5 hours ago
Thursday, April 30, 2015
Pool Deck Dance Party at the Galaxy
With just a few more days left for the SS Galaxy, it's fans are taking the time to enjoy the ship while they can. This picture was taken at the pool deck party on the afternoon of Wednesday Aptil 29. Bron Siding was the DJ for the party.
A number of people were wearing signs made by S.i.d. (sidonie.carlberg), calling on the ship to be saved. Unfortunetly, the ship is still slated for closing.
Second Life,
SS Galaxy
Tales From Podex: Play Ball
The month of April had been going smoothly for the staff at the Podex Exchange. As usual, people were going in to trade various global currencies for Linden dollars. Sometimes they would talk a little about what they would be using the Lindens for. With spring in the air, there was less talk about winter-themed items such as coats and sleds, and more about new yard fixtures such as new trees, shrubs and flowers. The Relay for Life fundraising season was still in full swing and people were buying Lindens to donate to a favorite team, or just to the Relay in general. And this being the season for new life, people were getting Lindens to rent spots in romance areas. In the past couple days, something new had come up. The SS Galaxy ocean liner was slated for closing, and people were heading over to purchase a souvenir while they could.
The tellers were chatting about goings on between customers when someone walked in. He was dressed in a baseball uniform, with a light blue undershirt and dark blue cap. He had with him a catcher's mitt and baseball bat.
"Um, can we help you?" One teller asked.

"Interesting," the teller commented, "Our customers don't bring up real life that often. What are the complications?"
"Well, I'm from Baltimore, and a serious baseball fan. And well, they're holding the game at the stadium, but they're not allowing anybody in! The players are playin' to empty stands!"
"That doesn't make any sense, Sir."
"You're tellin' me. Anyway, while we could still see the game on the tube, it just doesn't seem the same. So I talked my homies into coming here and we could have our own baseball game."
"That's very inventive, Sir. I take it you're here to get the money for the equipment?"
"You got it."

It only took for a few minutes for the paperwork to be done and the transfer of funds made.
"There you are Sir. Enjoy your game."
"Sweet! Thanks a bunch!" It was at this point that there was a ringing noise from the customer's pocket, "Be right back," and he held up a cell phone to his ear. After a few moments, he put it back.
"Something wrong, Sir?"
"That was one of my homies, asking about six or seven short guys n' gals talking about waffles and doing the 'Riverdance.' Looks like I still need to explain a few things about this place."
"Oh I see Sir. I hope there won't be any problems."
"Not yet. When they asked about how to get to the porn areas, I told them they'd have to wait 30 days. I didn't tell them how to age verify themselves yet."
The sports fan chuckled, then the tellers joined him in the laughter. And after a goodbye, he went on his way.
The Podex Exchange is located at the Coda sim at (45, 218, 61), with a website at http://www.podex.info/. Jacek Shuftan is the CEO.
Note: The preceding is a fictional story, written for the dual purpose of advertisement and entertainment.
Bixyl Shuftan
Bixyl Shuftan,
fun article,
Jacek Shuftan,
Podex Exchange,
Second Life,
Press Release: Mental Health Symposium at Virtual Ability This Saturday

"Losing It: On Disability, Diagnosis, and Depression"
Saturday, May 2, 2015
The Sojourner Auditorium, Virtual Ability Island
All times SLT (Pacific Daylight Time)
8:30-9:30am- Dr. Harshita Biswas "Psychological Comorbidities in Specific Learning Disabilities"
10-11am- panel discussion among persons dealing with depression, family members, and healthcare providers
11-11:30am- Interlude I: "Musicians Get Depressed Too" with Arisia Vita
11:30am-12:30pm Amanda9214 and Jenna0212 discuss clinical vs colloquial definitions of the term "depression"
12:30-1pm- Interlude 2: "Musicians Get Depressed Too" with Arisia Vita

2:30-3:30pm- Alice Krueger "How to Read a Research Paper (without getting depressed)"
4-5pm- Tom Stewart, JD will talk about SSDI and the challenges of showing eligibility for a person with an "invisible disability"
Virtual Ability, Virtual Ability (54, 170, 23)
Gentle Heron,
mental health,
Press Release,
Second Life,
Virtual Ability
Wednesday, April 29, 2015
Cartoon of the Day
Taken at the SS Galaxy, Slobrador (Henning Lionheart) giving Sid the sugar glider a ride.
By Bixyl Shuftan
Bixyl Shuftan,
Cartoon of the Day,
Henning Lionheart,
Second Life,
SS Galaxy,
K-SOCCER : Football within Second Life
Second Life isn't really a game. But one can play games in it. This includes traditional sports. Recently Wesley Regenbogen heard about a soccer field (or football as it's called outside the US): K-Soccer. So he went over to take a look. This is also his first article in which he took his new video camera.
Read Wesley's article in Extra.
Second Life,
Wesley Regenbogen
Stingray's Avatar Challenge
Many volunteers for the Relay for Life have done all kinds of stunts to raise funds for the effort, sometimes putting their dignity on the line. For Stingray Raymaker, he offered the person whom put the largest amount of Lindens in the Relay kiosk during Sunday's Relay Rap program the opportunity to give him an avatar makeover. So what happened? Stingray got much, much, more than he bargained for as he had to endure a "purr-fect" mess that was a "cat"astrophe for his pride.
See the segments of the group chatter and pictures of Stingray's look this week in People.
Fantasy Faire,
Relay for Life,
Relay Rap,
Second Life,
Stingray Raymaker,
Pimper Puppets
By Gemma Cleanslate

I also took
time to travel around the ground level where you will find large billboards
taking you to some great machinima that is a retrospective of his work so
dont miss that part . I hope you get a chance to live the whole
experience. Grab a chair here : http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/LEA9/166/90/49
Gemma Cleanslate
Eifachfilm Vacirca,
Gemma Cleanslate,
Honour McMillan,
Pimper Puppets,
Second Life,
Fishing Contest at the SS Galaxy
Tuesday afternoon at 3PM SL time was the last of the weekly fishing contests at the SS Galaxy. With the announcement of it's closing on Sunday, there was quite a large crowd with some noted personalities such as Holocluck Henly, Cuddly Waffle, and SL Newser's own Gemma Cleanslate. Cuddly commented, "I rented a cabin here once many years ago... still on my old avatar so at least 5 years ago... me and my ginger cat lived here for a bit."
The winner of the contest was Sveronica30 Resident. Second place went to Morning Devin, and third went to Frurry Fluno. S.i.d. (sidonie.carlberg) joked "I think Cuddly manipulated my bait."
DBDigital Epsilon, the ship's Director, wouldn't say much more to add to his statement about the ship closing. He did say that the ship would close "unless (Linden Lab) can do something. And I will say it has nothing to do with health issues or financial reasons." What that something was, he wouldn't say.
Second Life Newser is continuing to investigate the matter.
Bixyl Shuftan
Tuesday, April 28, 2015
Queen of the Sagittarian No More
It was such a shock when I opened the notice . The SS Galaxy has been such
a staple in Second Life for so long. The three sim ship was a world in itself. Weddings,
parties, art exhibits and fun made this a wonderful place to visit and and offered so many topics for articles for the SL Newser. The Sagittarian Sea will
truly be empty.
Hats off to the hard working staff for all their years of
entertainment for the residents of SL . I plan on some final visits this week:
One last game of miniature golf, last dance, last walk around the deck, last
visit to the gallaries and perhaps a purchase or two. I hope those who
have been there make a visit this week and those who have not been there .It
brings tears to my eyes.
Galaxy AFT (56,44,22)
Gemma Cleanslate
cruise ship,
Gemma Cleanslate,
Sagittarian Sea,
Second Life,
SS Galaxy
Reader Submitted: Farewell SS Galaxy
By Henning Lionheart
March 24, 2009. On this day, I first came to Second Life. Within a few minutes, I'd met the person who'd be my best friend in this virtual world. Riko Kamachi.

Now, within two months, I've lost my best friend as well as the best home in Second Life. One to cancer, the other to a whole different type of cancer called griefing.
Very few of you knew this before this moment, but I had strong feelings for Riko, feelings that only grew after she passed away.

I may just be a mad wolf with a box. But I am far more than that, too. I am a PROUD mad wolf with a box! Proud to be a part of the Galaxy family. Proud be have walked these halls for years. There will never again be a place as majestic and inviting..

Time heals all wounds, or so they say. This would will never fully heal, for any of us.
As we prepare for the final voyage on board our fair lady, we should all keep our memories of her in our hearts. Think of her with kindness and love. Cherish the moments we've all shared on board..
With the deepest respect
Henning Lionheart, guard wolf
cruise ship,
Henning Lionheart,
Reader Submitted,
Second Life,
SS Galaxy
Veterans Isle Raises Over 65,000 Lindens in Charity Event
On Sunday April 26, Veterans Isle was the scene of their monthly "Homes For Our Troops" live music bennefit. Starting at 5PM SL time, musicians began playing on stage for the audience there.

The event began with DennyMac and Kat Rose singing on stage together. Next at 6PM was James Olmos (AcousticEnergy Nitely). Frets Nirvana, whom helped organize the event, took to the stage himself at 7PM. At 8PM, Seth Regan (Mankind Tracer) took on the last part of the concert. While the benefits usually end shortly after 9PM SL time (Midnight EST), this time it went on to about 9:30PM.

ABOUT HOMES FOR OUR TROOPS - HFOT builds homes as a departure point for Veterans to rebuild their lives, and once again become highly productive members of society. Despite their life-altering injuries, many Veterans have embarked on new careers, completed their college degrees, or started families. Empowered by the freedom a mortgage-free and specially adapted home brings, these Veterans can now focus on their recovery and return to their life’s work of serving others. Many have embraced their roles as motivational speakers, sharing their messages of persevering through tragedy with groups and classrooms around the country; others take to a national platform to promote awareness of veteran suicide, homelessness and PTSD. Their incredible stories are the driving force for the work for HFOT.
To learn more about the Homes For Our Troops visit https://www.hfotusa.org .
Bixyl Shuftan
Frets Nirvana,
Homes For Our Troops,
Mankind Tracer,
Second Life,
Seth Reagan,
Veterans Isle
Monday, April 27, 2015
Weekend in Review
Quite a bit happened this weekend. There was the Anzac Day commemoration on New Fallout. Roma had a festival weekend including the Venus Verticordia and a Egg Bounce game, Relay for Life Jail and Bails, Stingray Raymaker's Avatar Challenge, Gemma Cleanslate named the Relay for Life's latest "Keeper of the Flame" (below), The "Homes For Our Troops," benefit at Veterans Isle, the announcement of the closing of the SS Galaxy (below), the grand opening of the Ponyland sim (seen above) and more.
Yours truly will get to writing about some of these, but it's been a busy weekend, and time for a little rest before real-life work.
Bixyl Shuftan
Jail and Bail,
Relay for Life,
Second Life,
sim opening,
SS Galaxy,
Stingray Raymaker,
Veterans Isle,
SS Galaxy to Close
For fans of the cruise ship experience, or ships in general, one place to stop was the SS Galaxy. This ship is so massive, it takes three sims to hold it: Galaxy Aft, Mid, and Forward. Made to recreate the cruise ship experience, it has wowed visitors for over eight years. Singers have performed on it. Art exhibitions have been held on it. Music videos have been filmed on it. Almost five years ago, it was among the first subjects of the Second Life Newser story.

Dear Supporters and Friends of the SS Galaxy,
The Management and Crew of the SS Galaxy would like to thank each and every one of you for helping make the Galaxy community one of the most thriving, vibrant and welcoming on the Second Life grid.Together with your help, we have been building wonderful memories since February 2007.

For us as the Crew, the privilege has been ours to meet and interact with each of you over these eight years. The memories we have from these experiences, will continue to inspire us and our values, long beyond 2015.

In the many diverse strands of lifestories, God has granted us the blessing of having our respective stories intertwine, at least for a time.
As we prepare to go on beyond April 2015, the Crew wish you that the strength in bonds will continue to sustain each and every one of you, along life’s way.
From all of us here at the SS Galaxy,
A heartfelt thank you.
DBDigital Epsilon
Managing Director
And so, Second Life is about to bid farewell to it's largest and one of it's most popular, if not *the* most popular ship as it will soon set sail for it's final cruise.
Bixyl Shuftan.
Bixyl Shuftan,
cruise ship,
Second Life,
SS Galaxy
Press Release: Gemma Cleanslate "Keeper of the Torch" This Week for the Relay
Today we announce our 7th Keeper. Each week we take the time to honor one Survivor or Caregiver by naming them Keeper of the Torch. The SL Torch of Hope is the torch the represents the fire each Relayer has burning brightly within them. It's the fire of Hope. It's fueled by the desire to rid the world of cancer. The color of purple is the color of all cancers. The purple ribbon is used to honor everyone who has been touched by cancer. For the shape of the torch, we have taken the inspiration of the purple ribbon and inverted it to hold the fire within.
We encourage each of you nominate the caregiver or survivor in SL that you feel demonstrates a spirit of Hope, the Fire of a Fighter, and of someone who encourages others through their actions. The link for you to nominate others will be sent out later today. Please take the time and use it.
Right now it is my pleasure to announce this week's Keeper of the Torch.

She was suffering from cancer last year and still relayed as hard as she could. From being on our team, to helping out at the Christmas Expo, she was always there. She also still found the strength to work for the SL Birthday, write for the SL Newser, and be a part of Burn 2. Cancer did not slow her down and despite not feeling well she kept on. She is a true warrior in my eyes. This year she has returned and is relaying to show her thanks for still being alive and to be a positive influence on others. She is at almost any event that is for relay and she spreads the purple message as far as she can.
She has shown tremendous strength to continue to do the things she does in Second Life, despite undergoing cancer treatments the past year or so. She is always cheerful and a presence that makes you want to continue fighting on.
Fellow Relayers, please join with me in congratulating Gemma Allen (gemma.cleanslate)
this week's Keeper of the Torch.
Sunday, April 26, 2015
Cartoon of the Day
Bixyl Shuftan,
Cartoon of the Day,
Lucky Charms,
Second Life,
Saturday, April 25, 2015
Gaming News: WoW Tokens, Star Wars Galaxies Jedi Hunt Idea, and Antilia No Longer an MMO
While the Newser has reported on events in Second Life, we've heard about some interesting and noteworthy events in the world of gaming. Here's three things that caught our attention, concerning World of Warcraft, the old "Star Wars Galaxies," and Antilia.
Read more in Other Grids and MMOs.
Bixyl Shuftan,
Other Grids and MMOs,
Star Wars,
World of Warcraft,
SL Video: "Krauser Cusack - 'Digital Love' "
(Click here if the video fails to play)
From January 2007 by Krauser Cusack, "My second video here on you tube ^^ its a video of Krauser Cusack, and Felicity Haller, dancing at the SFHQ to 'digital love' the musical wonder by Daft Punk!"
Daft Punk,
Digital Love,
Krauser Cusack,
Second Life,
SL video,
Friday, April 24, 2015
Nydia Tungsten Gets New Monitor From Sunweavers
How deep does a friendship go when it's over a computer? Many people say no matter how well you get along, unless it takes place in real life you can't count on any friend if all of your meeting is done over a computer. While no one argues real life is more important, the friendships here can be very real, to the point that someone in need will get help. Take for instance when Nydia Tungsten announced to her friends in the Sunweaver community that her monitor was on its way out. It didn't take long for her friends to get together and help her out.
Read more in People.
Bixyl Shuftan,
Nydia Tungsten,
Rita Mariner,
Second Life,
The Fantasy Faire is Open
The 2015 Fantasy Faire officially opened yesterday, Thursday April 24. This event which raises funds for the Relay for Life offers residents a chance to buy fantasy-themed items such as outfits and avatars, and some well-designed builds up for view. There are a total of thirteen sims in the event: Fairelands Junction, Odyssey, IchiGo IchiE, Sylvan of Spells, Tangleshimmer Grove, Aurora FF, Poseidons Abyss, Poppetsborough, Spires of Andolys, YoZakura, Wildehaven Marsh, Vallacia, and Ravenshold.
Checking out the SURL I was given, I appeared at the bottom of the waters in the sim. There was a HUD available nearby, which could take me to any of the sims on the Faire grounds.
Or one could take one of the portals that surounded the entry point.
Swimming up, once my viewer processed the sights, there were some beautiful sights to behold.
For more information on the Fantasy Faire, check out the website: https://fantasyfairesl.wordpress.com/.
For the schedule of events, check out the calendar. The happenings include music and dance parties, story readings, discussions, Roleplays, and more. Among the special events is Pratchett Day on April 28.
Email: FantasyFaireSL@gmail.com
Flickr: http://www.flickr.com/groups/fantasyfairesl/
Plurk: http://www.plurk.com/FantasyFaireSL
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FantasyFaireSL
Pinterest: http://www.pinterest.com/fantasyfairesl/
RFL in SL: www.relayforlife.org/secondlife
American Cancer Society,
Fantasy Faire,
Relay for Life,
Second Life,
Press Release: "Life Around Our Active Star" by the University of Hawaii
University of Hawaii, Institute for Astronomy Presents:
"Life Around Our Active Star"
By Dr. Tom Schad
Friday, April 24th at 9:30 PM PDT
Institute for Astronomy - U. Hawaii Astronomy Amphitheater:
Over the centuries, humanity has tuned its existence to Earth's seasons, created by our yearly travel around the Sun. At the dawn of the Machine Age, however, the seasons of the Sun itself proved influential to our progressing world. In this talk, we will explore the cycles of solar activity, and study the impact of these cycles throughout the heliosphere and on our modern society. We will learn of the interplay of new and old methods for the study of solar epochs, and anticipate the great advances of the Senator Daniel K. Inouye Solar Telescope (DKIST) currently being built on Haleakala.
Alliance, Chaminade University (49, 205, 4002)
Institute for Astronomy,
Press Release,
Second Life,
University of Hawaii
Thursday, April 23, 2015
SL12B Theme Announced, Applications Now Being Taken
Yesterday on April 22 after some days of anticipation, important details of the upcoming Second Life Twelfth Birthday celebration, called the SL12B for short, were revealed. For those who don't know, the SLB is Second Life's yearly anniversary celebration. For most of it's history, Linden Lab sponsored the event. Starting with SL9B, the event has been entirely done through volunteers and sponsors paying for the sims.
The theme for this year: "What Dreams May Come."

Unlike our physical world, everything we see in Second Life© was born out of the stuff of dreams. For some, these dreams are what they aspire to, while others seek to recreate that which is unattainable in their lives.
Some may craft elaborate worlds of gleaming gold, while others may descend into the netherworld, portraying realms of flame and darkness. Still others may have dreams of a simpler variety: a nice house, a picket fence, and a perfectly green lawn. All dreams, big and small, are valid and welcome.
We want to see your dreams. what do you imagine for the future, what are your aspirations, or what is your own personal flight of fancy?
Applications for the event are also currently being taken as well, exhibitors, discussion presenters at the auditorium, performers, and volunteers. Applications are scheduled to be taken in until May 13.
The schedule for the event is as follows:
Wednesday, May 13: All applications closed
Saturday, May 25 to Monday, May 27: Exhibitors notified via email
Monday, June 1 to Wednesday June 17 at noon SLT: Sims open to exhibitors for building
Wednesday, June 10: Performers notified via email
Wednesday June 17 at noon SLT to Thursday, June 18: Sims closed for walkthrough
Friday, June 19 to Saturday, June 20: Extra time for adjustments
Saturday, June 20: Press day
Sunday, June 21 at noon SLT: Sims open!
Tuesday, June 23: The Birthday!
Sunday, June 21 to Sunday, June 28: Sims open with performances
Monday, June 29 to Saturday, July 4: Sims open for viewing
Monday, July 6 to Wednesday, July 8: Break down
Thursday, July 9: Sims go offline
Check out the Facebook SL12B page, the SL12B Flickr page, and the SL12B Information page.
Second Life,
What Dreams May Come
Press Release: Sail4Life Launches its Inaugural Triple Crown of Sailing
Sail4Life, the Relay for Life team that represents SecondLIfe’s sailing and water-oriented community, will launch its inaugural Triple of Crown of Sailing on April 25 at the Nantucket Yacht Club (NYC).
“The Triple Crown of Sailing is a series composed of three races,” said Delight, Sail4Life team co-captain. “Each race features a different type of sailing yacht. The series is based on a low point total.” Skippers will have no crew.
During the Triple Crown of Sailing, three clubs will host—Nantucket Yacht Club (NYC), Seychelles Yacht Club (SIYC), and Fishers Island Yacht Club (FIYC). Race #1 is April 25, 2-6 p.m., at NYC (http://maps.secondlife.com/
Parties to raise funds for Sail4Life/Relay for Life follow each race. NYC has scheduled a Guns N’ Roses party.
Registration to race closes April 23 at midnight. To register and for complete details, go to the SL Sailing Forum post at http://forum.slsailing.co/
The winner of the Triple Crown will be announced at the Blake Sea Ball on July 11.
“I want everyone to participate in Sail for Life, even if they don’t sail,” said Delight. “I want people to enjoy the sailing sims. They are such a treasure.”
For more information about the Triple Crown of Sailing, Sail4Life, or its schedule of upcoming events, contact Winnie Sweetwater, Sail4Life team captain or Delight (otherwise known as Dian4ma Shen). A full calendar of upcoming Sail4Life events can be seen at http://teamup.com/
Plum Gut,
Press Release,
Relay for Life,
Sail 4 Life,
Tripple Crown,
Victoria Isle
Wednesday, April 22, 2015
Cartoon of the Day
Taken at Aero Pines Park. For those who don't know, in "The Godfather," a horse's head was left in one guy's bed as a warning.
By Bixyl Shuftan
Aero Pines,
Cartoon of the Day,
Second Life,
The Farshore Airshow and Country Rebels Tribute Concert
Last weekend was the second annual airshow for the Relay for Life at Farshore Field, in the Pacific Waters sim in the Sunweaver Estates. Last year, the event raised thousands of Lindens for the community's Relay team: Team Sunbeamers. To make sure this year would follow up on last year's success, the team got together with another: Team Country Rebels whom were also a tribute band.
Read more in Events.
Reader Submitted: Team Strange Journey's Avatar Challenge
Team Strange Journeys got some recent attention when a few of the members offered to don different avatars from what they usually wear if their team raised certain amounts. Three usually appeared as normal human, one a child, the fourth usually a tiny otter. As the team's Waffle Carnival came to a close, they offered this announcement:
At 200k, Sid and Cuddly promised to go otter.
At 300k, Fairie and Rowena promised to go smurf.
Thanks to you guys, we reached the goal!!!!!
Here is the picture!
And so, the team continues it's "strange" fun.
Go Relay!
Reader Submitted,
Relay for Life,
Second Life,
Strange Journey
Tuesday, April 21, 2015
Events This Week at the Sunweaver Clubs
It's a new week for the Sunweaver Clubs. At the new Club Cutlass it's "Gimmie a D" as they have their "Best in D," then things get spacy as they have "Outer Space," and then things go from cold to red hot with "Fire and Ice." At The Vinyl, the place gets hit with a boarding party as they have their Pirate party, followed by a night of wanderers as they have their Gypsy night.
Read more in Events this Week.
SL Enquirer: An Educational Tour of the US Holocaust Memorial Museum
Last week on April 15 was Holocaust Remembrance Day, seven decades since the mass murder of millions of European civilians by the Nazis. Most of them were Jewish. In Second Life, there is a museum that takes a look at the events of Kristallnacht (Night of the Broken Glass) in November 1938. SL Enquirer reporter Nena Dreadlow recently took a look at the museum and it's exhibits.
Read Nena's article here.
Press Release: Fantasy Faire 2015
* * Fantasy Faire 2015, April 23 – May 3* *
A Benefit for the American Cancer Society
Celebrating its seventh year, Fantasy Faire 2015 is the largest gathering of fantasy designers, enthusiasts, roleplayers and performers in the virtual world. From Thursday, April 23 to Sunday May 3, treat yourself to eleven days of shopping, live music concerts, auctions, hunts, events and roleplaying as thousands of Second Life residents and creators bring their own visions together to support the American Cancer Society’s vision of a world without cancer.
Avatars, clothing, furnishings, gadgets and exclusive items are available from more than 150 of SL’s top Fantasy Creators across ten stunning shopping sims designed by some of the visionary artists behind many of the hottest spots on the SL destination guide.
The Fantasy Faire 2015 is made possible by the generous support of our Sim and Event Sponsors.
Our Sim Sponsors this year are: Cerridwen’s Cauldron, Dandelion Daydreams Factory, Dwarfins, Epic Toy Factory, Fallen Gods Inc., Fuubutsu Dou, Merchants of Dreams, NeoVictoria, Roawenwood, Solarium and The Looking Glass.
Our Event Sponsors this year are: Aview, -AZUL-, Boudoir, Curious Kitties, Dark Unicorns of Lovelace, Death Row Designs, The Forge, Junbug, Lorin’s Sound Effects Shack, L’Uomo, The Muses, ORIONITE, OtherSkin, Plastik, Safe Waters Foundation, Sanctuary RP Community, Spyralle, Stitched., The White Armory.
Fantasy Faire 2015 will be open to the public April 23 – May 3 and accessible from the American Cancer Society sim. We welcome you to come and join the story.
For more information please contact:
Elizabeth Tinsley or Sonya Marmurek in world
or via email @: fantasyfairesl@gmail.com
Are you or a loved one battling cancer? Find out how many ways the American Cancer Society is there to help. Visit cancer.org or call (US) 800-ACS-2345.
Email: FantasyFaireSL@gmail.com
Website: http://fantasyfaireSL.wordpress.com/
Flickr: http://www.flickr.com/groups/fantasyfairesl/
Plurk: http://www.plurk.com/FantasyFaireSL
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FantasyFaireSL
Pinterest: http://www.pinterest.com/fantasyfairesl/
RFL in SL: www.relayforlife.org/secondlife
American Cancer Society SLurl:http://slurl.com/secondlife/American%20Cancer%20Society/127/103/21
American Cancer Society,
Fantasy Faire,
Press Release,
Relay for Life,
Second Life,
Monday, April 20, 2015
Grace Wrigglesworth and the Safe Waters Foundation
Yours truly recently had a chance to interview Grace Wrigglesworth, the head of the Safe Waters Foundation. To those who don't know, Safe Waters is the largest organization of merfolk groups, fans of mermaid, merman, and similar avatars such as sirens and anthro sharks. We talked some about how she came to Second Life and how the Foundation started.
Read more in People.
Bixyl Shuftan,
Blake Sea,
Grace Wrigglesworth,
Safe Waters Foundation,
Second Life,
Union Passage,
50,000 Lindens Raised at Sunbeamer Air Show and Concert
The combined air show and live music tribute concert the Sunbeamers held on Saturday April 18 was a big success with about 50,000 Lindens raised. Half of the amount came from one generous donor. The event put the Relay team on the upper half of Silver-ranked teams, and less than 90K from Gold status.
Stay tuned for a more detailed report on the event.
Press Release: Raglan Shire ArtWalk 2015
May 3 - 31 2015 - Raglan Shire Sim Cluster in Second Life
Residents of Second Life may show their artwork during this time. Reproductions of RL artwork (painting, drawing, digital fine art, printmaking that can be imported and put on a prim) are encouraged, along with SL photography, manipulated photography and sculpture.(Full information - click Deadlines, Info, Requirements link below.)

Deadlines, Info, Requirements: All the info you need (please read and print)
Registering for ArtWalk 2015 implies that you have read and agree to this information.
Visit ArtWalk May 3 - 31, 2015, in Raglan Shire, Second Life.
Questions? Contact inworld:
JIllan McMillan, ArtWalk Asst.
Dagmar Klaar, ArtWalk Asst.
Karmagirl Avro, ArtWalk Director
RAGLAN EVENTS (ARTWALK) 2015 CALENDAR - Look at May for dates
Karmagirl Avro,
Press Release,
Raglan Shire,
Second Life,
Sunday, April 19, 2015
Cartoon of the Day
From "Yuri's Night" last Sunday. Some cartoons show a really unrealistic view of space, people needing a helmet for air and nothing else. This cartoon denizen, isn't taking chances.
By Bixyl Shuftan
Bixyl Shuftan,
Cartoon of the Day,
Second Life,
Saturday, April 18, 2015
Yuri's Night 2015
Last weekend was the anniversary of the first manned mission to space by Russian cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin. Although the event at the time was seen as a propaganda victory for Communism, with the thaw of the Cold War, it's been seen more as a triumph for Mankind in general, and is celebrated by space fans every year. This includes those in Second Life, who got together for a couple parties and a contest with a prize worthy of an aspiring astronaut.
Read more in Events.
Press Release: Dance-Theatre of La Performance Presents "Body and Soul"
We proudly present:
dance show in modern virtual dance

we perform 9 dances
to music by
Aretha Franklin, Adele, Elvis Presley,
Lady Gaga, Tracy Chapman, Nouvelle Vague,
Seal, Tanita Tikaram, Tony Bennet & Amy Winehouse
wish you one hour fun!
Jie Loon & Company
Tai Chi Zen Clubhouse, Tai (228, 125, 3546)
Jie Loon,
La Performance,
Second Life,
SL video,
Tai Chi Zen Clubhouse,
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