Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Club Lion 13 Years Mega-Event

★ 💫 ★ Club Lion Announces the Mega Event of the Century ★ 💫 ★ Together into the Future ★ 💫 ★

Another great year has gone by and it’s hard to believe it’s already our 13 year Club Lion Celebration. The theme for this years Celebration will be "Together into the Future". You will be blown away by this incredible venue with giant whales and aquatic life swimming around you. We spared no expense in bringing you this awesome Mega Event, one like you’ve never seen before so you really don’t want to miss it!!

This year’s party will be the best ever with an amazing line-up of DJ’ers and live performers. Hold onto your seats because this Mega Event will go on for 3 days from 10am SLT to 6pm SLT each day.

We would like to Invite you to our Party. Meet some new Friends and have a Great Fun Time.
We look forward to welcoming you, to make us a place where you will come to enjoy a happy times with us.
BIG Thank to all our DJ’ers & Performers in advance for participating in our celebration.
(For the Best View please check Advanced Light Setting)

LM :

Hosts : VeritasMcMaster - Shrike Rossini - Resmay Bloodstorm - Huanita Wunderlich - Arilein

★ ♪ ☆ ♪ ★ ♪ ☆ ♪ ★ ♪ ☆ ♪ ★ ♪ ☆ ♪ ★ ♪ ☆ ♪ ★ ♪ ☆ ♪ ★ ♪ ☆ ♪ ★ ♪ ☆ ♪ ★ ♪ ☆ ♪ ★

☆ Club Lion Entertainment presents 13 Years Club Lion Mega Event Friday 2 April 2021 ☆

10 am slt Singer/DJ Aragon Ducrot                           
12 pm slt Jack Dryden                                            
1 pm slt Shaye Dezno                                          
2 pm slt Khiron Ametza                                          
3 pm slt Ambrosia Kamala                                       
4 pm slt Clairede Dirval                                          
5 pm slt ElvisAronPresley Lisa  

(For the Best View please check Advanced Light Setting)
We would like to Invite you to our Party. Meet some new Friends and have a Great Fun Time.
We look forward to welcoming you, to make us a place where you will come to enjoy a happy times with us.                

★ ♪ ☆ ♪ ★ ♪ ☆ ♪ ★ ♪ ☆ ♪ ★ ♪ ☆ ♪ ★ ♪ ☆ ♪ ★ ♪ ☆ ♪ ★ ♪ ☆ ♪ ★ ♪ ☆ ♪ ★ ♪ ☆ ♪ ★

☆ Club Lion Entertainment presents 13 Years Club Lion Mega Event Saturday 3 April 2021 ☆

10 am slt DJ Regi Yifu                                            
12 pm slt Mar Biddle                                            
1 pm slt Crew Despres                                          
2 pm slt Maribol Inshan                                          
3 pm slt Hogan Baily                                              
4 pm slt acidicloop Exonar                                  
5 pm slt Zoree Jupiter        

(For the Best View please check Advanced Light Setting)
We would like to Invite you to our Party. Meet some new Friends and have a Great Fun Time.
We look forward to welcoming you, to make us a place where you will come to enjoy a happy times with us.                        

★ ♪ ☆ ♪ ★ ♪ ☆ ♪ ★ ♪ ☆ ♪ ★ ♪ ☆ ♪ ★ ♪ ☆ ♪ ★ ♪ ☆ ♪ ★ ♪ ☆ ♪ ★ ♪ ☆ ♪ ★ ♪ ☆ ♪ ★

☆ Club Lion Entertainment presents 13 Years Club Lion Mega Event Sunday 4 April 2021 ☆

10 am slt Neon Bits (Psiquence)                            
12 pm slt RickPepper                                           
1 pm slt Tim Anadyr                                             
2 pm slt Ricardo Avalira                                        
3 pm slt ian Bleac                                                  
4 pm slt HarperDeLaney                                    
5 pm slt UnBes0Grande                                    

(For the Best View please check Advanced Light Setting)
We would like to Invite you to our Party. Meet some new Friends and have a Great Fun Time.
We look forward to welcoming you, to make us a place where you will come to enjoy a happy times with us.

★ ♪ ☆ ♪ ★ ♪ ☆ ♪ ★ ♪ ☆ ♪ ★ ♪ ☆ ♪ ★ ♪ ☆ ♪ ★ ♪ ☆ ♪ ★ ♪ ☆ ♪ ★ ♪ ☆ ♪ ★ ♪ ☆ ♪ ★*

Scenes From the Texas Furry Fiesta


Last weekend, the Texas Furry Festival took place in Second Life. Moved here and a few other places online due to the Pandemic, it was a way people could still attend the usually real-life convention. The Newser was there, and took a few pictures.

See more in Events.

Chalet Linden Home Sims Open, New Sims Connect Most Mainland Continents


Yesterday on Tuesday March 30, 2021, Patch Linden announced on the official forums that the new Linden Homes, the Chalets, were now open for people to claim. "We are going to start our release of the Chalet Linden Homes today," he stated, "and we’re excited to be getting them out ahead of when we initially anticipated."

The homes come in eight styles, the first four shown at the Winter Expo called Reizend, Edelweiss, Matterhorn, and Alpenrose. The Lab also introduced four more with fewer walls, "so that you can add your own walls to create a customized floor plan. The open plan versions are named Ravensburg, Eikelen, Moritzburg, and Albus." 

The terrain of the sims these houses are on varies from flat to hilly with numbers of trees around and larger rocky hills standing over surrounding areas. There are occasional windmills, which add to the atmosphere of the place. There's also a beer hall intended as a community center at Muehlenbach (160/119/37). Patch says once in a while, there will be a few changes in it's decor. 

As before, some of the sims have amusing names such as Tea Party, Humble Pie, Geppeto, Wild Thing, and others.

There is one big difference between the opening of these particular sims and other openings since the opening of Bellisseria.  These connect the Linden Home continent to the mainland sim to the east, Satori. This now means it's possible to fly or walk between most mainland sims without teleporting. 

Unfortunately because of the map glitchs, we can't really show you the straits in which one can sail through the Chalet lands from Bellisseria to Satori. One will just have to go through to find out for oneself.

Patch Linden would post this video of Magellan sailing through the area, only to run into a pesky problem those living on the mainland are well familiar with. As for what the straits will be called, perhaps the Punky Straits. 

It's an interesting development to close out the month of March.

Source: Second Life Forums

Hat Tip: Daniel Voyager 

Bixyl Shuftan

EOTB: Volunteers Can Now Apply to SL18B


A week after the Lab announced it was accepting applications for exhibitors for the Second Life Eighteenth Birthday event, it's now doing the same for those whom wish to be among the volunteers for the anniversary event of this virtual world. The announcement went up Monday March 29.

We’re looking for volunteers to help people celebrate at the upcoming 18th annual Second Life birthday celebration (SL18B), held June 17th to July 1st, 2021. We are seeking Residents with great people skills and a love and excitement for Second Life to help us make SL18B a huge success! If you like the idea of promoting Second Life in a positive way to thousands of people in a celebratory atmosphere, we welcome you to apply today! The application will remain open through May 28th.

Those wishing to volunteer are asked to fill out a form (click here). Applications will be accepted until May 28, the same date as when exhibitor applications close. Of the Music Fest, the last day to turn in applications for their auditions was Saturday March 26.

Stay tuned for more information about the SL18B.

Source: Linden blog.

Three "Bix Me Foxy" Fundraisers By Team Sunbeamers


The Relay for Life's Team Sunbeamers has three new "Bid Me" fundraiser events. What's interesting is all three have the same theme, "Bid Me Foxy." Team Captain Rita Mariner, whom earlier did a "Bid Me Panda," would post about her event.

Yes, I have put myself up for another round of BID MEs. This time I will go FOX.. I have never had a straight FOX avatar, so this something new for me. Here is your chance to have me stuck in it for a couple weeks.  2500L/week.  Crack open those purses and wallets.

Two other team members were also putting their looks on the line. These were Cynthia Farshore and Shockwave Yareach. All three have the same conditions. For every 2500 Lindens donated into the kiosk on the right, rounded down, the person stays a week as an anthro fox. For instance, 4999 Lindens donated means one week while 5001 Lindens results in two weeks of chicken dinners. That is, unless the default kiosk on the left for those wishing to keep them their normal appearance ends up with a higher total at the end of the event. 

All three of these "Bid Me" fundraisers have their kiosks in the back room of Club Cutlass at Sunweaver Bay (114/117/757), and all three end on Saturday April 10 at 8PM SL time, just as the party that night is finishing up.

The Sunbeamer Date Auction ended on Saturday March 27 with Rita Mariner winning. Mieka May's own "Bid Me Foxy" event ends on April 3 at 8PM SL time. Two other fundraisers, Matt Carlton's "Bid Me Pink" and Nydia Tungsten's "Bid Me Mouse or Bunny" are at the BBB Club at SunWaterThree (75/56/25), and end on Thursday April 8 and Sunday April 11 respectively.

Go Sunbeamers! Go Relay!

Bixyl Shuftan

Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Events This Week at the Sunweaver and Montecito Bay Clubs, The Fallout Shelter, and Furry Fashion Lounge


Here's what's going on at the Sunweaver and Montecito Bay clubs, The Fallout Shelter, and the Furry Fashion Lounge.

Club Cutlass: Best in 'F,' Rave, Easter

Happy Vixen: Wings, Topless, Robots and Battlesuits, Northern Exposure, Fantasy, Cavemen and Cavewomen, Anything But Clothing, Rockers and Ravers

Club Zero Gravity: TBA

Bouncing Bunny Beach Club: Gone Country, Easter

Montecito Bay: CAYA, After Dark

Furry Fashion Lounge:  Ferals, Bunnies, Rainbows, Fursonas, Avatar Release Party, Late Night, Purple

Deathlands Fallout Shelter: DJ Wolfy

Read the schedules in SL Clubbin'.

Gacha Guild Event Almost Over


 The Spring Gacha Guild event is almost over. So if you want to take part in the event's Halftime Event, hop on over. Click just below the NPC Kitteh to get the hunt HUD, and click on him for instructions. 

  To get started with the event, you'll want to click the sign below me to get your HUD. It helps you keep track of your points! After putting that on you're ready to get hunting.
 You'll be looking for these scrap gears. The rustier ones are practically everywhere, but you can't expect the shiny new ones to be found so easily! You must be nearrr them to click them, and somehow magically they'll only give you points once a day.
  But no worries!
 They rrreset at midnight to give more points the next day. There's 15 super rusty cogs (10 points), 10 worn cogs (15 points) and 6 shiny new cogs (25 points) to find.
  Once you have enough points for the things you want, simply click the prrrize boards inside the airship, spend your points, and you'll be sent a wonderful gift for your grueling efforts. After this I would definitely recommend a nice nap. Maybe on a big pile of gold. Yeah, that sounds nice...

So how many points can you get in a day? A couple friends told me over they found over 400 points of gears. And they can be found in all kinds of places to more or less in plain sight to slightly out of the way. They're not just in the area opened for the halftime, but also in the vendor area and the area to explore around it.

The points you get can be exchanged for prizes on a board you'll find in a place opened by the halftime event. 

For some, the hunt is the real fun in the halftime event, and of course there's the exploring around in this steampunk-themed event with a few sky pirate ships. As for napping on a pile of gold, first you'll have to find it.

For hints, Click Here 

Bixyl Shuftan

Announcement: April Fools Welcome Mat


✯⁂ ~  April Fools Welcome Mat ~ ⁂ ✯ New!  Two Prim  / 1 LI welcome mat.  Stomp on it and it has a message for you!! See the photo!!  Everything provided! Picture, location, times & TP links!    

Tuesday, March 30>
*9am -

*5pm -

History of class:
First time ever!

Weds March 31 - Script Class 9am > each class stands alone, but it helps you to be at all/most of them. This week -- food for everyone !! Texture animations!! 

Monday, March 29, 2021

"My Greece, My Cats" by Slatan Dryke


Last week, a new photography exhibit opened in the Kultivate Gallery, "My Greece, My Cats." The various pictures were from Slatan Dryke. The Newser was at the opening party, and had a look at what was there.
Read more in Design.

Weekend At A Glance


Quite a bit happened this weekend in Second Life. The Texas Furry Fiesta took place in Second Life, as well as on a few other places online such as Discord. There were a number of Relay events, such as The Music Fest event by the Relay Team of the same name, a couple rezzday parties, and a fundraiser event by the Steelhead Salmons team (pictured above). Veterans Isle had it's monthly Homes For Our Troops fundraiser concert, and more.
More on some of these happenings later.

Addition: There was also a stampede for a 1L mesh head that took down some sims due to the traffic.

Reader Submitted: SL Video: "A Blake Sea 360 in Second Life (built by LDPW)"


 (Click here if the video fails to play)

 From Erik Mondrain on March 22, "As yet another experiment in virtual cinematography (and as a nice way to relax), here is a leisurely, 360-degree panning shot that I did while floating in Second Life's Blake Sea—with my draw distance cranked up to 600 meters. The EEP Sky preset that I used while filming was [TOR] HORROR - Bloody moon. I also tweaked things a bit in my video editor, mainly in order to reduce color banding and to make the sky feel a little more vibrant, and a little less grim, than the name of that aforementioned preset would suggest. Located in Blake Sea - Hawser: (169/228/21). For more info about the LDPW (Linden Department of Public Works) and about the Blake Sea, check out the description for "escape," the second video in my MFA Thesis series: My fox avatar was designed by Liam Roark of Luskwood ( and is sold by Luskwood Creatures. And it floats thanks to Conrad Aluveaux's indispensable Swimmer HUD Filmed on Linux with the Firestorm Viewer and SimpleScreenRecorder and using a SpaceNavigator 3D Mouse. Edited with Kdenlive."

Sunday, March 28, 2021

Cartoon of the Day: Masked Sharkgirl


Taken at the Texas Furry Festival. When one considers an amphibious sharkgirl, one would think they wouldn't need a filtering mask, Coronavirus or no. But I could think of one other reason.

By Bixyl Shuftan


Announcement: This Week at the Seanchai Libraries


Join us for stories presented LIVE in Second Life, on Seanchai Library's properties in Kitely.

All events at Nowhereville (203/43/26) , unless otherwise noted.

Stories told in open voice unless otherwise noted. All times SL/PT

* * * * *

**MONDAY,March 29th at 7pm: Scott Westerfield's LEVIATHAN concludes with Gyro Muggins.  

**TUESDAY, March 30th:

    ~ at Noon: RUSSELL EPONYM, Live! with music, and poetry in Ceiluradh Glen, live 􀀀

    ~ at 7pm: Neil Gaiman's CORALINE continues with Willow Moonfire.

**WEDNESDAY, March 31st at 7pm: THE GUNS OF AVALON continues with Corwyn Allen

**THURSDAY, April 1st at 7pm: THE ADVENTURES OF LUKE SKYWALKER, continues with Shandon Loring and Caledonia Skytower.


Saturday, March 27, 2021

Newer Avatar, Old Outfit: CNN iReports Clothes


Going through my inventory for the Club Cutlass "Best in C" event, I came across something I picked up almost a decade ago. It was almost ten years ago on Dec 29, 2011 that CNN iReports Island held it's last event, the location shutting down soon after. The place had a welcome package, including a CNN baseball cap and a CNN iReports t-shirt. And it fit well enough on my DSD mouse avie, though there'd have to be slots cut in the cap for the ears. 

For this virtual reporter, it was a bit nostalgic. For others, not so much, feeling the network has seen better days. One felt the initials should have stood for "Crap News Network." Oh well, you can't please everyone.

Bixyl Shuftan

SL Video: "Vice City"


 From Furrex on Nov 2019: "Song: Corey Hart - Sunglasses At Night (Relusion Bootleg)"

Friday, March 26, 2021

Return to The Deathlands


Today, the Newser takes a look at the location of one of our sponsors, "The Deathlands." Run by Rebel Wolf, aka "The Baron," the place is "an isolated post-apocalyptic island community where a handful of hardy survivors desperately cling to what passes for life after the nuclear winter." I dropped by to check out it's shooting area, and ran into Rebel who showed me around. There was plenty to see.

Read the story in Places.

Linden Lab at the VWBPE Conference


At the Virtual Worlds Best Practices for Education conference last week, there were three discussions in which there was at least one member of Linden Lab taking part, one per day of the three day event. At the first one on Thursday, Patch Linden was the sole person from the Lab. Of the three people leading the investment group that bought Linden Lab last year, Randy Waterfield, Brad Oberwager, and Raj Date, Patch stated he mostly worked with Oberwager and was optimistic about his intentions for the virtual world. "He has one mission: to be the best and biggest virtual world there can be. He wants to grow and invest in Second Life. He genuinely loves the product." All three were very interested in making Tilia, the virtual currency exchange service under Linden Lab, "grow and prosper," but as it had a "symbiotic relationship" with Second Life, the virtual world would grow as well. Patch stated Oberwager had the goal of increasing Second Life's userbase, "we want to double the resident population over the next 3-5 years." The team itself wanted to finish work on Amazon Web Services, and there were plans to work on the "onboarding experience for newcomers, "We've learned through the Pandemic. We've listened to users. It's given us stuff to latch on to, to make improvements that will help everyone."

At the Roundtable discussion on Friday, Patch, Brett (Marketing), Grumpity (VP of Product), Madori (Land Operations) were before an audience of residents. Grumpity expressed excitement about the Cloud Server project, "that will allow us to use cloud technology in ways to improve user experience." Brett talked about the Adult Swim event and the NFL Alumni Experience (that took place around the Superbowl). When asked about the possibility of the return of the Teen Grid, which was taken offline on Jan 01 2011, Grumpity stated they had "frequently talked about Teen Grid internally." When asked about the Zoom video communication service, Grumpity stated, "Being in Second Life creates a sense of presence that's not present on Zoom, and also they don't have to turn their camera on here, like in Zoom." When asked about the upcoming Android client, Grumpity answered, "We hear you, we're working on figuring out a solution to that. We're excited about possibilities that will allow us to bring SL to mobile devices."

On Saturday, Grumpity and Brett Lindens were the ones appearing before the audience. Among the subjects discussed were trouble with griefers. They also discussed accessibility for residents whom English was a second language. They also talked about the Community Gateway Program, Grumpity commenting, "Nothing beats someone showing you the ropes." Grumpity stated there were new starter avatars in development by Linden Lab. Of when the Education discount was discontinued in 2010 and not brought back for three years, Grumpity would call it, "dark times ... I won't blame anyone, but it was wrong."

The Linden events and others can be seen in the VWBPE Youtube channel.

Bixyl Shuftan

Announcement: RFL Music Fest


Saturday March 27
10am Opening cermonies with Ibor Esates
12pm Honey & Fraise
2pm Dj Chach
4pm Sunbeamers - DJ Matt

Sunday March 28
10am Seekers of Hope
12pm Pursuit for a Cure
 2pm TBA
 4pm DJ Pixie
 6pm Bigfry Bailey

Announcement: This Saturday at The Science Circle - "Panel: Ministry for the Future"

"Panel: Ministry for the Future"

Saturday March 27

10 AM to 11 AM SL time

The recent state-wide cold snap that left many Texans without electricity and water seems like a good time to consider Kim Stanley Robinson’s book The Ministry for the Future. 

This book is disaster novel wrapped loosely around a series of essays, stories, metaphors, reports and commentaries about economics, politics and social inequality. The story line follows two characters: Frank, the sole survivor of a lethal heat wave, and Mary, the director of the Ministry for the Future, an agency established by the U.N. Their relationship is complicated by an incident that results in Frank’s arrest. The book is not an easy read, dealing as it does with a serious effort to alter human behavior enough to ward off the dire consequences of ignoring our own contributions to climate change. Robinson recognizes both the difficulty of making such changes and the necessity to do so and argues convincingly for some possible solutions.

By Mathew Burr

For more information, Click Here

Thursday, March 25, 2021

Announcement: Anime Event at Panda Jenn's Pad


On Saturday March 27, Panda Jenn's Pad will be having an anime-themed event. The event is from 6 to 8 PM SL time. Drop by dressed as your favorite anime character.

"Bid Me Purple" Results and "Bid Me Mouse or Bunny"

By Bixyl Shuftan

At over 337,000 Lindens at the time this article was written, the Relay's Team Sunbeamers is now eighth among the teams. Besides the weekly Moon Dance which it hosts and other "Bring Your Own Kiosk" events it attends, it's doing some "Bid Me" fundraisers. On Saturday March 20, LiskaBystrouska's "Bid Me Purple" concluded. The event brought in 12,050 Lindens, and she was committed to being a violet vixen for a month.

"Bid Me Purple" Results: Liska Goes Purple

And the results are in for LiskaBystrouska's "Bid Me Purple" event.

Normal Foxy Self: 50L

Bid Liska Purple: 12000L

Liska goes purple for four weeks.

Thanks again Lisk for your "grape" contribution for the team.

But in addition to the date auction, the "Bid Me Foxy," and "Bid Me Pink" events, club owner and estate manager Nydia Tungsten has stepped in to put her looks on the line as well. She has a "Bid Me" of her own, "Bid Me Mouse or Bunny"

Team Sunbeamers has a new Bid Me event. The talented Nydia Tungsten is putting her looks on the line with "Bid Me Mouse or Bunny. This event has three kiosks. You can donate to make her a mouse, a bunny, or keep her as her normal foxy self. At the end of the event, the kiosk with the highest total wins out. If the mouse or bunny kiosk comes out ahead, she has to spend a week for each 2000 Lindens donated, rounded down. The event is at the BBBC and goes on until Sunday April 11.

Unlike the previous "Bid Me" events, this one has three kiosks. As usual, the one on the left is the default one where those wanting to keep Nydia as is can donate. But those desiring the white vixen have a new look for a while have a choice. For those with the intend of making her a mouse like her partner Brandi Streusel, there's a "Bid Me Mouse" kiosk in the center. For those wishing her appear in a bunny form, to the right is a "Bid Me Bunny" one. For each 2000 Linden dollars donated into the winning kiosk, rounded down, Nydia spends a week as the assigned look. That is, unless the default kiosk comes out ahead.

As with DJ Matt's "Bid Me Pink," the kiosks for this fundraiser are at the Bouncing Bunny Beach Club in SunwaterThree. The event goies on to Sunday April 11, and the totals will be made final at 9PM SL time with the results announced soon after.

So will Nydia end up squeaking on by, or will she be doing the bunny hop at the dance clubs? The donators will be the judge.

The date auction, featuring DJ Snowbuns, is almost over. Those wishing to make a bid to date the cute bunnygirl have until Saturday March 27, with the results made final just before 8PM SL time.

Among the Relay teams, Camping For a Cure is first, with over two million Lindens raised and the only Diamond level team. Second and third are the Cure Chasers and The River of Life teams, with over half a million raised each and are Ruby level. Eleven more teams, including the Sunbeamers, are Platinum ranked with over a quarter million raised.

Go Sunbeaers! Go Relay!

Bixyl Shuftan

Announcement: Homes For Our Troops Benefit at Veterans Isle, Sunday March 29


Frets Nirvana and US Military Veterans Group announce 2021’s March benefit for Homes For Our Troops in Second Life for March 28, 2021!  

Frets Nirvana, longtime supporter and contact for Homes For Our Troops in Second Life in conjunction with the US Military Veterans Group, announces the 2021 February benefit for the Veterans Support Organization Home For Our Troops at Veteran’s Isle .  

Frets Nirvana states:  “HFOT is a privately funded 501(c) (3) nonprofit organization building specially adapted, mortgage-free homes nationwide for the most severely injured Veterans from Iraq and Afghanistan. Most of these Veterans are multiple amputees, paraplegic, quadriplegic or suffered severe traumatic brain injury (TBI).  Since its inception in 2004, over 90 cents of every dollar spent by Homes for Our Troop has gone to directly support Veterans. DURING THAT TIME HFOT HAS BUILT 313 SPECIALLY ADAPTED HOMES NATIONWIDE FOR EXTREMELY INJURED VETERANS.”

In 2020 the community in Second Life sent  $15,750 to Homes For Our Troops, thanks to many kind hearts and great Second Life performers. THIS PUT SECOND LIFE’S DONATIONS EFFORTS IN THE TOP TEN OF HOME FOR OUR TROOPS DONORS IN 2020!  

 23 Veterans and their families received the keys to their forever homes in 2021 and the donations received in Second Life were part of that effort.  Currently HFOT has 62 projects underway for extremely wounded veterans.

Home for Our Troops benefit concerts feature premier Second Life talent monthly at Veteran’s Isle.  The March 28 concert for 2021 is scheduled from 4 PM to 9 Pm PM PST.  Featured artists will be DJ Waya Snowpaw, Toxie Darkmatter, Dudecansing, Gibson and Wolfie Starfire.

Sponsored by Frets Nirvana and the U.S. Military Veteran’s Group of Second Life.  To learn more about Homes for Our Troops visit https://www.hfotusa.or

To learn more about Homes for Our Troops visit

Sponsored by Frets Nirvana and the U.S. Military Veteran’s Group of Second Life.

Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Cartoon of the Day: Pink Flamingo


Taken at the Happy Vixen. So what would an anthro pink flamingo do for employment?  I could think of one possibility.

By Bixyl Shuftan

Texas Furry Fiesta Going Virtual


Last year in 2020 with the Coronovirus Pandemic in full swing, numerous conventions were canceled. One, Gen Con, would go virtual that year with much of the event taking place in Second Life. Today, while there are vaccines increasingly available, the Pandemic is still with us and conventions that would normally take place this time of year are having to make decisions. Some are canceling or postponing the decision on whether or not to have one this year. But one, the "Texas Furry Fiesta," is doing what Gen Con did last year and take the event virtual, including partially here in Second Life. 

It is with a heavy heart that I must announce that Furry Fiesta will not be having a physical event in 2021. ... This was not an easy decision. We considered the options, seeing if there were ways we could structure our event to improve safety. Vaccines are on the horizon, but the logistics of their distribution are daunting and CDC projections indicate that none will be widely available until after our event. Ultimately ...  we must accept the reality that an in-person event at this time would risk the health and safety of our community.

However, this will not be the end of Furry Fiesta for I am happy to announce that we are planning a virtual event! Details are still being determined and more information will be forthcoming in the upcoming weeks. We know how important TFF is to our community, so we are striving to ensure that we can provide the best possible virtual event.

The event will be taking place on four places online (link). This includes here in Second Life. The Fiesta has a place in the Crimson sim on the mainland in two sections. The ground level section is a beach area with the sounds of waves lapping at the shore, with a pier and campfire. There's also a freebie store where one can pick up some dated but still useful furry avatars free of charge. By clicking on a crystal, one will be teleported to the upper area. This is an urban setting in a city park area with a couple games to play. There's also a building with a dance floor on the upper level.

It should be noted the sim is ranked moderate, and people attending are asked to abide by the rules, including keeping things PG-13 or cleaner. Residents are asked to keep drama and other issues outside. 

Besides Second Life, the event will also be taking place on VR Chat, Minecraft, and Discord.

The event officially runs from Friday March 26 to Sunday March 28. For a schedule of the event, Click Here.

Bixyl Shuftan

RFL Announcement: Invitation to the Bid Me Bald Team Challenge


The Relay Rockers invite all teams to join us in a Bid Me Bald Multi Team Challenge Event.

From April 9 through April 17th the Relay Rockers will place Kiosks on the Boardwalk in Arinultra Cay for each participating team. At the close of the ‘Bidding’ at 4:30pm April 17th the Kiosks will be totaled and the Challenge Winners will Shave the Head of the lowest total team.

~Totals of All Kiosks will determine the Days : 1 Day Bald for All team members for each L$10,000

~Only the official Kiosk, placed by the Relay Rockers will be used to determine winners and Total days bald.

*This is NOT a Relay Rockers Fund Raiser* We are helping all participating teams to fundraise and have fun.

~Official Kiosks will be configured for each individual team and count toward their team totals.

~Team Kiosks that fail to raise at least L$1000 will be removed before the final accounting, and will not be considered for Haircuts

Bid Me Bald is the signature fundraising event of the Relay Rockers and Celebrates survivors. Those who hear the words ‘You have cancer’ have little choice when it comes to hair loss. We can choose and we do so in solidarity with our honored survivors.

The event will be administered by the Relay Rockers. Registration opens March 13th and closes on March 31st. (see form below). Kiosks for each participating team be placed by the Rockers on the Boardwalk at Arinultra Cay. Bidding opens at 5pm On Friday April 9th. Teams will be provided with signage, ‘fill-in-the-blanks’ Invitations and landmarks after registering.

For more Information please contact Bid Me Bald Challenge administrator Female Winslet.

The Rockers look forward to seeing all of our fellow Relayers join this fun event and help the American Cancer Society Save Lives, Celebrate Lives and Lead The Fight For a World Without Cancer.


Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Events This Week at the Sunweaver and Montecito Bay Clubs, The Fallout Shelter, and Furry Fashion Lounge


Here's what's going on at the Sunweaver and Montecito Bay clubs, The Fallout Shelter, and the Furry Fashion Lounge.

Club Cutlass: Best in 'E,' Black and Red, Beach Party

Happy Vixen: Winter and Spring, Canines Lupines and Vulpines, Dragons and Foxes, Fire, Best in Green, TBA, Rumble in the Jungle

Club Zero Gravity: TBA

Bouncing Bunny Beach Club: Fluffy, A Midsummer Night's Dream, Black and White

Montecito Bay: CAYA, After Dark

Furry Fashion Lounge:  Sexy, Wings, Hybrids, Monochrome, Creepy vs Cute, Late Night, Video Games

Deathlands Fallout Shelter: DJ Wolfy

Read the schedules in SL Clubbin'.

2021 VWBPE Thinkerer Award Goes to Wisdomseeker (Lissena Resident)


A number of things happened at the Virtual Worlds Best Practices in Education conference, including a few discussions by the Lindens (more about them later). And near the end they gave out their Thinkerer Award. This was at the closing ceremony in which a number of people were thanked (including the Newser). The winner of the award was Wisdomseeker (Lissena Resident). 

Read the story in People.

Underwater Area Maps


In Safe Waters Foundation chat, Celtic Infinity posted a link to a map showing some mainland, but also plenty of water sims, "The artist collective [ MD ] has been working on a comprehensive map for the Explorers among us. ... We hope it will raise awareness of how immense the undersea area is, and inspire to swim further and find new muses."

One can find a link to it on Flickr here:

There is also a second one, "Sea of Fables," here:


Second Life Destinations - The Far Away


This charming and old-timey region was originally created as “The Wheatfield” by painter/photographer/coder Jeffrey Berg, who goes by AM Radio in Second Life. Shortly after, in an interview with Bettina Tizzy, AM explained that “I wanted to challenge people's idea of place. We have so many preconceptions of space. What is a sidewalk, what is a house, what is a trail, what is a cave? We've evolved our sense of space and place. What better place than SL to challenge it?”

His challenge was accepted; the soothing, yet thought-provoking atmosphere of The Wheatfield has been cherished by many Residents over the years. In fact, AM Radio and some other well-known SL artists were even mentioned in New York Times Magazine in 2009. Over the years, AM Radio has built 14 regions in SL, and many Residents have been inspired by his style. Strawberry Linden expressed her appreciation for his work in a blog post a few years before joining Linden Lab.

The region is now called “The Far Away,” and is hosted by the couple Ziki Questi and Kinnaird Fiachra on the region Dreamworld North, which is part of the Dreamworld estate owned by Count Burks. Ziki says she was drawn to it because, “to me, The Far Away is a seminal work of virtual art. Evocative and timeless, it laid the groundwork for other striking and more expansive works by AM Radio such as The Quiet and Surface, all of which now survive only in images and memory. Kinn and I are delighted to preserve and maintain The Far Away for the enjoyment of the SL community.”

Kinnaird recalls being brought here by a friend on her first day in SL: “I was not a gamer, and the whole concept of being inworld was a bit disorienting, but I remember my friend leaving me at The Far Away when he had to go AFK, saying, "you'll be safe here.””

The Far Away is a living virtual relic that has a peaceful ambiguity capable of meaning something different to every visitor. What will it mean to you? Visit today to find out. With hidden poses and interactive elements scattered throughout, who knows what your journey might lead to. North/198/152/22/

Video from Draxtor Despres

From the Second Life Blog

Monday, March 22, 2021

EOTB: SL18B Now Open For Exhibitors to Apply


On Friday, Linden Lab announced the theme for the Second Life 18th Birthday, the official anniversary event of this virtual world, "Hidden Worlds." It would also announced they were now accepting applications by exhibitors for the event

This June, Second Life will be turning 18! The 18th annual Second Life birthday celebration (SL18B) will be held from June 17th to July 1st. Get ready for fun-filled weeks of live music, performances, shopping, and amazing community exhibits!

This year’s theme for SL18B is Hidden Worlds, but don’t think that limits you! Just like last year, your exhibit does not need to stay in theme. If you are inspired by the thought of the hidden worlds around you, show us! Or, share your Second Life passions with us. Your interests. Your communities. Your worlds! Every year we celebrate because of you, the amazing and creative Residents, who have chosen to call Second Life home. What has drawn you into this world and what keeps you here? This year at the eighteenth annual Second Life Birthday, show us what fuels your Second Life and inspires you. Let's go exploring!

For those wanting to take part as exhibitors, they need to fill out a form (link here). Near the top, it states there's been some changes since last year, so read through them. Among the rules are that the exhibits shouldn't be commercial, should have a general rating, can't have any "bots," and more. Exhibitors may ask for two co-builders to be allowed to build at the plot. Exhibit plots need to be claimed by June 1, and all builds finished for inspection by June 9.

The deadline to apply is May 28. The Lab has reminded that applying is no guarantee of being accepted. There are not yet applications for volunteers or performers, though people wishing to apply for those are asked to keep an eye out "over the next few months." There was also a reminder for the call for musicians for Music Fest.

To read the blog post in full: Click Here.

Bixyl Shuftan

Grand Theft Auto Online Player Gets $10,000 For Fixing Long Loading Time


Grand Theft Auto Online, like the previous games in the series, has proven a popular game since it's release in 2013. But there was a problem. The game has a long loading time. One 2020 Reddit poll of 271 players had almost half taking three to six minutes and some were needing over fifteen. Finally, one player calling himself T0ast decided to look into the problem. He found the cause was badly optimized code and bottlenecking from the came loading from just one CPU. After some fixes, he found he loading time was reduced by almost 70 percent. He uploaded the fixed code, though pointed out it was more of a "proof of concept" than a solution, and called on the game's producers at Rockstar to fix the code, "the problems shouldn’t take more than a day for a single dev to solve."

Word soon spread about T0ast's fix, and eventually Rockstar took a look, and concluded, "After a thorough investigation, we can confirm that player t0st did, in fact, reveal an aspect of the game code related to load times for the PC version of GTA Online that could be improved. As a result of these investigations, we have made some changes that will be implemented in a forthcoming title update."

T0ast would state he was awarded $10,000 USD from Rockstar, sayng amounts of this size were usually given out for helping with security and privacy issues, but were making an exception with him, "Thanks to R* for taking the time to look into this and the generous bounty!"

Source: PC Gamer 

Hat Tip: Spooked Dreamscape, Khyra Ares

Bixyl Shuftan

A Busy Weekend


Quite a bit happened this weekend. The theme to the upcoming SL18B was announced on Friday March 19: "Hidden Worlds." The Virtual Worlds Best Practices in Education conference took place from Thursday March 18 to Saturday March 20. Several Lindens were at a few of the events there, and had a few things to discuss, though would make no great revelations. The Relay for Life Home and Garden Expo came to a close, with the final music events on Saturday March 20 and the last official day on Sunday March 21. Also on Sunday March 21, the Seanchai Libraries celebrated it's 13th anniversary. The Windlight Art Gallery featured a new exhibit by Slatan Dryke, having an opening party on Sunday.

More on some of these events later.

Sunday, March 21, 2021

Cartoon of the Day: Goofy-Looking


Taken at the VWBPE

By Bixyl Shuftan

RFL Events: "Time Traveller's Ball" Today and "Singing For A Cure" on Monday


 **ACTS'  Time Traveller's Ball Sunday March 21st from 10:00 - 12::00p
 The Time Traveller’s Ball is the extravaganza that kicks off Team Aether Chrononauts Tiny Steps’ season. Come enjoy your travel through time led by Team ACTS. Music by DJ Otenth Paderborn,  The venue is built by Cassie Eldemar and decor by Wildstar Beaumont. This is an great and fun tradition of the steamlands. Get in your tardis and come now - hurry - the timeship is in Australia.

"Singing For A Cure"

Monday March 22, 12-5 PM SL time

12 Winter, 1 Aaron Cabott Jones, 2 Ichie Kamachi, 3 Savannah, 4 Holy Giles

Tuesday March 23, 12-6 PM SL time

12 BC Kendall Jigsaw, 1 Shad Obscure, 2 Willow Sleydon-Eternium, 3 Stephanniyah Sinatra, 4 TJ Joubert, 5 Erik Kottzen

 At the American Cancer Society sim  (126/126/24)