received. Do this for BOTH your entry and your Artist Notecard." Those who have problems doing so can pass the exhibit and the artist notecard to Chuck Clip.

The event opening is November 11, from 12 Noon to 4pm SLT. Exhibits will be taken down on Dec 31 or just before, before the sim closes.

For more information, check the notecard in the UWA 3D Art and Design Challenge group.

Hat tip: Inara Pey

Bixyl Shuftan

Arcadia Asylum Haunted House in HV Community

The Arcadia Asylum freebie place in HV Community by Prof. Grey (BrianL61 Landar) has been setting up some fun builds across the street. In July, they had a theme park with rides. With October and Halloween not far away, they have a haunted house and graveyard.

The place offers some spooky fun with a creepy fog going over the graves and headstones. There are numerous skeletons around in comical positions. Some playing games, some having to deal with problems. There's also a vehicle on the road, so watch out for the (un)dead driver. The thrills and chills aren't just on the outside. On the inside are a few spooks and other characters for more scary fun.

CDS Oktoberfest Starts Today

    Sept. 24 - Sept. 27

Along with the RL Oktoberfest in Munich*, the CDS celebrates Oktoberfest!  This Oktoberfest Celebration of 2020 marks our 16th year as a community in Second Life!

Noma Falta - live singer/musician
blues to rock and jazz, vocals, bass, guitar
Thursday Sept 24, 2 - 3 pm slt
Colonia Nova (23/107/22)


Pub crawl!  We have a lot of great drinking holes in the CDS. We'll
experience at least 3 of them.  Featuring 'drinking songs' with DJ Qt
Friday, Sept. 25. noon - 2 pm slt

#1 Trattoria SM, is in our fishing village, Stella Marina. For the C.D.S. OKTOBERFEST, they will also serve beer and wurst as well as their delicious Italian fare.

#2 The Tricolour Irish Pub.  Storytelling, Singing, Dancing and carrying on! And of course plenty of Guiness.

#3 The Neufreistaedter Biergarten - Schnitzel and bier, and don't forget the pretzels!


Parade and Party!

Mounted PARADE up the mountain - in national costumes. Dig out your dirndls and lederhosen, or whatever your style is! Everyone welcome. Beautiful bento horse rezzer on site if you don't have your own mount. Parade starts 1 pm slt

Followed by Big-Band with Colt Shostakovich
Dancing and beer drinking, under the Oktoberfest banner.

Saturday Sept. 26. time 2 - 3 pm slt

"Effinjay" - celebrating their 15th anniversary playing music online!

Effinjay is composed of Marc "Jaycatt" lePine and Jeremy "Frogg" Works. Their repertoire consists of mostly original material and a few selected covers, composed of a mix of piano, guitar, vocals, and harmonica. Their eclectic mix has been described as acoustic organic folkjazz. Musical influences range from Mannheim Steamroller, Simon and Garfunkle, The Beatles, Pink Floyd,
Sunday Sept. 27, 1 pm slt


*Sadly, due to the pandemic this year, the RL Oktoberfest is cancelled.  Never mind, we can still have fun in SL.

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Cartoon of the Day

Taken at Studio 86. Sergals, described as a cross between wolves and dragons, are noted for having wedge-shaped heads. This has gotten then the nickname "cheddarheads" or "cheeseheads" as cheese is sold in wedge-shaped pieces at times.

By Bixyl Shuftan

Fire Disaster in Madori Falls Wilderness

Gemma Cleanslate's latest story was about an unexpected adventure. She was hiking around in Madori Falls Wilderness when she smelled smoke. It was a forest fire! The result was getting away from the flames with fellow hikers, avoiding dangerous animals, and more. So how did she escape?

Read the story in Extra.

Deadlands Update

Since we last wrote in detail about the Deathlands, there's been some changes to the post-apocalyptic area. One was the instillation of two oil tanks. "Denis, our favorite BUNKER designer, paid a visit and decided we should have a new set of tanks in Deathlands," Rebel Wolf (HermitBlue Resident) would write in his Flickr page , "It's full of radioactive oil and waste. It will finally get a few empty? or Full? barrels on it , and be put in it's place next to the tracks! Thanks Denis!"

"It's really amazing to watch something being built!" Rebel would tell me the next day, "enis owner of BUNKER made them last night. Free! and I'm (the) first owner!" Of Denis (DenisLeontevv), "He has (a) MP store and  BUNKER sim, down right now but it's amazing." It wasn't the first of his builds in the sim, "The water tower was another of his creations. It's great to see sim owners cooperate, and the help he has given me is priceless."

Rebel would share with me a video of Denis' rusty old Soviet-era bunker, "Our bunker while not as nice is cool. While not part of the original idea, we have zombie - er mutants you can shoot too here. ... I have bought a lot of stuff of him, he has really good post-apoco bunker stuff."

Of the oil tanks, "It's by the old train track that lead to nowhere now. We had a set of tanks there, but Denis made us  a 'nicer' set. Does nicer apply to Deathlands? Probably not, perhaps more old and worn! But its less prim, and looks amazing. The tanks and train cars are full of oil and nuclear waste from the old nuclear reactor."

Of DJ Wolfie's performances, Rebel told me they would be a regular weekly event, "I find its wise to let the survivors have a dance once a week, to relax. We don't want a insurrection or  avrevolt against the Baron."

To head to the Deathlands, head to .

Image Credit: Ays Jun

Bixyl Shuftan

RFL Press Release: Walk-a-Thon Sponsors Wanted!

The walk is set, walkers are warming up, and now its up to you!!!  If you would like to sponsor on of our walkers for this year's STRIDES WALK-A-THON just follow the link below.   Walkers are still being add if you have not signed up to be a walker also, so it's not to late.

Information on both is listed below.  Look forward to seeing you then as we put our best foot forward to fight Breast Cancer.



Lela Spire

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Events This Week at the Sunweaver and Montecito Bay Clubs and Furry Fashion Lounge

Here's what's going on at the Sunweaver, the Montecito Bay clubs, and the Furry Fashion Lounge.

Club Cutlass: Best in 'D', Stripes/Spots, Oktoberfest

Happy Vixen: Forest, Birthday Party

Club Zero Gravity: TBA
Montecito Bay: TBA, After Dark

Furry Fashion Lounge: Monsters, Wings, Cruxes, Purple, Fall/Autumn, Late Night, Video Games

Deathlands Fallout Shelter: DJ Wolfy

Read the schedules in SL Clubbin'.

Press Release: The Lindens Are Coming! To The 2020 SL Renaissance Festival

The Lindens are Coming to the 2020 SL Renaissance Festival! They bring fabulous booty from foreign shores and are challenging the Champions of the Medieval Realms to a Tournament!

The SL Renaissance Festival unites Medieval Role Play Communities to Crusade Against Breast Cancer. The 10 Day event in support of the American Cancer Society Strides Campaigns in Second Life kicks off September 25th and will feature Merchants, Gatchas, Auctions and Entertainment. Spreading over 6 beautiful autumn regions the, Festival fills the countryside with Castles and Shoppes and Fields of Honor.
Spies of the Realm have learned that the Lindens will be taking part in the Festival and will be bringing some very special treasures of immense Value.   Some of the Lindens have been sentenced to be Pilloried for their misbehavior during their journey to the Festival.  They will serve their sentences on Friday October 2 from 1 to 3 pm.

Among the mischievous members are:
•    Patch Linden
•    Derrick Linden
•    Constantine Linden
•    Abnor Mole
•    Madori Linden
•    Whitney Linden

It has also been communicated to the united Realms that the Lindens have dropped the Gauntlet and are challenging all members of the Realms of the Festival to a Joust, The event, to be held on Thursday October 1, noon until 3 pm, will feature:
•    Sir Patch Linden
•    Sir Derek Linden
•    Sir Constantine Linden
•    Sir Guy Linden

They challenge all comers and promise this will be the most unique tournament in the annals of Second Life

Lastly it has been learned that the Lindens are bringing a very special treasure, The One Of A Kind American Cancer Society SWORD OF HOPE and the LINDEN SHEILD, to be auctioned to the Highest Bidder on Sunday October 4th at 10am. The swordsmiths and armorers of Linden Lab have created these unique One Of A Kind arms from the most precious of metallic textures available in the virtual worlds.

With so much to do and see the SL Renaissance Festival is sure to be the biggest virtual event of Autumn, Join us, September 25 through October 4th and help the American Cancer Society vanquish Breast Cancer.
For more information please visit

Making Strides Against Breast Cancer is the largest network of breast cancer events in the nation. Strides unites communities in the fight against this deadly disease and helps to raise money to help the American Cancer Society fund groundbreaking breast cancer research and provide patient services like free rides to chemo, free places to stay near treatment, and a live 24/7 cancer helpline.
If you or a loved one has questions or needs help with a breast cancer diagnosis call the American Cancer Society 800 227-2345 visit or the American Cancer Society region in Second Life.

Monday, September 21, 2020

The Flight 93 Memorial Show, And Other September 11 Events

The events of September 11 2001 were about a generation ago, but the images people saw and the lives lost have not been forgotten. In Second Life, there were memorials to those lost, as well as various events in their honor. The Newser was at a few, notably the light show at the Flight 93 Memorial.

See the pictures in Events.

SL Video: "The Second Life Book Club with Draxtor - A Conversation With Larry Niven"

Some science-fiction fans among Second Life residents may recall when noted author Larry Niven was inworld in 2008. Twelve years later, he was in the virtual world again, appearing at Draxtor Despres' Book Club. The man behind novels such as "Ringworld" and "The Man-Kzin Wars" was in a new account and a new avatar, this one was of a "Motie" from "The Mote in God's Eye." Niven would talk some about his writing. And at one point Philip Rosedale, who was in the audience, was invited on stage.

Yours truly planned to write about this in detail, but was delayed. So for now, here is the video.

Do You Have A Story?

On occasion, Second Life Newser will print an article or picture submitted to us by one of you, the readers.

Have you seen a particularly well-detailed sim? Went to a great event? Found yourself in a hilarious "only in SL" predicament? We're very interested in what you the readers have to say. Send us a story or funny picture, and if we like it, we'll post it as a Reader Submitted. For pictures, jpg format is preferred.

Mail submissions to bixylshuftan(at)

PLEASE include your SL user name and tell us if you wish it to appear with your story.

SL-Newser reserves the right to post in the appropriate section, edit,  and to investigate any names used in submitted stories (please ask permission before using anyones name or picture or use an alias for them).

Announcement: This Week at the Seanchai Libraries

THIS WEEK: Onward we go!  The High Story Season has begun: challenges, adventures, ancient lore, and glimpses of the future.  Join us this for stories, presented LIVE in Second Life, and on Seanchai Library's properties in Kitely.

All stories told in open voice unless otherwise noted. All times SL/PT

*  *  *  *  *

*MONDAY, September 21st, 7pm: Darrell Langart's ANYTHING YOU CAN DO continues with Gyro Muggins.

*TUESDAY, September 22nd:
Both events today are in The Glen:

    ~ at Noon: RUSSELL EPONYM, Live! with music, and poetry in Ceiluradh Glen, live on stream.

    ~ at 7pm: TWO CELTIC TALES Willow Moonfire presents "Teig o'Kane and the Corpse" an "The Witch of Lok Island" live on stream.

**WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY, September 23rd & 24th, 7pm: THE PRINCESS BRIDE by Request with Caledonia, live on stream.

*THURSDAY, September 24th, 9pm:  SEANCHAI LATE NIGHT. Finn Zeddmore presents contemporary Sci-Fi Fantasy from online sources including Escape Pod. Light Speed, and Clarkesworld online "zines."

Sunday, September 20, 2020

Cartoon of the Day: Ironclad Misconceptions

Taken at Sunweaver Space on "Talk Like a Pirate Day" (Sept 19). The USS Monitor when designed and built was highly unusual compared to wooden warships at the time. Besides it being made of iron, it's low profile and rotating turret made it look like a "cheesebox on a raft." While the term was made to poke fun at it, this "pie rat," would see it as complementary.

By Bixyl Shuftan

Saturday, September 19, 2020

Crew Meeting

Last week on Saturday September 12, The Newser had it's monthly crew meeting at it's office in HV Communitty. Cyfir had recently turned in his resignation due to real-life matters, so it was down to me and Gemma Cleanslate. Penny (Deaflegacy) hasn't been writing as much due to health matters, but was able to attend, expressing hopes she'll soon be able to write more.

The Newser has always been open to new talent. So if you like going about Second Life and like to write, feel free to send an application about joining up. Send inquires to .

Bixyl Shuftan

SL Video: "Lady Gaga - Bad Romance"

From Pia Klaar in August 2010

Friday, September 18, 2020

Scenes From The Smash Party

Last Saturday, a special event was held in Second Life. The Titmouse animation studio, noted for shows such as "The Venture Brothers" and "Star Trek: Lower Decks," held it's "Smash Party" here in the virtual world. The studio had been doing them in real life for almost two decades, but recently stopped. So what was their event brought here like?

See the pictures in Events.

RFL Announcement: Memorial Service for Scooter Koala This Sunday

All are invited to join us for a Memorial Service for Scooter Koala on Sunday, Sept 20 at 5pm slt.
Scooter was the captain of the Nightfall Team and will be greatly missed for his contributions and passion for RFL and the American Cancer Society.

Some memorable Nightfall moments in the 2020 season

Church attire requested

SL Video "Medieval Tinys"

(Click here if the video fails to play)

From Michael Lee on Sept. 6, of Medieval Month in Raglan Shire.

Announcement: This Saturday at The Science Circle - "Horse-hunting Crocodiles of Ancient Germany"

"Horse-hunting Crocodiles of Ancient Germany"

Saturday September 19,
10 AM to 11 AM

About 45 million years ago, Germany was part of a warm subtropical set of islands, teeming with life. In this warm, greenhouse environment reptiles were enormously successful, reaching larger body sizes than mammals and pushing into new ecological roles. Explore the fascinating environment known as Geisletal with Dr. Alex Hastings as he presents some of his research from his fellowship at Martin Luther University in Halle, Germany.

To read more, Click Here.

Thursday, September 17, 2020

Nydia Tungsten's Youtube Channel Is Back

In November last year, Nydia Tungsten took down most of the videos in her Youtube channel. Or rather, made them inaccessible to those whom didn't have the links to individual ones. The reason for this was the COPPA controversy in which many Youtube content creators feared bankruptcy over perceived violations.

But over time, there had yet to be a single instance of this happening. So Nydia came to the conclusion there wasn't any trouble. So she made the decision to make her Youtube channel completely accessible once again.

I have decided to open my youtube back up, and I am looking forward to doing more Videos to put on there, you can find them here


The Newser looks forward to when the machinima/music video artist comes up with more.

Bixyl Shuftan

Press Release: Team Diabetes of SL to Return For A Fifth Season




We are pleased to announce the fifth season of Team Diabetes of Second Life! Team Diabetes of Second Life is an official and authorized team of The American Diabetes Association. The mission of Team Diabetes of Second Life is to raise awareness, tolerance, and funds for diabetes in the virtual world of Second Life. According to the World Health Organization (2016): 422 million adults in the world have diabetes and 1.5 million deaths are directly attributed to diabetes each year.

The official Team Diabetes of Second Life’s season will take place from October 2020  to December 2020 , with the following events scheduled to take place:

    5th Annual Scare Me Silly Event – October 16 to 23, 2020

    Art Asylum Event – October 16 to 23, 2020

    5th Annual Red Hunt – November 1 to 15, 2020

    5th Annual Red Party – November 7, 2020

    World Diabetes Party – November 14, 2020

    Red Discount Hud Shopping Event – November 15 to 30, 2020

    5th Annual Winter Showcase & Winter Art Show – December 8 to 15, 2020

In addition to the events mentioned above, individuals, businesses, and organizations are encouraged to hold fundraising events in support of Team Diabetes of Second Life!  The official 2020 fundraising season toolkit will be available to the second life public on October 1, 20202, at the organization’s office in the Nonprofit Commons in Second Life.

About The American Diabetes Association:

The American Diabetes Association’s mission is to prevent and cure diabetes and to improve the lives of all people affected by diabetes. The American Diabetes Association leads the fight against the deadly consequences of diabetes and fights for those affected by diabetes by funding research to prevent, cure, and manage diabetes.

The American Diabetes Association delivers services to hundreds of communities and provides objective and credible information and resources about diabetes.

Free resources are available in English and Spanish at and 1-800-DIABETES (1-800-342-2382).

For More Information:

Team Diabetes of Second Life’s American Diabetes Association Page:

Team Diabetes of Second Life’s Website:

American Diabetes Association Page:

International Diabetes Federation Page:

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Cartoon of the Day

By Bixyl Shuftan

EOTB: Linden Lab Asking For Help Testing Linden Realms in Beta Grid Cloud Servers

In the official blog, Linden Lab was asking for volunteers to test out it's Cloud servers in the Beta Grid. The testing would be done in the Linden Realms game area there.

As you may know, we are in the process of moving Second Life to the cloud! Our first ever cloud simulators, on the beta grid, have been uplifted, and we can use your assistance. Here’s your opportunity to be among the first Residents to test the performance of uplift.
Log in to the beta grid (click here for instructions) and start at the Aditi Portal Park to try out Linden Realms in the cloud. Bring your friends and spend some time engaging in the virtual experience produced and provided by Linden Lab. You may even run into the often unseen technical Lindens working away. Don’t forget to ask them for their Linden bear, and beware of the rock monster!
If you find any issues with Linden Realms on the beta grid, please file a BUG jira at, and make sure to include the time, date, region you were in when you found the issue, and a description of what happened, as well as what you would expect to happen in a similar situation on the Main Grid today.

Linden Lab is in the process of moving data from existing servers to Cloud-based servers.

Source: Linden blog

Making Strides Renaissance Festival Announcement: Lindens in the Pillory

An update on the Linden arrival to the SL Renaissance Festival has been received and henceforth delivered.

Reports have reached the Queen that during their voyage several Lindens misbehaved during a port call.

Punishment has been determined:
By Order Of The Queen:
Miscreants are to be brought to the pillories on October 2.
Sentence is 2 hours  1 - 3pm slt  or until their fines are paid!